27.11.2012 Aufrufe

Saudi-Arabien Wirtschaftshandbuch Saudi Arabia Business ... - Ghorfa

Saudi-Arabien Wirtschaftshandbuch Saudi Arabia Business ... - Ghorfa

Saudi-Arabien Wirtschaftshandbuch Saudi Arabia Business ... - Ghorfa


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58<br />

Das luftverkehrsnetz umfasst 27 Flughäfen, darunter<br />

die drei internationalen Flughäfen in Riad, Jeddah und<br />

Dammam. Alle diese Flughäfen werden von der Civil<br />

Aviation Corporation betrieben. Das Aufkommen der<br />

von den Flughäfen abgefertigten Passagiere hat 35,5<br />

Millionen in 2006 erreicht.<br />

Die internationalen Flughäfen werden von der nationalen<br />

Fluggesellschaft SAUDIA und 44 ausländischen<br />

Luftfahrtunternehmen angeflogen. Etwa 79% des Passagieraufkommens<br />

und 93% der Fracht entfallen auf<br />

die internationalen Flughäfen. Gegenwärtig wird der<br />

Flughafen in Jeddah modernisiert, um die Kapazität der<br />

abzufertigenden Passagiere auf 21 Millionen im Jahr<br />

zu erhöhen. Der Flughafen Jeddah ist bereits heute mit<br />

einem Anteil von 49% des Passagieraufkommens der<br />

größte Flughafen in <strong>Saudi</strong>-<strong>Arabien</strong>.<br />

Die nationale Fluggesellschaft SAUDIA fliegt alle 27<br />

Flughäfen des Landes an und unterhält Verbindungen<br />

zu 70 internationalen Destinationen (2006). In 2006 beförderte<br />

SAUDIA 17,8 Mio. Passagiere, von denen 11,4<br />

Mio. Passagiere (64%) auf den inländischen Verkehr<br />

entfielen. Außerdem transportierte das Luftfahrtunternehmen<br />

insgesamt 296.000t Fracht auf allen Flügen.<br />

Die Luftfahrtgesellschaft verfügt über 139 Flugzeuge<br />

(2007). Nach der Anzahl der Flugzeuge und der Transportkapazität<br />

ist SAUDIA die größte Fluggesellschaft<br />

im Mittleren Osten. In 2003 hat die saudische Regierung<br />

eine Resolution der „Open Sky Policy“ erlassen,<br />

die zukünftig auch privaten Gesellschaften das Recht<br />

zur Teilnahme am nationalen Flugverkehr einräumt.<br />

Die gesetzlichen Richtlinien hierfür werden gegenwärtig<br />

erarbeitet. Gleichzeitig werden auch Vorbereitungen<br />

für die Privatisierung der SAUDIA getroffen.<br />

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––<br />

trAffIc InfrAStructure<br />

There have been no significant developments to the<br />

railway sector in recent years. There are tow main lines<br />

that connect Dammam on the east coast with the capital<br />

Riyadh. These lines are used for both freight transportation<br />

and also for passenger traffic. The <strong>Saudi</strong> Railway<br />

Organization (SRO) has started a gigantic program to<br />

expand the railway network that also allows private investments<br />

in the construction and operation of the new<br />

lines. All major towns will be connected to the rail network.<br />

The most important planned project involves the<br />

railway line from Jeddah via Riyadh to Dammam (Land-<br />

bridge Project) and then onto Jubail. Four consortiums<br />

of <strong>Saudi</strong> and international companies have qualified for<br />

tendering for contracts for the construction and operation<br />

of this line. In addition to the east-west line, there<br />

are also plans for a north-south line from Riyadh to the<br />

Jordanian border that will also be complemented with a<br />

connection from Hail to the Gulf. This line will not only<br />

support the mining of the resources in the Hail region and<br />

the transportation of agricultural goods in Al-Jouf, it will<br />

also create a connection to Jordanian.<br />

Once the north-south line has been completed, a further<br />

line will be built from Hail to Ras Al-Zour that will allow<br />

direct transportation of the mined products to the industrial<br />

region on the Gulf. Two new railway lines will connect<br />

Jeddah and Jizan and also Taif and Khamis Mushayt.<br />

The planned railway connection between Mecca and<br />

Medina will also include the construction of an electrical<br />

high-speed track. German investors are highly interested<br />

in participating in the development of the <strong>Saudi</strong> railway<br />

network as confirmed by the estimates and offers submitted<br />

for the tenders.<br />

Assuming that the railway line, which is planned to be<br />

completed by 2009, is not yet operational, the number of<br />

passengers will increase annually by 4.5% and the freight<br />

transport by an annual 2%. The container traffic will<br />

grow by 6.5% every year.<br />

The port infrastructure comprises eight large ports (without<br />

oil handling facilities) with 183 docks and a handling<br />

capacity of 252 million t a year. Five of these ports, including<br />

Jeddah and Yanbu, are on the west coast and the<br />

other three on the east coast in Dammam and Jubail. The<br />

private sector plays an important role in the management,<br />

operation and servicing and/or modernisation of<br />

the ports, whilst the <strong>Saudi</strong> Ports Authority in particular<br />

is responsible for realising the privatisation contracts and<br />

for developing strategies for further developing the ports.<br />

The ongoing privatisation of individual port operations<br />

has significantly improved the efficiency. For example,<br />

the time taken to unload and load the ships (with a capacity<br />

of 5,000 t) has been reduced to between 30 and 36<br />

hours compared to the three to four days required at the<br />

end of the 1990s.<br />

In recent years, the port operations have grown considerably.<br />

The total quantity of the handled goods grew from 88.5 million<br />

t (1999) to 140 million t (2007), i.e. by 5% every year.<br />

Over the same period, the number of handled containers<br />

grew from 1.4 million to 4.2 million. By 2009 the forecasts<br />

predict an annual growth in freight handling of 4.0%.

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