10.07.2015 Aufrufe

Storch Schweiz · Cigogne Suisse Bulletin 2006 / 2007 Nr. / No 36

Storch Schweiz · Cigogne Suisse Bulletin 2006 / 2007 Nr. / No 36

Storch Schweiz · Cigogne Suisse Bulletin 2006 / 2007 Nr. / No 36


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case a single vehicle may be parked in front of each off-street parking space (e.g.garage space or equivalent).7.1.12 <strong>No</strong> more than 4 vehicles may be parked on a site zoned RS or RT.7.1.13 <strong>No</strong> heavy vehicles shall be parked longer than 3 hours between 8 AM and 10 PM onthe same day, on a lot zoned RS, RT, RM, C4, C8, P1, P2, Z7, or Z9, except thosepermitted for a home business in the HBO. <strong>No</strong> heavy vehicles shall be parkedbetween 10 PM and 8 AM the next day, on a lot zoned RS, RT, RM, C4, C8, P1, P2,Z7, or Z9, except those permitted for a home business in the HBO.7.1.14 <strong>No</strong> more than one camper vehicle, one passenger bus and one trailer shall beparked or stored on a lot zoned RS or RT, provided that any camper vehicle,passenger bus or trailer longer than 6.1 m is not parked in the required front yard.7.1.15 <strong>No</strong> dismantled, wrecked, unlicensed or inoperable vehicle shall be parked or storedon a lot zoned RS, RT, RM, C4, C8, P1, P2, Z7, or Z9 for a period exceeding 30 daysin any calendar year, provided that the vehicle is not parked or stored in therequired front yard. This regulation does not apply to dismantled, wrecked,unlicensed or inoperable vehicles parked or stored within a completely enclosedbuilding.7.1.16 <strong>No</strong> part of any parking area shall be located within 5.2 m of any window of anyhabitable room in apartment housing.7.1.17 Parking spaces may be configured in tandem for single detached and two-unithousing.7.1.18 For apartment housing and row housing, tandem parking spaces may be providedequivalent to the total required parking minus the total number of dwellings andminus visitor parking. Visitor parking spaces shall not be in tandem.7.1.19 Parking and open space areas to be used by the guests of a bed & breakfast shallbe screened and oriented away from abutting development to minimize the impactof the operation on nearby properties.Remote Parking7.1.20 Except in C1, all off-street parking spaces required or provided for residential usesshall be located on the same site, and having the same zone, as the residential usethey are intended to serve.7.1.21 All off-street parking spaces required or provided for uses other than residential andfor residential uses in the C1 Zone may be located on another site within C1 or on azone which permits non-accessory parking, but shall be within 60.0 m of thedevelopment or building they are intended to serve.7.1.22 Where required off-street parking is located on property separate from the site ofthe development:a) the owner shall register a covenant pursuant to Section 219 of the Land Title Actin favour of the City at the time of development, and such covenant shall besatisfactory to the Authorized Person and shall restrict or prohibit theconstruction of buildings or structures, and the use of any lot to off-streetparking;b) the owner shall give priority for any off-street parking to visitor use and providestaff parking on the remote site;c) remote parking shall be developed to the same standard as off-street parking;andd) required off-street parking shall be subject to all setbacks and yard requirementsspecified elsewhere in this Bylaw.Section 7: Parking & Loading 7-2

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