10.07.2015 Aufrufe

Media-Kit - fleischwirtschaft.com - Allgemeine Fleischer Zeitung

Media-Kit - fleischwirtschaft.com - Allgemeine Fleischer Zeitung

Media-Kit - fleischwirtschaft.com - Allgemeine Fleischer Zeitung

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<strong>Media</strong>-<strong>Kit</strong> 2012General Terms & Conditions1. “Adver tis ing order”, in the sense of the fol low ing Gen er al Terms and Con di tions,refers to the agree ment to pub lish one or more than one adver tise ment of an advertiser or other space buyer in a print ed pub li ca tion for pur pos es of cir cu la tion.2. In the event of doubt, adver tise ments are to be req ui si tioned for pub li ca tionwith in one year after the con clu sion of the con tract. According to the contrat theadvertiser has the right to requisition advertisements within the time period of thecontract, beyond the number of advertisements originally agreed upon.3. The pric es of the adver tise ments are con se quent on the Publisher’s Adver tisingRate Card in effect at the time the con tract is con clud ed. If the adver tise mentrate should change after the con clu sion of the con tract, the Pub lish er is enti tled tocharge the price in effect accord ing to the price list valid at the time of pub li ca tion;this does not apply to busi ness trans ac tions with non-trad ers, inso far as no morethan 4 months have elapsed between the con clu sion of the con tract and the timeof pub li ca tion.Adver tis ing agen cies and adver tis ing agents are pro hib it ed from pass ing on theagent’s fees grant ed by the Pub lish er whol ly or in part to their cli ents.4. If order should not be car ried out owing to cir cum stanc es for which the Publisher is not respon sible, then the Adver tis er must reim burse the Pub lish er for thedif fer ence between the dis count grant ed and that cor re spond ing to the actu al sales,regard less of any fur ther legal obli ga tions. If the non-fulfilment of the contract iscaused by force majeure within the limitations of the Publisher´s risk, then the clienthas no claim for reimbursement.5. In the cal cu la tion of quan tities ordered, mil li me tres of text lines shall be con vert edinto mil li me tres of adver tise ment cor re spond ing to the price.6. Orders for adver tise ments and adver tis ing sup ple ments which are placed with thedeclared inten tion of being pub lished only in spe cif ic issues, in spe cif ic edi tions or inspe cif ic plac es in the pub li ca tion, must be sub mit ted to the Pub lish er early enoughthat the Adver tis er can be informed before the clos ing date if the order can not beexe cut ed in this man ner. Rubri cat ed adver tise ments shall be print ed in the respec tivecol umn, and do not require an express agree ment to this effect.7. Text adver tise ments are adver tise ments hav ing at least two sides bor der ing ontext and not on other adver tise ments.The Pub lish er is enti tled to mark with the word “Adver tise ment” those adver tisementswhose edi to ri al design is such that they are not read i ly rec og niz able asadver tise ments.8. The Pub lish er reserves the right to refuse adver tis ing orders – includ ing indi vid u alreq ui si tions under the terms of a trans ac tion – and adver tis ing sup ple ment orderson the basis of their tech ni cal form or their ori gin, in accor dance with uni form,objec tive ly jus ti fied prin ci ples; the same applies if the con tents vio late laws or offi cialreg u la tions, or if the pub li ca tion is unac cept able to the Pub lish er. This also applies toorders placed with agen cies, receiv ing offic es or rep re sen ta tives.Adver tis ing sup ple ment orders are not bind ing for the Pub lish er until a sam ple ofthe adver tis ing sup ple ment has been sub mit ted and approved. Adver tis ing sup plementswhich in form or appear ance give the read er the impres sion that they are aninte gral part of the news pa per or mag a zine, or which con tain out side adver tis ing,shall not be accept ed.The Adver tis er will be informed imme di ate ly if an order is refused.9. The Adver tis er is respon sible for the punc tu al deliv ery of the adver tis ing copy andreli able print ing data or the adver tis ing sup ple ments. The Pub lish er will immediatelyapply for new printing data if the originals are seen to be unsuitable or damaged.10. If the advertisement is printed in such a way that it is unreadable, either whollyor in part, or if it is incorrect, or in<strong>com</strong>plete the client has the right to claim for eithera reduction of the fee or a newly placed advertisement, but only to the extent thatthe purpose of the advertisement has been <strong>com</strong>promised. If the Pub lish er shouldexceed a rea son able peri od of time set for the pub li ca tion of the sub sti tute advertisement or if it should once again be incor rect, then the Adver tis er has the right toa price reduc tion or a can cel la tion of the order.Indem nity claims from pos i tive breach of obli ga tion, neg li gence in con tract ing andtort are exclud ed – espe cial ly in the case of orders placed by tele phone; indem nityclaims from impos sibil ity of per for mance and default are restrict ed to the replacementof the fore see able loss and, in the amount, to the remu ner a tion to be paidfor the adver tise ment or adver tis ing sup ple ment in ques tion. This does not apply topre med i ta tion and gross neg li gence on the part of the Pub lish er, its legal rep re sentatives and its vicar i ous agents. A liabil ity of the Pub lish er for dam ag es owing to thelack of war rant ed qual ities remains unaf fect ed.Fur ther more, the Pub lish er is not liable for gross neg li gence of vicar i ous agents in<strong>com</strong> mer cial busi ness trans ac tions; in the remain ing cases, the liabil ity towards merchantsfor gross neg li gence is restrict ed in its extent to the fore see able dam age upto the amount of the remu ner a tion for the adver tise ment in ques tion.Com plaints must be put for ward with in 4 weeks of receiv ing the invoice and receipt– unless the defects are not obvi ous.11. Proofs shall be deliv ered only when express ly request ed. The Adver tis er shallbear the respon sibil ity for the cor rect ness of the returned proofs. The Pub lish er shalltake into account all error cor rec tions of which it shall be informed with in the peri odset at the time of for ward ing the proofs.12. If no spe cif ic size is stip u lat ed, the actu al print size cus to mary for the type ofadver tise ment will be used as a basis for invoic ing.13. In the event that the Adver tis er does not make an advance pay ment, the invoicewill be sent imme di ate ly, if pos sible, how ev er, 14 days after the pub li ca tion of theadver tise ment.The invoice is to be paid with in the peri od evi dent from the price list, begin ningfrom the time of receipt of the invoice, unless, in indi vid u al cases, another meth odof pay ment has been agreed upon or an advance pay ment has been made. Anydis counts for advance pay ment shall be grant ed in accor dance with the price list.14. Interest and collection expenses will be charged if there is a delay in payment ora respite. In the event of default, the Pub lish er may post pone the fur ther exe cu tionof the cur rent order until pay ment and request advance pay ment for the remain ingadver tise ments.If there is rea son able doubt regard ing the Advertiser’s abil ity to pay, the Pub lish eris enti tled, even dur ing the term of the trans ac tion, to make the pub li ca tion offur ther adver tise ments depen dent upon advance pay ment of the amount chargedand set tle ment of unpaid bills, regard less of pre vi ous ly agreed terms of pay ment.15. Upon request, the Pub lish er shall deliv er a spec i men of the adver tise ment withthe invoice. Depend ing on the type and size of the adver tise ment, the spec i mensshall be deliv ered as clip pings, entire pages or entire issues. If a spec i men can nolong er be pro cured, a legal ly bind ing cer tifi ca tion from the Pub lish er regard ing thepub li ca tion and dis tri bu tion of the adver tise ment shall serve as a sub sti tute.16. The Adver tis er shall bear the costs for the pro duc tion of ordered print ing dataand draw ings, and for con sid er able chang es in pre vi ous ly deter mined ver sions,which the Adver tis er may request or be respon sible for.17. In the case of a trans ac tion involv ing sev er al adver tise ments, a claim to a reductionin price may result from a reduc tion in the cir cu la tion if the total aver age circula tion in the inser tion year begin ning with the first adver tise ment is less than theaver age amount stat ed in the price list or oth er wise, or – if no cir cu la tion amountis stat ed – is less than the aver age cir cu la tion of issues sold (for trade jour nals, thiscan also be the aver age num ber actu al ly dis trib ut ed) in the pre vi ous cal en dar year. Areduc tion in cir cu la tion shall grant the right to a price reduc tion only if it amounts to20 % for a cir cu la tion of up to 50,00015 % for a cir cu la tion of up to 100,00010 % for a cir cu la tion of up to 500,0005 % for a cir cu la tion of more than 500,000Claims to price reduc tions are exclud ed, how ev er, if the Pub lish er has informed theAdver tis er in due time of the drop in cir cu la tion and has offered the Adver tis er thechoice of with draw ing from the con tract.18. In the case of keyed adver tise ments, the Pub lish er shall take as much care inhan dling and punc tu al ly pass ing on the replies as would a respon sible busi ness man.Reg is tered and express let ters will only be for ward ed by ordi nary post.The replies to keyed adver tise ments shall be kept for 4 weeks. Replies which are notcol lect ed with in this peri od shall be destroyed. The Pub lish er shall return val u abledoc u ments with out being obli gat ed to do so.The pub lish er can be garant ed the right in a spe cif ic con tract to open in<strong>com</strong> ing offersas a rep re sen ta tive on behalf of, and in declared inter ests, of the cus tom er. Let terswhich exceed the per mis sible DIN A4 size, as well as goods, books, cat a logues andpack ag es, will be exclud ed from onward trans mis sion and will not be accept ed. Anyaccep tance or onward trans mis sion can, how ev er, be agreed by way of excep tion ifthe cus tom er bears the charg es/costs incurred as a result.19. Print ing data shall be returned to the Adver tis er only if express ly request ed.The obli ga tion to save them shall end three months after the order has expired.20. Dis count cred it notes and sup ple men tary dis count charg es shall prin ci pal ly nottake place until the end of the inser tion year.21. Place ment con fir ma tions are only con di tion al ly valid and may be changed fortech ni cal rea sons. In such cases, the Pub lish er may not be made liable.22. The place of ful fil ment is the prin ci pal place of busi ness of the Pub lish er.Theplace of juris dic tion for legal pro ceed ings involv ing busi ness trans ac tions with merchants,bod ies cor po rate or spe cial assets is the prin ci pal place of busi ness of thePub lish er. Inso far as claims of the Pub lish er are not put for ward by col lec tion procedure, the place of juris dic tion for non-trad ers shall be deter mined accord ing totheir place of res i dence.It shall be agreed that the place of juris dic tion shall be the prin ci pal place of businessof the Pub lish er if the place of res i dence or cus to mary place of abode of theAdver tis er, includ ing non-trad ers, is unknown at the time that the legal pro ceed ingsare insti tut ed or if the Advertiser’s place of res i dence or cus to mary place of abodeshould be moved out side the pur view of the law after clos ing the con tract.5958 | 59General Terms & ConditionsProfiles | Events | Contacts afz | afz-journal Fleischwirtschaft Fleischwirtschaft International <strong>fleischwirtschaft</strong>.de + <strong>com</strong> Terms & Conditions

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