10.07.2015 Aufrufe

Diagnostische Radiologie - 02.

Diagnostische Radiologie - 02.

Diagnostische Radiologie - 02.


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Jahresbericht 200737Schmitt TL, Martignoni ME, Bachmann J,Fechtner K, Friess H, Kinscherf R,Hildebrandt W.Activity of the Akt-dependent anabolic andcatabolic pathways in muscle and liversamples in cancer-related cachexia.J Mol Med. 2007 Jun;85(6):647-54. Erratumin: J Mol Med. 2007 Jun;85(6):655-6.Heye T, Wengenroth M, Schipp A, DenglerTJ, Grenacher L, Kauffmann GW.Persistent left superior vena cava withabsent right superior vena cava:morphological CT features and clinicalimplications.Int J Cardiol. 2007 Apr 4;116(3):e103-5Heye T, Lichtenberg A, Junghanss T, HoschW.Cardiac manifestation of cysticechinococcosis: comparison of dual-sourcecardio computed tomography and cardiacmagnetic resonance imaging and theirimpact on disease management.Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2007 Nov;77(5):875-7.Palmowski M, Kiessling F, López-Benítez R, Kauffmann GW, HallscheidtP.Preoperative embolization of a tumorbearinghorseshoe kidney via both channelsof a concomitant aortic dissection.Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2007 May-Jun;30(3):501-3.Jugold M*, Palmowski M* (* equalcontribution), Huppert J, Woenne E, MuellerM, Semmler W, Kiessling F.Volumetric high frequency Dopplerultrasound enables the assessment of earlyantiangiogenic therapy effects on tumorxenografts in nude mice.European Radiology.Palmowski M, Schreiner K, Hansmann J,Grenacher L.Bronchopulmonary sequestration: adifferential diagnosis in young adults forrecurrent pneumonia.Lancet. 2007 Apr 14;369(9569):1318.Hallscheidt P, Noeldge G, Schaw o S,Bartling S, Kauffmann G, Pfitzenmaier J,Palmowski M:Advances in the Staging of Renal CellCarcinoma withHigh-Resolution Imaging Rofo. 2007 Nov 14López-Benítez R, Seidensticker P,Richter GM, Stampfl U, Hallscheidt P.[Case report: massive lower intestinalbleeding from ileal varices: treatment withtransjugular intrahepatic portosystemicshunt (TIPSS)]Radiologe. 2007 May;47(5):407-10.López-Benítez R, Radeleff BA, Barragán-Campos HM, Noeldge G, Grenacher L,Richter GM, Sauer P, Buchler M,Kauffmann G, Hallscheidt PJ.Acute pancreatitis after embolization of livertumors: frequency and associated riskfactors.Pancreatology. 2007;7(1):53-62.Schulze Zur Wiesch J, Lauer GM, Timm J,Kuntzen T, Neukamm M, Berical A, JonesAM, Nolan BE, Longworth SA, Kasprowicz V,

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