12.07.2015 Aufrufe

Forschung an der GSaME - Status und Ergebnisse 2012

Forschung an der GSaME - Status und Ergebnisse 2012

Forschung an der GSaME - Status und Ergebnisse 2012

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In this work, concepts were developed for the pl<strong>an</strong>ning of the robot trajectory for thermalspraying processes, which by controlling the parameters defined by the process kinematics<strong>an</strong>d the related phenomena, like the heat tr<strong>an</strong>sfer to the substrate, lead to a better control ofthe coating properties. Two approaches of off-line programming were consi<strong>der</strong>ed to give solutionto the problem exposed above. A model to minimize the temperature gradients withinthe substrate was developed consi<strong>der</strong>ing the coating of pl<strong>an</strong>ar substrates. The heat tr<strong>an</strong>sferto the substrate during spraying was modelled <strong>an</strong>d used for the optimisation of the spray pathin or<strong>der</strong> to produce low temperature gradients in the composite, which led to reduced residualstresses in the coating. Furthermore, trajectory generation for coating of complex shapedcomponents was regarded as well. For that case, <strong>an</strong> increase in the degrees of free-dom ofthe h<strong>an</strong>dling system was carried out by implementing <strong>an</strong> external rotational axis, whichpositions the substrate during the deposition process <strong>an</strong>d allows maintaining const<strong>an</strong>tkinematic parameters in or<strong>der</strong> to obtain homogeneous coatings. Numerical simulation of theheat tr<strong>an</strong>sfer process during deposition was coupled to the robot programming tools <strong>an</strong>d themodels were validated with experimental work.5. Preise <strong>und</strong> AuszeichnungenFolgende Promovierende wurden <strong>2012</strong> ausgezeichnet:Sechs Nominierte gingen in die Endr<strong>und</strong>e <strong>der</strong> Auslobung des „H<strong>an</strong>s-Jürgen WarneckeInnovationspreises“ ein. Die Bewerbung „ECO Touch – Tr<strong>an</strong>sparente Elektroden aufKohlenstoff-Basis“ erhielt den 1. Preis (Thomas Ackerm<strong>an</strong>n – Doktor<strong>an</strong>d <strong>der</strong> <strong>GSaME</strong>,Sahakalk<strong>an</strong> – Fraunhofer-IPA <strong>und</strong> Kolaric – Fraunhofer-IPA).Benno Stamp hat gemeinsam mit einem Forscherteam <strong>der</strong> Daimler AG eine neuartigeRecyclingpapierwabenstruktur entwickelt, die durch ein innovatives Fertigungsverfahrenkostengünstige Leichtbauteile für das Automobil ermöglicht. Für diese Arbeit erhielt das Teamden MATERIALICA Award in <strong>der</strong> Kategorie "Best of CO2 Effizienz".Abb. 17: Preis-Verleihung <strong>an</strong> B. Stamp <strong>und</strong> das Forscherteam103

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