im saisonalen Verlauf - Kora

im saisonalen Verlauf - Kora im saisonalen Verlauf - Kora

11.07.2015 Aufrufe

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FAICHNEY, G.J.: The use of markers to partitition digestion within the gastrointestinaltract of ruminants In: McDonald, I.W., Warner, A.C.I. (eds.):Digestion and Metabolism in the ruminant. Armidale, New South Wales,Australia: University of New England Publishing Unit, 1975 : 277-291FAICHNEY, G.J.: The kinetics of particulate matter in the rumen. In: Milligan, L.P.,Grovum, W.L., Dobson, A. (eds.): Control of digestion and metabolism inruminants. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Reston Book, 1986: 173-195GORDON, I.J., ILLIUS, A.W.: The functional significance of the browser-grazerdichotomy in African ruminants. Oecologia 98, (1994) : 167-175GRASCHEW, I.I., GALANZEW, W.P.: Physiologie der Laktation (russ.) Leningrad:Nauka, 1973GROSS, J.E., ALKON, P.U., DEMMENT, M.W.: Nutritional ecology of dimorphicherbivores: digestion and passage rates in Nubian ibex. Oecologia 107,(1996) :170-178GROVUM, W. L., WILLIAMS, V. J.: Rate of passage of digesta in sheep. IV.Passage of marker though the alimentary tract and the biological relevanceof rate-constants derived from changes in concentration of marker infaeces. Br. J. Nutr. 30, (1973) : 313-329GROVUM, W.L., WILLIAMS, V.J.: Rate of passage of digest in sheep. VI. Theeffect of level of food intake on mathematical predictions of the kinetics ofdigesta in the reticulorumen and intestines. Br. J. Nutr. 38, (1977) : 425-436HELLER, R., LECHNER, M., WEYRETER, H., ENGELHARDT, W.VON:Forestomach fluid volume and retention of fluid and particles in thegastrointestinal tract of the camel (Camelus dromedarius). J. Vet. Med. A33, (1986a) : 396-399HELLER, R., CERCASOV, V., ENGELHARDT, W.VON: Retention of fluid andparticles in the digestive tract of the Llama (Lama guanacoe f. glama).Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A 83, (1986b) : 687 - 691HENNIG, U., VOIGT, J., DITTRICH, G.: Ergebnisse botanischer und chemischerAnalysen des Inhaltes der Vormägen erlegter Rehe. 3. Wissenschaftl.Kolloquium "Wildbiologie und Wildbewirtschaftung" 2, (1984) : 526-548HOFMANN, R.R., STEWART, D.R.M.: Grazer or browser: a classification basedon the stomach-structure and feeding habits of East African ruminants.Mammalia 36, (1972) : 226-240HOFMANN, R.R.: The ruminant stomach (stomach structure and feeding habits ofEast African game ruminants). East Afric. Monogr. Biol. Vol. 2 Nairobi:Kenya Literature Bureau, 1973HOFMANN, R.R., GEIGER, G., KÖNIG, R.: Vergleichend-anatomischeUntersuchungen an der Vormagenschleimhaut von Rehwild und Rotwild. Z.Säugetierkunde 41, (1976) : 167-193HOFMANN, R.R., SCHNORR, B.: Die funktionelle Morphologie des Wiederkäuer-100

FAICHNEY, G.J.: The use of markers to partitition digestion within the gastrointestinaltract of ruminants In: McDonald, I.W., Warner, A.C.I. (eds.):Digestion and Metabolism in the ruminant. Armidale, New South Wales,Australia: University of New England Publishing Unit, 1975 : 277-291FAICHNEY, G.J.: The kinetics of particulate matter in the rumen. In: Milligan, L.P.,Grovum, W.L., Dobson, A. (eds.): Control of digestion and metabolism inruminants. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Reston Book, 1986: 173-195GORDON, I.J., ILLIUS, A.W.: The functional significance of the browser-grazerdichotomy in African ruminants. Oecologia 98, (1994) : 167-175GRASCHEW, I.I., GALANZEW, W.P.: Physiologie der Laktation (russ.) Leningrad:Nauka, 1973GROSS, J.E., ALKON, P.U., DEMMENT, M.W.: Nutritional ecology of d<strong>im</strong>orphicherbivores: digestion and passage rates in Nubian ibex. Oecologia 107,(1996) :170-178GROVUM, W. L., WILLIAMS, V. J.: Rate of passage of digesta in sheep. IV.Passage of marker though the al<strong>im</strong>entary tract and the biological relevanceof rate-constants derived from changes in concentration of marker infaeces. Br. J. Nutr. 30, (1973) : 313-329GROVUM, W.L., WILLIAMS, V.J.: Rate of passage of digest in sheep. VI. Theeffect of level of food intake on mathematical predictions of the kinetics ofdigesta in the reticulorumen and intestines. Br. J. Nutr. 38, (1977) : 425-436HELLER, R., LECHNER, M., WEYRETER, H., ENGELHARDT, W.VON:Forestomach fluid volume and retention of fluid and particles in thegastrointestinal tract of the camel (Camelus dromedarius). J. Vet. Med. A33, (1986a) : 396-399HELLER, R., CERCASOV, V., ENGELHARDT, W.VON: Retention of fluid andparticles in the digestive tract of the Llama (Lama guanacoe f. glama).Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A 83, (1986b) : 687 - 691HENNIG, U., VOIGT, J., DITTRICH, G.: Ergebnisse botanischer und chemischerAnalysen des Inhaltes der Vormägen erlegter Rehe. 3. Wissenschaftl.Kolloquium "Wildbiologie und Wildbewirtschaftung" 2, (1984) : 526-548HOFMANN, R.R., STEWART, D.R.M.: Grazer or browser: a classification basedon the stomach-structure and feeding habits of East African ruminants.Mammalia 36, (1972) : 226-240HOFMANN, R.R.: The ruminant stomach (stomach structure and feeding habits ofEast African game ruminants). East Afric. Monogr. Biol. Vol. 2 Nairobi:Kenya Literature Bureau, 1973HOFMANN, R.R., GEIGER, G., KÖNIG, R.: Vergleichend-anatomischeUntersuchungen an der Vormagenschle<strong>im</strong>haut von Rehwild und Rotwild. Z.Säugetierkunde 41, (1976) : 167-193HOFMANN, R.R., SCHNORR, B.: Die funktionelle Morphologie des Wiederkäuer-100

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