im saisonalen Verlauf - Kora

im saisonalen Verlauf - Kora im saisonalen Verlauf - Kora

11.07.2015 Aufrufe

Magens. Stuttgart: Enke, 1982, ISBN 3-432-88081-2HOFMANN, R.R.: Digestive Physiology of the Deer - Their MorphophysiologicalSpecialisation and Adaptation. In: Drew, K., Fennessy, P. (eds.): Biology ofDeer Production. Wellington, New Zealand: Royal Society of New Zealand,Bulletin 22, 1985 : 393-407HOFMANN, R.R.: Morphophysiological evolutionary adaptations of the ruminantdigestive system. In: Dobson, A., Dobson, M.J. (eds.): Aspects of digestivephysiology in ruminants. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1988 :1-20HOFMANN, R.R.: Evolutionary steps of ecophysiological adaptation anddiversification of ruminants: A comparative view of their digestive system.Oecologia 78, (1989) :443-457HOFMANN, R.R.: Die morphologische Anpassung des Verdauungsapperates desRehs, seine evolutionäre Differenzierung und jahreszeitlichenVeränderungen. In: Hofmann, R.R., Pielowski, Z. (eds.), Deutsch-Polnisches Rehwild-Symposium. 21, Melsungen: Neumann-Neudamm,1993 : 15-22HOLAND, O.: Winter digestive strategy of a concentrate selector in Norway: theEuropean roe deer. Can. J. Zool. 70, (1992) : 1331-1335HOLAND, O.: Seasonal dynamics of digestion in relation to diet quality and intakein European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) Oecologia 98, (1994) : 274-279HOLAND, O., MYSERUD, A., WANNAG, A., LINNELL, J.D.C.: Roe deer innorthern environments: physiology and behaviour. In: Andersen, R.,Duncan, P., Linnell, J.D.C. (eds.): The European roe deer: the biology ofsuccess. Oslo, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Oxford, Boston: ScandinavianUniversity Press, 1998 :117-137HOLLEMAN, D.F., WHITE, R.G.: Determination of digesta fill and passage ratefrom nonabsorbed particulate phase markers using the single dosingmethod. Can. J. Zool. 67, (1989) : 488-494HOPPE, P.P.: Rumen fermentation and body weight in African ruminants. In:Peterle, T.J. (ed.): Proc. XIIIth Internat. Congress of Game Biologists.Washington, D.C.: Wildlife Society, 1977 : 141-150ILLIUS, A.W., GORDON, I.J.: Modelling the nutritional ecology of ungulateherbivores: evolution of body size and competitive interactions. Oecologia89, (1992) : 428-434JANIS, C.: The evolutionary strategy of the equidae and the origins of rumen andcecal digestion. Evolution 30, (1976) : 757-774JENNESS, R., SLOAN, R.E.: The composition of milks of various species: areview. Dairy Sci. Abstr. 32, (1972) : 599-612JIANG, Z., HUDSON, R.J.: Digestive responses of wapiti (Cervus alaphuscanadensis) to seasonal forages. Acta Theriologica 41, (1996) : 415-423101

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Magens. Stuttgart: Enke, 1982, ISBN 3-432-88081-2HOFMANN, R.R.: Digestive Physiology of the Deer - Their MorphophysiologicalSpecialisation and Adaptation. In: Drew, K., Fennessy, P. (eds.): Biology ofDeer Production. Wellington, New Zealand: Royal Society of New Zealand,Bulletin 22, 1985 : 393-407HOFMANN, R.R.: Morphophysiological evolutionary adaptations of the ruminantdigestive system. In: Dobson, A., Dobson, M.J. (eds.): Aspects of digestivephysiology in ruminants. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1988 :1-20HOFMANN, R.R.: Evolutionary steps of ecophysiological adaptation anddiversification of ruminants: A comparative view of their digestive system.Oecologia 78, (1989) :443-457HOFMANN, R.R.: Die morphologische Anpassung des Verdauungsapperates desRehs, seine evolutionäre Differenzierung und jahreszeitlichenVeränderungen. In: Hofmann, R.R., Pielowski, Z. (eds.), Deutsch-Polnisches Rehwild-Symposium. 21, Melsungen: Neumann-Neudamm,1993 : 15-22HOLAND, O.: Winter digestive strategy of a concentrate selector in Norway: theEuropean roe deer. Can. J. Zool. 70, (1992) : 1331-1335HOLAND, O.: Seasonal dynamics of digestion in relation to diet quality and intakein European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) Oecologia 98, (1994) : 274-279HOLAND, O., MYSERUD, A., WANNAG, A., LINNELL, J.D.C.: Roe deer innorthern environments: physiology and behaviour. In: Andersen, R.,Duncan, P., Linnell, J.D.C. (eds.): The European roe deer: the biology ofsuccess. Oslo, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Oxford, Boston: ScandinavianUniversity Press, 1998 :117-137HOLLEMAN, D.F., WHITE, R.G.: Determination of digesta fill and passage ratefrom nonabsorbed particulate phase markers using the single dosingmethod. Can. J. Zool. 67, (1989) : 488-494HOPPE, P.P.: Rumen fermentation and body weight in African ruminants. In:Peterle, T.J. (ed.): Proc. XIIIth Internat. Congress of Game Biologists.Washington, D.C.: Wildlife Society, 1977 : 141-150ILLIUS, A.W., GORDON, I.J.: Modelling the nutritional ecology of ungulateherbivores: evolution of body size and competitive interactions. Oecologia89, (1992) : 428-434JANIS, C.: The evolutionary strategy of the equidae and the origins of rumen andcecal digestion. Evolution 30, (1976) : 757-774JENNESS, R., SLOAN, R.E.: The composition of milks of various species: areview. Dairy Sci. Abstr. 32, (1972) : 599-612JIANG, Z., HUDSON, R.J.: Digestive responses of wapiti (Cervus alaphuscanadensis) to seasonal forages. Acta Theriologica 41, (1996) : 415-423101

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