12.07.2015 Aufrufe

Mobile Station - Trix

Mobile Station - Trix

Mobile Station - Trix

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version. After that the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>Station</strong> switches tothe locomotive list. The last locomotive used willbe displayed. For starter sets this is the locomotivethat comes with the set. The locomotive canbe taken into the operating menu by pressingonce on the control knob, or another locomotivecan be selected.The STOP ButtonThe STOP Button stops all locomotives andpowered rail cars immediately and bypasses anybraking delay set on them. There is no power inthe track. Pressing the STOP Button again willstart all locomotives and powered rail cars againin the last operating state (speed, direction, functionson, etc.) set on them.The Operating MenuLocomotive operations take place in the operatingmenu. Moreover, this menu is divided into themain menu and the locomotive list. The locomotivecurrently called up is shown in the display.The desired speed for the locomotive can beset by turning the control knob. Pressing on thecontrol knob will reverse the direction of travel;the speed at which the locomotive was previouslybeing run is not transferred to the new directionof travel. The locomotive remains stopped, andwith DCC any braking delay set on locomotives isbypassed.The DisplayIf the locomotive has a name assigned to it, thisname is displayed.On all other locomotives the protocol, theaddress, and then the speed level, preceded by„F“, is displayed.The headlights / marker lights can be turned onand off with the headlights / marker lights button.When operating locomotives with special functions,these functions can be turned on and offwith the function buttons F1 through F8.Pressing once on the OK button switches the<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>Station</strong> to the locomotive list. This is indicatedby the menu symbol in the display.Pressing once on the ESC button switches the<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>Station</strong> to the main menu. Here you canselect the desired submenu by turning the controlknob. Pressing once on the control knob will callup the submenu shown in the display. Pressingonce on the ESC button will take you out of thesubmenu.18The Locomotive ListThe locomotive list is divided up into several areasto make selecting a locomotive to be controlledmore manageable. When the locomotive list hasbeen called up, the different areas are offered; anarea can be selected by turning the control knoband can be called up by pressing once on thecontrol knob. The following areas are offered:• SX1 LOCSelection area for Selectrix1 locomotives andpowered rail cars with the addresses 00 to 99• SX2-1 LOCSelection area for Selectrix2 locomotives andpowered rail cars with the addresses 00 to9999• SX2-2 LOCSelection area for Selectrix2 locomotives andpowered rail cars with the addresses 00 to9999; when changes are made in the speed,each „click“ on the control knob correspondsto a change of 2 speed levels.• SX2-4 LOCSelection area for Selectrix2 locomotives andpowered rail cars with the addresses 00 to9999; when changes are made in the speed,each „click“ on the control knob correspondsto a change of 4 speed levels.• DCC-S 14FSelection area for DCC locomotives and poweredrail cars with a short address (01 - 127)and 14 speed levels• DCC-S 28FSelection area for DCC locomotives and poweredrail cars with a short address (01 - 127)and 28 speed levels• DCC-S 126FSelection area for DCC locomotives and poweredrail cars with a short address (01 - 127)and 126 speed levels• DCC-L 28FSelection area for DCC locomotives andpowered rail cars with a long address (0001- 9999) and 28 speed levels• DCC-L 126FSelection area for DCC locomotives andpowered rail cars with a long address (0001- 9999) and 126 speed levels• NAMESSelection area for locomotives and poweredrail cars that have names assigned to them.The locomotives and powered rail cars fromthe starter sets are also listed here.

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