11.07.2015 Aufrufe

Booklet - Strunz! Enterprises

Booklet - Strunz! Enterprises

Booklet - Strunz! Enterprises


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femte Avantgardekunst wurde gefeiert. Brus schrieb nach Hause, verfrüht, erwerde zum Millionär.Ich war 22 Jahre alt, der Jüngste zwischen Vostell und Metzger, spürte denKonkurrenzdruck untereinander, die Sucht nach Medienaufmerksamkeit, dieÜbertreibungsstrategien, aber auch den Aufbruch, das Wagnis, die gemeinsamenInteressen. Ein revolutionäres Festival, das der geschichtlichen Periode entsprachund in London seine adäquate geopolitische Position fand. DIAS war nicht inNew York, zu populär, nicht in Paris, zu parfümiert, nur in London möglich undnur 1966, dem Vorabend der Revolte.Peter WeibelA REMEMBRANCE OF THE 1966 LONDON ENGLAND,DUNCAN TERRACE DESTRUCTION IN ART SYMPOSIUMPIANO DESTRUCTION CONCERTIt was a special concert my first in Europe.... The audience was invited.. Therewere two curators from the TATE in the audience...A photographer standing a cautious distance back was adjusting his camera lenswaiting to take photos of the event...I examined the piano carefully, It was a well made piano with some inlaid decorativeelements above the key board, the harp frame was cast iron...It was beautifully polished and perfectly tuned, it’s resonance was full and expansive...I felt good about the piano and thanked it for giving me the opportunity to enterit’s most sacred space and discover it’ most secret soundsmusic denied every one who ever played it’s keys and put pressure on it’s footpeddles.... I thanked it for it’s sacrifice to the Akasha of sound,that the angel voices in the wood, in the wire-strings, in the ivory keys, in thescrews, the bolts and glue that held its Leviticusean destiny hostage...

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