27.11.2012 Aufrufe

Saudi-Arabien Wirtschaftshandbuch Saudi Arabia Business ... - Ghorfa

Saudi-Arabien Wirtschaftshandbuch Saudi Arabia Business ... - Ghorfa

Saudi-Arabien Wirtschaftshandbuch Saudi Arabia Business ... - Ghorfa


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isky business dealings<br />

Risky business dealings (arab: gharar) are prohibited.<br />

This refers to business in which one element is unknown<br />

or remains unclear and subjects the parties to the contract<br />

to an uncalculated risk and/or deception. Classic<br />

cases are ambiguities about prices or the product, e.g. the<br />

purchased object or the trade-off. A practical example<br />

e.g. is the sale of unripe dates, because one does not know<br />

whether or not they will actually ripen (also quoted in<br />

Schacht, Chapter 20 No. 4, Page 147). Other areas include<br />

betting or the insurance field as it is not possible to predict<br />

the time and type of return service one will receive when<br />

the contract is concluded. This leads to deceit of one of the<br />

contractual parties and must therefore be seen as illegal.<br />

However just because a business dealing is seen as gharar<br />

does not necessarily make it null and void. Depending on<br />

the type of uncertainty, a business dealing can be categorised<br />

as low-risk (gharar yasir), medium-risk (gharar mutawassit)<br />

or high-risk (gharar fahish). Only serious cases<br />

are considered null and void, as no legal business dealing<br />

is completely free of risk.<br />

High-risk business dealings include any type of gambling<br />

and the insurance sector, if this is not based on the principle<br />

of reciprocity. This is why there was no insurance law<br />

in <strong>Saudi</strong> <strong>Arabia</strong> for such a long time. The general feeling<br />

is that insurances are possible if no-one is able to generate<br />

capital for their own self-interest. The joint assumption<br />

of risks is tolerated, which means that so-called cooperative<br />

insurances are permitted in which any surpluses flow<br />

back to the members of the cooperative. The only licensed<br />

insurance company in the country was the NCCI,<br />

the National Company for Cooperative Insurance, that<br />

was founded in 1986 as a public limited company by<br />

royal decree. Then in 2003 the Cooperative Insurance<br />

Companies Control Law, Royal Decree No. M/32 dated<br />

2/6/1424 H (31.7.2003) and the implementation regulations<br />

(Ministerial Decree No. 1/596 dated 1/3/1414 H<br />

(20.04.2004) were enacted. According to this, applicants<br />

can be granted authorisation as a public limited company<br />

under <strong>Saudi</strong> law by virtue of a royal decree. The precondition<br />

for insurance companies is, in addition to their<br />

suitability, the possession of registered capital of 100 millions<br />

SAR; in the case of reinsurers, a registered capital of<br />

200 millions SR is required.<br />

Assignment (hawala)<br />

The assignment of receivables does not constitute a commercial<br />

transaction in the eyes of the <strong>Saudi</strong> courts. This<br />

may mean that a claimant in an underlying transaction<br />

with a trade law character cannot put forward a case to<br />

the Chamber of Trade Dealings of the Board of Grievances<br />

because of the assigned law and instead must put his<br />

case through the general civil courts.<br />

The legal validity of the practice of assignment as such<br />

is disputable. The various Islamic legal schools make different<br />

demands on its applicability. These are very high<br />

in the case of the dominant Hanbalitic legal school that<br />

presides in <strong>Saudi</strong> <strong>Arabia</strong>. In particular, no disputed rights<br />

may be assigned. This in turn has to do with the previously<br />

discussed principle of the gharar business which<br />

states that risky business dealings are not effective. The<br />

sale of disputed receivables and the resulting assignment<br />

are risky in this case and therefore not effective. In practice,<br />

a claimant from assigned laws will arrange for authorisation<br />

to be issued by the person assigning the right<br />

allowing him active legitimation.<br />

bill and cheque law<br />

rechTliche rAhMenBeDinGunGen – – underlyInG leGAl condItIonS<br />

Sub-areas of the trade laws are regulated in separate<br />

regulations as in the case of the bill and cheque law that<br />

is regulated by the Commercial Papers Law, Royal Decree<br />

No. M/37 dated 11/10/1383 H (24.02.1964). The<br />

<strong>Saudi</strong> law is based on the Geneva Convention relating<br />

to the uniform bill laws from 7th June 1930 and the<br />

agreement about cheque laws from 9th March 1931 and<br />

is therefore very similar to the corresponding German<br />

statutory regulations.<br />

Before opening court proceedings, protest proceedings<br />

need to be opened with the respectively responsible Chambers<br />

of Industry and Commerce in <strong>Saudi</strong> <strong>Arabia</strong>. The responsibility<br />

lies with the respective legal department of<br />

the Chambers of Industry and Commerce. The protest<br />

offices located here must try to solve the dispute out of<br />

court. If this is not successful, the path to the commercial<br />

papers courts is opened. These are not the standard courts<br />

but commissions of the Office for the Settlement of Commercial<br />

Paper Disputes, which were established by ministerial<br />

order in 1388 H (1969) in the towns of Jeddah,<br />

Riyadh and Dammam.<br />

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––<br />

inVeSTiTiOnSrechT<br />

Zur Gründung von Gesellschaften und Niederlassungen<br />

in <strong>Saudi</strong>-<strong>Arabien</strong> ist eine Lizenzierung durch<br />

die saudi-arabische Investitionsbehörde erforderlich.<br />


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