12.07.2015 Aufrufe

Forschung an der GSaME - Status und Ergebnisse 2012

Forschung an der GSaME - Status und Ergebnisse 2012

Forschung an der GSaME - Status und Ergebnisse 2012

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eteiligten Akteure aus den Unternehmen integriert wurden, trug dies zu einem besserenVerständnis von kultureller Diversität bei <strong>und</strong> leistete damit einen wertvollen Beitrag zurSensibilisierung <strong>der</strong> Akteure bezüglich kultureller Unterschiede. Durch die Anwendung desM<strong>an</strong>agementmodells konnte gezeigt werden, dass das M<strong>an</strong>agementmodell geeignet ist, diefrühen Phasen <strong>der</strong> Produktentwicklung im multikulturellen Kontext zu unterstützen. Dieentwickelten H<strong>an</strong>dlungsempfehlungen in den unterschiedlichen Perspektiven desM<strong>an</strong>agementmodells können hierfür einen wertvollen Beitrag leisten.Cluster G – Intelligente ProduktionseinrichtungenThemaG4: Integration von Sensorik <strong>und</strong> Modellierungs<strong>an</strong>sätzen für diethermokinetische BeschichtungDoktor<strong>an</strong>din:Thesis Committee:Projektbeginn: 01.04.2008Dipl.-Ing. Miriam Floristán-ZubietaProf. Dr. Dr. h. c. Rainer Gadow (IFKB)Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Klemm (ISW)Dissertationsthema:Off-line generation of robot trajectories for Thermal Spray processes with respect to heat <strong>an</strong>dmass tr<strong>an</strong>sferZusammenfassung:Thermal spraying processes are characterised by intense heat <strong>an</strong>d mass tr<strong>an</strong>sfer to the substrate.The thermal history of the coating <strong>an</strong>d workpiece in terms of temperature gradients, butalso absolute temperature values, strongly influence the development of residual stress-es inthe composite <strong>an</strong>d its reliability <strong>an</strong>d in-service lifetime. The properties of the resulting coatingcomposite do not depend therefore only on the intrinsic properties of coating <strong>an</strong>d substratematerials, but also on the applied process parameters. Among these, the process kinematics,which define the relative movement between the spray torch <strong>an</strong>d the substrate duringdeposition, are of high relev<strong>an</strong>ce. The spray dist<strong>an</strong>ce, velocity, <strong>an</strong>gle, <strong>an</strong>d spray pathdetermine to a great extent the thermal history on the composite as well as the residual stressdistribution, <strong>an</strong>d they influence coating microstructural features such as void content,roughness or dimensional accuracy. A precise control of the process kinematics is thus requiredfor the production of high quality coatings which fulfil functional <strong>an</strong>d dimensional requirements.Industrial robots are normally used in thermal spraying to guide the spray torch during processing.Although on-line robot programming approaches have been often used in thermalspraying, the increasing dem<strong>an</strong>d of coatings applied on substrates with complex geometrieshas led to the necessity of applying off-line programming tools for robot trajectory pl<strong>an</strong>ning,which support <strong>an</strong> accurate definition of the process kinematics. An appropriate robot trajectoryshould lead to the production of a const<strong>an</strong>t coating thickness with homogeneous microstructureover the substrate surface, but also to <strong>an</strong> adequate thermal guid<strong>an</strong>ce in or<strong>der</strong> to avoidstrong temperature gradients <strong>an</strong>d the development of critical residual stresses.102

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