24.11.2012 Aufrufe

Kleiner Guide 2 - PAKT

Kleiner Guide 2 - PAKT

Kleiner Guide 2 - PAKT


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<strong>Kleiner</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 2<br />

The true Jews remain faithful to w belief and are not contaminated with Zionism. The true<br />

Jews are against dispossessing the Arabs of their land and homes. According to the Torah,<br />

the land should be returned to them.<br />

Neturei Karta deplore the systematic uprooting of ancient Jewish communities by the Zionists.,<br />

the shedding of Jewish and non-Jewish blood for the sake of Zionist sovereignty and the Neturei<br />

Karta favor and peaceful transition from the present Zionist rule to and non-Zionist entity.<br />

According to Judaic Law the Torah has the last word. There is no such thing as majority of Jews<br />

who happen to be Jewish by birth who can alter Torah Law in any way in fact even the greatest<br />

rabbi or as Maimonides writhes, “even the greatest prophet” (referring actually to an authentic<br />

prophet), has no right to distort or amend even one letter of the Torah.<br />

Rabbi Blau stated shortly before his death that the acceptance by the United Nations of the Zionist<br />

state as and member state constituted and grave injustice to the Jewish people. Neturei Karta<br />

hope that this great error will be corrected at the earliest opportunity. The Neturei Karta regret<br />

that the Zionist state has usurped the holy name of Israel and that the Zionists so often pretend<br />

to speak in the name of the Jewish people and assume the right to act on our behalf. Only those<br />

rabbis who have not been affected or influenced by the poison of Zionism, can be considered the<br />

spiritual leaders of today’s Jewry. The world must know that Zionists have illegitimately seized<br />

the name Israel and have no right to speak in the name of the Jewish people! The statements<br />

collected in the following categories have all been released to the press and general public by<br />

Neturei Karta International. By and large, they were timely pieces, geared to explaining the NKI<br />

position on specific issues or responding to critics. As such, the provide and window into the<br />

practical application of Torah first principles.<br />

The war against Zionism is no limited to the Israeli government. The philosophy of Zionism<br />

underwrites almost all of the misguided aggressive activities of so – called “Jewish spokesman”!<br />

as they relate to the non – Jewish world. Neturei Karta has demonstrated time and again that the<br />

Torah true approach which seeks accommodation and understanding is not only true and moral<br />

but more productive as well. It alone yields the peace that Jewry and mankind so desperately<br />

seek. NKI is completely opposed to the notion of demanding reparations from non – Jewish<br />

nations and / or individuals. In many cases the claims made are exaggerated or fraudulent.<br />

Of greater significance is the aura they carry of condemning whole peoples for the misdeeds of<br />

and few and of attacking descendants for the alleged misdeeds of their ancestors. Moreover, the<br />

entire approach is in utter contradiction with the humility befitting an exiled people and the dignity<br />

of and “nation of priests and holy nation”.<br />

Programm der Neturei Karta International mit Sitz in Monsey,<br />

State New York, USA<br />

Gründer: Rabbi Hillel Deutsch<br />

21 Neturei Karta International

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