24.11.2012 Aufrufe

Kleiner Guide 2 - PAKT

Kleiner Guide 2 - PAKT

Kleiner Guide 2 - PAKT


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The Jewish people are commanded by Almighty G-d to live in peace with all peoples and nations<br />

on the face of the globe. Our agenda is simple – It is to humbly worship the Creator at all times.<br />

As Torah Jewish we are called upon to feel and express our sense of compassion when any<br />

person or group of human beings suffers, In the words of King David, the Psalmist, “And His<br />

Mercy is upon all His creatures.”<br />

All men are created in the image of G-d. As Torah Jewish our prime imperatives in dealing with<br />

our non-Jewish brethren – and certainly our cousins the Arab peoples – are peace, respect,<br />

mutual understanding and empathy. Thus, it is obvious that the Jewish people has no quarrel<br />

whatsoever with any Arab nation. Why have the tragic events of last 52 years come to pass? The<br />

answer lies in one word – Zionism. In the name of believing Jewry the world over, we ask that you<br />

do not confuse Zionism with Judaism. Judaism is the faith of the Torah and the Talmud. It demands<br />

fairness and kindness towards all peoples. Zionism is the substitution of the Jewish religion for an<br />

empty nationalism. When we look at the cauldron of suffering which the Middle East has become<br />

for the Palestinian people we stand back aghast – homes and lives lost, family suffering, the list<br />

goes on and on. We know all too well the evil with which the Palestinian people grapple daily. We,<br />

the Torah people have faced this enemy for over a century.<br />

Zionism rejects G-d and the basics of Judaism. It is ruthless in its dealings with all men, non-Jews<br />

and indeed, Jews as ourselves who dare to stand in its way. We condemn Zionists beliefs and<br />

aggressions in no uncertain terms. And, of greatest importance today we wish to publicly state<br />

that the Jewish people never has had and does not have any quarrel with the Palestinian people<br />

– anywhere on the face of the earth. Zionism has misled some Jews into thinking that there<br />

exists a need to pursue aggressive policies against the Palestinian people to steal their land and<br />

persecute their people. This is hardly surprising as it is a creed in direct opposition to the basics<br />

of our Torah faith.<br />

The justice of the current situation lies entirely with the Palestinian people. They have been<br />

dispossessed. Political control over the land belongs to them. This ist the position of the G-d<br />

fearing Jewish people. They have opposed Zionism from its inception over one hundred years<br />

ago. Zionism is an embarrassment to the Torah Jew. Our prayers for the Messianic era are<br />

centered on the future – a future when G-d alone, without any human involvement, will redeem all<br />

mankind, who will then worship Him together in peace. Of course, we are saddened by the loss of<br />

Judaism life today in the Holy Land as well. But we must not let our sense of personal loss as Jews<br />

blind us to the true right and wrong of the moral drama before our eyes. My friends, for 52 years<br />

the world has ignored the just claims and rights of the Palestinian people. And, yes, for that same<br />

amount of time, some people, blinded by the dogmas of militant Zionism, have first created and<br />

then perpetuated this horrible abuse of an entire people. We are here to proclaim that the crimes<br />

committed against the Palestinian people when they were exiled from their homes in 1948 and<br />

deprived of their basic human rights, firs as refugees and later as persecuted subjects in the West<br />

Bank and Gaza were not done in the name of Torah or of Torah believing Jews.<br />

They were the deeds of Jews far from the letter and spirit of their ancestral faith. We condemn their<br />

actions these past weeks, and for the last 52 years and for the entire past century when Zionism<br />

has steadily pursued the policy of the ethnic cleansing of and land that hat and large and cultured<br />

indigenous population.<br />

21 Neturei Karta International<br />

<strong>Kleiner</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 2

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