12.08.2012 Aufrufe

Gentle Rebels

Gentle Rebels

Gentle Rebels


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78<br />


in Styria. But it has become famous because of the<br />

Steirereck Inn run by the Reitbauer family there. When<br />

someone today talks about driving up to Pogusch,<br />

they don’t mean a drive in the country; they mean<br />

paradise. The warm welcome written in chalk on the<br />

blackboard is sincere and is immediately repeated by<br />

the Reitbauers themselves, standing inside the door<br />

and flanked by fine wines and elegant cheeses, a<br />

signal to the visitor that this is a top restaurant of the<br />

friendly (and not the dimly lit) variety. The Steirereck<br />

is a place where the diners are young and old, unbridled<br />

and bourgeois, urbane and rural, and all of<br />

them enjoy cuisine that is already been awarded with<br />

three stars, and that at down-to-earth prices.<br />

“We want everyone to feel equally comfortable<br />

here. On Thursdays and Fridays, diners from the local<br />

region account for 60 per cent of the guests,” says<br />

Heinz Reitbauer Jun., who is responsible for the<br />

outstanding quality of the cuisine. “On Saturdays and<br />

Sundays 80 to 90 per cent come from Vienna.” The<br />

Steirereck serves some 1500 guests on those four days.<br />

That they all go home happy is due to more than just<br />

On the telephone Gerhard Fuchs sounds like<br />

a business executive: an appointment here,<br />

another there, and 90 minutes free in between.<br />

And because, as we later find out, even<br />

that seemed too long to devote to a single<br />

interview, he has packed another into his<br />

already tight schedule. But though this might<br />

seem like a case of the “today Paris, tomorrow<br />

Madrid, and the day after that New York”<br />

mentality, it all takes place in and around<br />

Straden, an idyllic village in Austria’s southern<br />

province of Styria. The man with so much on<br />

his plate is one of the country’s youngest<br />

and most highly regarded chefs.<br />

Your impression of the 32-year-old doesn’t<br />

change completely when you finally find yourself<br />

sitting across from him, but some aspects<br />

certainly do: he detests any attempt to attach<br />

importance to his person: “I shouldn’t be the<br />

focus of the diners’ attention. That’s the job of<br />

the service staff.” His contributions are to be<br />

found in the kitchen, on the plates, and in his<br />

dealings with the local farmers who supply his<br />

kitchen. The cuisine (Mangalitza pork with<br />

lavender, for example) is statement enough.<br />

“I don’t really think it’s important for the chef<br />

to wander around the dining room.” Time is<br />

too precious to a chef who prefers to peel the<br />

potatoes himself. “It’s true that we do it all ourselves.<br />

Our pheasants arrive with the feathers<br />

still on, and we bake our own bread. That’s why<br />

our workday starts at eight a.m. It’s fine to have<br />

confidence in people, but it’s even better to<br />

keep tabs on them. How do you think I’d feel if<br />

my customers complained about the food?”<br />



Am Telefon klingt Gerhard Fuchs wie ein<br />

Top-Manager: dort ein Termin, hier ein Termin,<br />

zwischendurch anderthalb Stunden frei – und<br />

weil ihm auch diese, wie man später merken<br />

wird, offenbar für ein einziges Gespräch zu lang<br />

erscheinen, hat er noch rasch einen weiteren in<br />

seinen strikt geregelten Tag geklopft. Was dem<br />

Beobachter, leicht überspitzt, wie heute Paris,<br />

morgen Madrid, übermorgen New York vorkommt,<br />

spielt sich in Wirklichkeit in und um<br />

Straden ab, einem kleinen, idyllischen Ort in der<br />

südlichen Steiermark. Der Mann, um den sich so<br />

viel dreht, ist einer der jüngsten unter den höchst<br />

bewerteten Köchen des Landes. Sitzt man dem<br />

32-Jährigen schließlich gegenüber, ist nicht alles,<br />

aber zumindest einiges anders: Jedwede Wichtigkeit<br />

um seine Person erscheint ihm als Gräuel:<br />

„Ich muss nicht im Vordergrund stehen. Diesen<br />

Job erledigen die Leute im Service.“ Das, was er<br />

zu sagen hat, geschieht in seiner Küche, auf den<br />

Tellern oder bei den zuliefernden Bauern aus der<br />

Umgebung. Die Perfektion, mit der ein Gericht<br />

(etwa das Mangalitza Wollschwein mit Lavendel)<br />

den Raum verlässt, muss als Statement reichen.<br />

„Ich finde es nicht wirklich wichtig, dass der<br />

Küchenchef durchs Lokal geht.“ Die Zeit ist zu<br />

kostbar für einen wie ihn, der am liebsten auch<br />

noch selbst die Kartoffel schälte. „Es stimmt:<br />

Wir machen alles aus eigener Hand. Wir lassen<br />

uns die Fasane in Federn anliefern, backen das<br />

Brot. Deshalb fangen wir jeden Tag schon um<br />

acht Uhr früh an. Vertrauen ist gut, aber<br />

Kontrolle ist besser. Wie würde ich sonst<br />

dastehen, wenn es zu einer Reklamation<br />

seitens des Gastes kommt?“<br />

SAZIANI-STUB’N, 8345 Straden 42, Tel.: 03473/86 51, www.neumeister.cc<br />

Photo: Luzia Ellert<br />

Hanging out in the dining room, Jamie-Oliver style, is not<br />

Gerhard Fuchs’s cup of tea. He’d rather hover over his pots,<br />

where his true passion is simmering. / Jamie-Oliver-like<br />

mit Gästen zu chambrieren ist nicht die Sache von<br />

Gerhard Fuchs. Sein Platz ist an den Töpfen, dort<br />

brodelt seine Leidenschaft.<br />

the cuisine. “We take notes on what people like and<br />

dislike, and how long a group typically occupies a table,<br />

so that we don’t overbook or make people wait too long.”<br />

The same kind of perfection is essential at Hanner’s,<br />

says its owner, Heinz Hanner. His notes were used as<br />

the basis for a special computer program that keeps<br />

track of the preparation time for a given dish and the<br />

preferences of individual customers. “We have noticed,<br />

for example, that smokers finish their meal more quickly<br />

than non-smokers – perhaps because they are looking<br />

forward to their next cigarette,” says Hanner.<br />

He has focused his attention not only on the comfort<br />

of his guests but also of his personnel. “We take our<br />

meals together around a big table, like a family.” Those<br />

who are not in the mood for conversation can watch a<br />

huge screen that is always tuned to the music channel<br />

MTV. Heinz Hanner realises that he benefits from anything<br />

that makes his employees happy.<br />

Martina Eitzinger has the same ambition and goals<br />

as Reitbauer and Hanner, although her Tanglberg<br />

restaurant in Vorchdorf in Upper Austria is much smaller<br />

and does not have the same resources. She also takes<br />

copious notes. Like her colleagues, she realises that<br />

systems need to be much more carefully thought out<br />

than only a few years back. Customers still want to be<br />

king, but they also want to be treated with greater<br />

familiarity. She also recognises the danger that is lurking<br />

for all the Austrian Jamies trying to do everything better<br />

than it was done by the generations before them,<br />

expressing an idea that several of her colleagues only<br />

hint at: “You have to be careful not to neglect the people<br />

who are near and dear to you, your family and friends.<br />

Otherwise you wake up one morning and realise that<br />

you are more or less alone, despite running a popular<br />

restaurant.”<br />

SANFTE REBELLEN Es gab einmal Zeiten,<br />

da träumten die Knaben davon, Lokführer,<br />

Kampfjet-Pilot oder zumindest Automechaniker<br />

zu werden. Doch seit Jamie Oliver oder sein<br />

Berliner Pendant, Ralf Zacherl, sich mit ihrer<br />

generationsübergreifenden Bubencharmeoffensive<br />

TV-Star-Status erkochten, zählt das alles<br />

nichts mehr. Der neue Traumberuf ist Koch.<br />

Schuld am frischen Sexappeal dieses Berufs<br />

ist seine neue Positionierung: Er hat sich den<br />

Schweiß von der Stirn gewischt, die bedenklich

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