Die Affäre Max Planck - Wolf-Ekkehard Lönnig

Die Affäre Max Planck - Wolf-Ekkehard Lönnig Die Affäre Max Planck - Wolf-Ekkehard Lönnig

11.07.2015 Aufrufe

142Dembski, W. A. and R. J. Marks II (2009): Conservation of Information inSearch: Measuring the Cost of Success.(see http://marksmannet.com/RobertMarks/REPRINTS/short/CoS.pdf)Dembski, W. A. and R. J. Marks II (2009): The Search for a Search:Measuring the Information Cost of Higher Level Search.Dembski, W. A., Marks, R. J. (2009): Life’s conservation law: WhyDarwinian evolution cannot create biological information. In: B. Gordon andW. A. Dembski (eds): The Nature of Nature. ISI Books Wilmington, Delaware,pp. 1-39.Dembski, W. A. und M. Ruse (2004): Debating Design. From Darwin to DNA.Cambridge University Press. (Peer-reviewed, ausführliche Diskussionen zu IDvon Design-Befürwortern und Kritikern.)Dembski, W. A. and J. Wells (2008): The Design of Life, Discovering Signs ofIntelligence in Biological Systems. Foundation for Thought and Ethics, Dallas.Denton, M. J. (1985): Evolution. A Theory in Crisis. Adler and Adler, London.Denton, M. J. (1998 und 2002): Nature's Destiny: How the Laws of BiologyReveal Purpose in the Universe, The Free Press, New York.Denton, M. J. and J. C. Marshall (2001): The laws of form revisited. Nature410, 411.Denton, M. J., Marshall, C. J. and M. Legge (2002): Protein Folds as PlatonicForms. Journal of Theoretical Biology 219: 325-342.Dietrich, S. (2007): Formen des Nichtwissens. Leitartikel der FAZ, 8. Juli2007. Siehe unter:http://www.faz.net/s/Rub7FC5BF30C45B402F96E964EF8CE790E1/Doc~EEC95CE81227A4121A634B6232351BC74~ATpl~Ecommon~Scontent.htmlDiscovery Institute (2010): Zumeist topaktuelle Berichte und hervorragendeSachkritik zu einer weiten Palette von Evolutionsthemen: http://www.evolutionnews.org/Wissenschaftler, die den Darwinismus kritisch beurteilen:http://www.discovery.org/scripts/viewDB/filesDB-download.php?command=download&id=660Peer-Reviewed & Peer-Edited Scientific Publications Supporting The Theory OfIntelligent Design (Annotated): http://www.discovery.org/a/2640

143Doyle, J. (1957): Presidential Sectional Address (Botany), Advancement ofScience 197, 14, 120. B. A. (1957).Dürr, H. P. (2002): Are biology and medicine only physics? Building the bridgebetween conventional and complementary medicine. Bulletin of Science,Technology & Society 22, 338-351.Dürr, H. P. (2002): Inanimate and animate matter: orderings of immaterialconnectedness - the physical basis of life. In: Series on the Foundations ofNatural Sciences and Technology, Vol. 4, Chapter 7. What is Life? ScientificApproaches and Philosophical Positions. H.-P. Dürr, F. A. Popp and W.Schommer (Eds.). World Scientific Publishing Company. Singapore, New Yorkand London. pp. 145-166.Dürr, H. P. (2005): The living and the nonliving: The physical basis of life.Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine 24, 183-184.Dürr, H. P. (2005): Radically Quantum: Liberation and Purification fromClassical Prejudice, pp. 5-45 in: A. Elitzur, S. Dolev, N. Kolenda (Eds.) QuoVadis Quantum Mechanics. Springer, The Frontiers Collection (Zitat pp. 7/8).Dürr, H. P. (2010): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans-Peter_D%C3%BCrrEccles. J. C.: Mehrere ausführliche Zitate und Literaturangaben siehe Lönnig2005: http://www.weloennig.de/Nobelpreistraeger.pdfEccles. J. C. (1980): The Human Psyche. Gifford Lectures 1977-1979. SpringerInternational, New York.FAZ vom 4. 11. 2006: Das verschleierte Weltbild zu Kassel. Siehe Bahners, P.FAZ, Leitartikel vom 8. Juli 2007: Formen des Nichtwissens. Siehe Dietrich, S.Flew, A. (2004): "If I wanted any sort of future life I should become a Jehovah'sWitness"; siehe das ausführlichen Interview mit Anthony Flew unterhttp://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2004/decemberweb-only/12-6-51.0.htmlFlew, A. with R. A. Varghese (2007): There is a God. How the World's mostNotorious Atheist Changed his Mind. (222 pp.) HarperCollins Publishers, NewYork.Gabbey, A. (2002): Newton, active powers and the mechanical philosophy. In:Cambridge Companion to Newto. I. Bernard Cohen and George E. Smith (Eds.).Cambridge University Press, 329-358 (Zitat p. 339).

143Doyle, J. (1957): Presidential Sectional Address (Botany), Advancement ofScience 197, 14, 120. B. A. (1957).Dürr, H. P. (2002): Are biology and medicine only physics? Building the bridgebetween conventional and complementary medicine. Bulletin of Science,Technology & Society 22, 338-351.Dürr, H. P. (2002): Inanimate and animate matter: orderings of immaterialconnectedness - the physical basis of life. In: Series on the Foundations ofNatural Sciences and Technology, Vol. 4, Chapter 7. What is Life? ScientificApproaches and Philosophical Positions. H.-P. Dürr, F. A. Popp and W.Schommer (Eds.). World Scientific Publishing Company. Singapore, New Yorkand London. pp. 145-166.Dürr, H. P. (2005): The living and the nonliving: The physical basis of life.Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine 24, 183-184.Dürr, H. P. (2005): Radically Quantum: Liberation and Purification fromClassical Prejudice, pp. 5-45 in: A. Elitzur, S. Dolev, N. Kolenda (Eds.) QuoVadis Quantum Mechanics. Springer, The Frontiers Collection (Zitat pp. 7/8).Dürr, H. P. (2010): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans-Peter_D%C3%BCrrEccles. J. C.: Mehrere ausführliche Zitate und Literaturangaben siehe Lönnig2005: http://www.weloennig.de/Nobelpreistraeger.pdfEccles. J. C. (1980): The Human Psyche. Gifford Lectures 1977-1979. SpringerInternational, New York.FAZ vom 4. 11. 2006: Das verschleierte Weltbild zu Kassel. Siehe Bahners, P.FAZ, Leitartikel vom 8. Juli 2007: Formen des Nichtwissens. Siehe <strong>Die</strong>trich, S.Flew, A. (2004): "If I wanted any sort of future life I should become a Jehovah'sWitness"; siehe das ausführlichen Interview mit Anthony Flew unterhttp://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2004/decemberweb-only/12-6-51.0.htmlFlew, A. with R. A. Varghese (2007): There is a God. How the World's mostNotorious Atheist Changed his Mind. (222 pp.) HarperCollins Publishers, NewYork.Gabbey, A. (2002): Newton, active powers and the mechanical philosophy. In:Cambridge Companion to Newto. I. Bernard Cohen and George E. Smith (Eds.).Cambridge University Press, 329-358 (Zitat p. 339).

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