Mobile Station - Trix

Mobile Station - Trix Mobile Station - Trix

12.07.2015 Aufrufe

TroubleshootingThe Mobile Station Cannot BeOperatedWhen the Mobile Station is first turned on, but itcannot be operated, then the cable connectionsbetween the Mobile Station and the track connectorbox should be checked.Nothing more can be added tothe locomotive list.The locomotive list can take up to 40 locomotivesor powered rail cars. When you try to enter the41st locomotive or powered rail car, the MobileStation will show „LIST FULL“ on its screen. Atleast one locomotive or powered rail car mustfirst bet deleted from the list in order to take thislocomotive or powered rail car into the list.another (locomotive with 14 speed levels runwith 28 speed levels),and/or• the locomotive will accelerate when the headlights/ marker lights are turned on (locomotivewith 28 speed levels run with 14 speed levels).This behavior can be corrected only by settingthe same speed level counts in the locomotivedecoder and in the Mobile Station.UpdateIf the menu cannot be called up on a Mobile Stationdue to damaged software, this Mobile Stationcan still be updated: The Mobile Station with thedamaged software must be unplugged. Immediatelyafter the data transfer on the Mobile Stationthat is sending has started, the Mobile Stationthat is receiving must be plugged back in again.The additional update procedure will run analogto the regular update procedure.The Locomotive Cannot BeOperated with a Longer DCCAddressIf a locomotive with the long address cannot beaddressed, then Bit 5 in CV 29 should be checked.In order to be able to run a locomotive withthe long DCC address, the address must first beset in CV 17 and 18 (see DCC LG-ADR). In addition,Bit 5 must be set in CV 29, since otherwisethis address will be ignored.Controlling Headlights /Marker Lights in DCCOperationIf a locomotive in DCC operation is run with adifferent speed level count (14 or 28) than what itis programmed for,• the headlights / marker lights will come on or gooff when you change from one speed level to22

AppendixThe Programming TrackSince you must always be sure that a locomotiveis alone on the track when doing programmingwork, we recommend the use of a programmingtrack. The programming track is a section of trackthat can be integrated into the layout, but thatmay have no electrical contact with the rest of thelayout. No "special track sections" such as contacttracks or railroad crossing gates may havecontact with the programming track. In order toguarantee this separation, you must be sure whenrunning trains, that no cars are in the area of theseparation point between the programming trackand the rest of the layout during a programmingprocedure.A Long Address in DCCOperationOperation with DCC offer the possibility of assigningaddresses up to 9999. To do this you mustfirst turn on Bit 5 in CV 29. This means that CV1 will no longer be read or evaluated. The longaddress is then entered with CV 17 and 18. Theseentries must first be computed:• Decide on the address, example: 1111.• Look for the respective address area in thetable and get the value there for CV 17, in thiscase 196.• Pull the first address from the desired addressin the respective address area (1111 - 1024 =87) and enter this result as CV 18.Address 1111, CV 17 = 196, CV 18 = 87Long (expanded) Locomotive Address in DCCAddress AreaAddress Areafrom to CV17 from to CV170 255 192 5120 5375 212256 511 193 5376 5631 213512 767 194 5632 5887 214768 1023 195 5888 6143 2151024 1279 196 6144 6399 2161280 1535 197 6400 6655 2171536 1791 198 6656 6911 2181792 2047 199 6912 7167 2192048 2303 200 7168 7423 2202304 2559 201 7424 7679 2212560 2815 202 7680 7935 2222816 3071 203 7936 8191 2233072 3327 204 8192 8447 2243328 3583 205 8448 8703 2253584 3839 206 8704 8959 2263840 4095 207 8960 9215 2274096 4351 208 9216 9471 2284352 4607 209 9472 9727 2294608 4863 210 9728 9983 2304864 5119 211 9984 9999 231Values for a Long DCC AddressParameters in Selectrix 1Displaying and/or entering parameters underSelectrix 1 is done as follows:76-543corresponding to:Adress (L) 76 (00 - 99)Stopping distance (S) – (– =)Maximum speed (V) 5 (0 - 7)Delay (A) 4 (1 - 7)Puls width (I) 3 (1 - 4)The Most Important CV'sThe overview given in the table for the most accessibleCV's gives a rough orientation. Since theaccessible CV's depend on the decoder, the valuein individual situation may vary from this table.23

AppendixThe Programming TrackSince you must always be sure that a locomotiveis alone on the track when doing programmingwork, we recommend the use of a programmingtrack. The programming track is a section of trackthat can be integrated into the layout, but thatmay have no electrical contact with the rest of thelayout. No "special track sections" such as contacttracks or railroad crossing gates may havecontact with the programming track. In order toguarantee this separation, you must be sure whenrunning trains, that no cars are in the area of theseparation point between the programming trackand the rest of the layout during a programmingprocedure.A Long Address in DCCOperationOperation with DCC offer the possibility of assigningaddresses up to 9999. To do this you mustfirst turn on Bit 5 in CV 29. This means that CV1 will no longer be read or evaluated. The longaddress is then entered with CV 17 and 18. Theseentries must first be computed:• Decide on the address, example: 1111.• Look for the respective address area in thetable and get the value there for CV 17, in thiscase 196.• Pull the first address from the desired addressin the respective address area (1111 - 1024 =87) and enter this result as CV 18.Address 1111, CV 17 = 196, CV 18 = 87Long (expanded) Locomotive Address in DCCAddress AreaAddress Areafrom to CV17 from to CV170 255 192 5120 5375 212256 511 193 5376 5631 213512 767 194 5632 5887 214768 1023 195 5888 6143 2151024 1279 196 6144 6399 2161280 1535 197 6400 6655 2171536 1791 198 6656 6911 2181792 2047 199 6912 7167 2192048 2303 200 7168 7423 2202304 2559 201 7424 7679 2212560 2815 202 7680 7935 2222816 3071 203 7936 8191 2233072 3327 204 8192 8447 2243328 3583 205 8448 8703 2253584 3839 206 8704 8959 2263840 4095 207 8960 9215 2274096 4351 208 9216 9471 2284352 4607 209 9472 9727 2294608 4863 210 9728 9983 2304864 5119 211 9984 9999 231Values for a Long DCC AddressParameters in Selectrix 1Displaying and/or entering parameters underSelectrix 1 is done as follows:76-543corresponding to:Adress (L) 76 (00 - 99)Stopping distance (S) – (– =)Maximum speed (V) 5 (0 - 7)Delay (A) 4 (1 - 7)Puls width (I) 3 (1 - 4)The Most Important CV'sThe overview given in the table for the most accessibleCV's gives a rough orientation. Since theaccessible CV's depend on the decoder, the valuein individual situation may vary from this table.23

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