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Bediener: afrb Produkt: FLWI Ausgabe: 003 / 3 Ressort: Aktuell Name/Pagina: X001 /1 Status: IsTypeset Deadline: 05-07-2007 12:00FLWI NAME: X001 LETZTE. AEND.: 30Aug2007 13:07:56 BED.:afrb ZEIT: 09:46:30 DATUM:07Sep2007 BINTZVolume 22D 42804 FHygiene: Safe meat products appling clean room technologyFood lawHygiene strategyNo difference <strong>com</strong>paredwith fresh productPackagingCoding solutions forthe meat industrySlaughteringRitual slaughterof dromedariesResearch & DevelopmentEffect of starter cultureduring Nham fermentationBediener: afrb Produkt: FLWI Ausgabe: 003 / 3 Ressort: Aktuell Name/Pagina: X001 /1 Status: IsTypeset Deadline: 05-07-2007 12:00FLWI NAME: X001 LETZTE. AEND.: 30Aug2007 13:07:56 BED.:afrb ZEIT: 09:46:30 DATUM:07Sep2007 BINTZVolume 22D 42804 FBediener: afrb Produkt: FLWI Ausgabe: 003 / 3 Ressort: Aktuell Name/Pagina: X003 /3 Status: IsTypeset Deadline: 03-07-2007 12:00FLWI NAME: X003 LETZTE. AEND.: 22Jun2007 12:26:26 BED.:afrb ZEIT: 09:49:31 DATUM:07Sep2007 BINTZDr. Ralf Lautenschläger reflecting on increasing role of hygieneropean Union (EU), third countries andthe affected branches of industry the opportunityof preparing for the new foodand feed law requirements, was over.Coming into force 1 January 2006 themost fundamental, <strong>com</strong>prehensive and farreachingchange in the European food andfeed law now takes effect equally for allfeed and food establishments.Due to the motto “from stableto table” the new lawpursues an integrated approachand transfers full responsibilityto feed and food<strong>com</strong>panies for the healthsafety of the foods and feedsthey produce and bring intocirculation. And the regulationis also applying for allmeat processors and suppliersmerchandising with theEU Member States. The presentationof Irish beef farmersto EU Commission officials, which isreflecting on the lack of effective controlsand standards in the Brazilian beef sector,is one example of possible consequences(p. 10).age” and its effects on food enterprises isgiven. Furthermore, an interesting reporton the implementation of clean roomtechnology in a meat processing and packaging<strong>com</strong>pany is presented. This technologymay provide an important prerequisiteto prevent microbiological, chemicaland physical recontamination and thus toproduce safe packaged meat products forthe retail market and the consumer. Filmsand foils – the second topic focussed inthis issue – also regard health safety offoods. Only the <strong>com</strong>bination of hygienicprocessing and application of suitablepackaging materials with special propertiesin terms of flexibility, oxygen barrier attributes,seal, bond and tensile strength asFleischwirtschaft International 3/2007Journal for meat production and meat processingHygiene: Safe meat products appling clean room technologyFood lawEditorialwell as chemical resistance guaranties forsafe products. Short news about how tocheck all these properties by analysing oxygen,controlling and measuring packagevolume <strong>com</strong>plete this area.gories. Taking the annual meeting of theINSCA (International Natural SausageCasing Association), the presentationof the CMA (ChinaMeat Association) includingthe invitation to the WorldPork Conference in Nanjing2007 or the re-assessment ofBSE related risk of bovine intestinesby the EFSA (EuropeanFood Safety Authority) –they all show the raising globalshipping of meat and meatproducts which requires a highstandard in food safety andhygiene. Some of the scientificand research reports publishedwith this issue also deal with microbiologicalaspects of fresh meat and meat productsduring processing.essing and environmental conditions, respectively.Authors indicated that slaughterhouseconditions influence pH and temperaturedecline curves of the carcassesand thus the water holding capacity ofpork. With respect to the nutritional valueof pheasants it was shown that there is adifference between wild and farm animals.Investigating the emulsifying properties ofturkey giblets it was concluded that someare suitable to improve the product qualityof cooked wiener type sausages. And finally,the influence of additives and ingredientson the fermentation process – especiallyon the development of Salmonellaspp. – of Nham, a Thai fermented meat, isdescribed.Hygiene strategyNo difference <strong>com</strong>paredwith fresh productPackagingCoding solutions forthe meat industrySlaughteringRitual slaughterof dromedariesResearch & DevelopmentEffect of starter cultureduring Nham fermentationBediener: afrb Produkt: FLWI Ausgabe: 003 / 3 Ressort: Aktuell Name/Pagina: X001 /1 Status: IsTypeset Deadline: 05-07-2007 12:00FLWI NAME: X001 LETZTE. AEND.: 30Aug2007 13:07:56 BED.:afrb ZEIT: 09:46:30 DATUM:07Sep2007 BINTZVolume 22Journal for meat production and meat processingHygiene: Safe meat products appling clean room technologyFood lawBediener: afrb Produkt: FLWI Ausgabe: 003 / 3 Ressort: Aktuell Name/Pagina: X001 /1 Status: IsTypeset Deadline: 05-07-2007 12:00FLWI NAME: X001 LETZTE. AEND.: 30Aug2007 13:07:56 BED.:afrb ZEIT: 09:46:30 DATUM:07Sep2007 BINTZVolume 22D 42804 FJournal for meat production and meat processingHygiene: Safe meat products appling clean room technologyFood lawHygiene strategyNo difference <strong>com</strong>paredwith fresh productPackagingCoding solutions forthe meat industrySlaughteringRitual slaughterof dromedariesResearch & DevelopmentEffect of starter cultureduring Nham fermentationBediener: afrb Produkt: FLWI Ausgabe: 003 / 3 Ressort: Aktuell Name/Pagina: X036 /36 Status: IsTypeset Deadline: 31-05-2007 12:00FLWI NAME: X036 LETZTE. AEND.: 21Jun2007 17:51:48 BED.:afrb ZEIT: 09:49:31 DATUM:07Sep2007 BINTZMicrobiologyGram-negative bacteria a public health riskber of 1.3x10 5 , 4.1x10 4 , 6.8x10 3 , Aerobe mesophile counts within acceptable limitsIn the present study, 48% ofand 3.6x10 3 cfu/g, respectively inthe P.putida isolates had proteolyticactivity under psychro-Table 4.Tab. 4: Microbial counts (cfu/g) of the analysed microorganisms in mincedmeat samples (n±=±53; positive samples: 100% each)Highest proteolytic activitytrophic conditions. The otherwas observed in P. putida underBacteriaCount cfu/g (log10/ml)Pseudomonas species such asMin Max Meanpsychrotrophic conditionsP.fluorescens biotype I and P. flu-Total aerobe mesophilewhereas P. acidovorans isolatesmicroorganisms (30 °C) 2.8x10 orescens biotype II showed proteolyticactivity in 40% and 12%(Tab. 5). Antibiotic susceptibilitymicroorganisms (4 °C) 1.2x10 2 (2.08) 8.5X10 5 (5.93) 4.1x10 4 (4.61)of the isolates, respectively. P.aci-results of the isolates obtainedTotal Enterobacteriaceaedovorans isolates had no proteo-from the raw minced meat are(30 °C) 1.0x10 2 (2.00) 6.8x10 4 (4.83) 6.8x10 3 (3.83)lytic effect (Tab. 5). GRIFFITHGshown in Table 6.Total psychrotrophic(1989) reported that P. fluores-Enterobacteriaceae (4 °C) 2.2x10 (1.34) 3.75x10 4 (4.57) 3.6x10 3 (3.56)2 (2.45) 5.5x10 6 (6.74) 1.3x10 5 (5.11)showed no proteolytic activityTotal psychrotrophiccens isolates showed proteolyticSource: CITAK and KAMANLIK Fleischwirtschaft International 3/2007Discussionactivity. In another study; BRAUNBet al. (1999) also reported proteo-5 In this study, Pseudomonas performed in Turkey (ELMALI4.3x10 cfu/g., respectively.lytic activity of Pseudomonaswas the most dominant organismand YAMAN, 2005; TEKINSEN etUZUNLU and YILDIRIM (2003) reportedthat Pseudomonas spp.food.fluorescens in raw and heatedfollowed by Acinetobacter. SAHAal., 1980). In this study, the meanand CHOPADE(2001) reportedcount of Enterobacteriaceae wascould be isolated by 4.6x104 cfu/gsimilar results; 47 (47.96%) outsimilar to and the total mesophilicbacteria count was lower than these bacteria indicates that gen-Antibiotic use may cause an in-in ground beef. The presence ofAntibiotic resistanceof 98 bacterial strains were domonas and 28 (28.57%) werethose of KHALAFALLA and EL- eral hygiene and especially thecrease in antibiotic resistance notAcinetobacter in 12 retail meatSHERIF, (1993). According to the high level of aerobe mesophiliconly in pathogenic bacterialsamples. NORTJE et al. (1990) re- Turkish Food Codex 2000/5count and Pseudomonas count strains but also in strains of endoportedthat Pseudomonas spp. (Anonymous), maximum countaffect the shelf life of ground beef. genous flora of humans and ani-<strong>com</strong>prised 37.2% of 1,265 psy-of total aerobe mesophilic bactemals.Multiresistant bacterialchrotrophic microbial populariain fresh minced meat has to beProteolytic activitystrains of animal origin maytions from meat and meat contact 5x10 6 cfu/g. So, presented resultsProteolytic activity is impor-spread into human population ei-surfaces, and Acinetobacter and show that the total aerobe mesotantfor the development of rawther by direct contact or throughAlcaligeneswere isolated in philic bacteria counts in rawmeat texture and flavour (TOL-foods of animal origin. From re-4.5% and 2.5%, respectively. Inminced meat are within the ac-DRA, 1998). However, extra-celsistantstrains in the human in-fresh meat samples, ERIBO and ceptable limits.lular enzymes, especially protestine,genes coding for resist-JAY (1985) found AcinetobacterPsychrotrophic Enterobacteteasessecreted by psychrotrophic ance to antibiotics can be trans-in 14.6% (n=20), of which 16 riaceae are widely distributed inbacteria mostly Pseudomonas ferred to bacterial strains belong-were A. lwoffii and 4 were A. cal-meat and meat products, their ex-species, are well-known causes of ing to natural microflora (BO-Pseucoaceticuisolates.However, in a istence indicates the possiblespoilage in meat, milk and dairyGAARD and STOBBERINGH, 2000).study by GENNARI and LOMBAR- presence of harmful bacteriaproducts. Spoilage bacteria suchAntibiotic resistance of Pseudo-DI (1993), A. lwoffii (71.7%) and (LINDBERG et al., 1998; O’BRIENas Pseudomonas are generally monas is critical especially whenA. anitratum (24.1%) were re-and MARSHALL, 1996). Some ofnot harmful, but they will causehospital infections are concerned,ported as the frequent bacter species in food strains. riaceae may constitute a publicby getting mouldy, developing ameat may play a role. In recentAcineto-the psychrotrophic Enterobacte-food to deteriorate or lose qualityin which contamination withWith this investigation, P. rescens (biotype I, II) has been numbers (LINDBERG et al., 1998). outside (SIRAGUSA et al., 1998). emerged as an important nosoco-fluo-health problem if present in largebad odour, or feeling sticky on theyears,Acinetobacter hasisolated as predominant species According to this study, the mean Pseudomonas in meat can also allowfor aerobical spoiling at re-most resistant bacteria to antimialpathogen and it is one of thefrom Pseudomonas isolates. amount of psychrotrophic Enterobacteriaceaewas 3.6x10 3 cfu/g. frigerator temperatures (GENNA- biotics and metals (DESHPANDE etThese biotypes of meat associatedPseudomonas fluorescens have This result correlates the results RI et al., 1989; SAHA and CHO- al., 1993; GENNARI and LOMBARbeendealt with only a few studies KHALAFALLA and EL-SHERIF’s, PADE, 2001). In addition, Acinetobacterplay an important role in sent results, Pseudomonas, Aci-DI, 1993). According to the pre-(MOLIN and TERNSTROM, 1982). (1993). MOUSA et al., (1993) reportedthat the mean values for the spoilage of meat and foods netobacter and Alcaligenes spe-SHAW and LATTY (1984). P. fluorescensbiotypes I and III were total mesophilic and Enterobacteriaceaewere 7.2x10 8 cfu/g. and ZIER and WESTHOFF, 1995). amoxicillin, ampicillin and sec-under various conditions (FRA- cies were mostly resistant toreported to exist in meat (MOLINand TERNSTROM, 1982). SHAWond generation cephalosporinsand LATTY (1984) found P. fluorescensbiotype I in 4% and P. Tab. 5: Proteolytic activities of Pseudomonas isolates from raw minced meat resistant to ceftriaxone, a thirdOnly P. acidovorans non-proteolyticwhereas these bacteria were notfluorescens biotype II in 0.9% samplesgeneration cephalosporin. This isamongst 787 strains of Pseudomonasisolated from meat.abs. % abs. % NARI and LOMBARDI, 1993, exceptSpecies Number of isolation Proteolysis at +4 °C <strong>com</strong>parable to the results of GEN-P. fluorescens biotype I 12 40.0 10 40.0 for ceftriaxon resistance (Tab. 6).Microbial growthP. fluorescens biotype II 3 10.0 3 12.0The results of this work regardingtotal mesophilic bacteria P. acidovorans 1 3.3 – –P. putida 14 46.7 12 48.0 Conclusionand Enterobacteriaceae were Total 30 25Raw minced meat sampleslower than in the previous studies Source: CITAK and KAMANLI Fleischwirtschaft International 3/2007 were contaminated with food36 Fleischwirtschaft International 3/2007Hygiene strategyPackagingSlaughteringResearch & DevelopmentD 42804 FAd Specials<strong>Media</strong>-<strong>Kit</strong> 20121 Gate fold1. Maxi-VersionGate fold, front and back,inside and outside+ cover page 4€ 18,910.–2. Mini-VersionGate fold, front,inside and outside€ 6,515.–2 FrenchcoverThe front cover can beunfolded to the left andright from the middle€ 18,910.–3 Gate-coverThe advertisement pagesare gatefolded once ortwice from insidefront cover€ 18,910.–Bediener: afrb Produkt: FLWI Ausgabe: 03 / 3 Re sort: Aktue l Name/Pagina: X 01 /1 Status: IsTypeset Deadline: 05-07-2 07 12: 0FLWI NAME: X 01 LETZTE. AEND.: 30Aug2 07 13:07:56 BED.:afrb ZEIT: 09:46:30 DATUM:07Sep2 07 BINTZVolume 22 D 42804 FHygiene: Safe meat products a pling clean r om technologyF od lawNew “Hygiene Package”of the European UnionNew “Hygiene Package”of the European UnionBediener: afrb Produkt: FLWI Ausgabe: 03 / 3 Re sort: Aktue l Name/Pagina: X 01 /1 Status: IsTypeset Deadline: 05-07-2 07 12: 0FLWI NAME: X 01 LETZTE. AEND.: 30Aug2 07 13:07:56 BED.:afrb ZEIT: 09:46:30 DATUM:07Sep2 07 BINTZVolume 22 D 42804 FF od lawBediener: afrb Produkt: FLWI Ausgabe: 03 / 3 Re sort: Aktue l Name/Pagina: X 01 /1 Status: IsTypeset Deadline: 05-07-2 07 12: 0FLWI NAME: X 01 LETZTE. AEND.: 30Aug2 07 13:07:56 BED.:afrb ZEIT: 09:46:30 DATUM:07Sep2 07 BINTZVolume 22 D 42804 FJournal for meat production and meat processingHygiene: Safe meat products a pling clean r om technologyNew “Hygiene Package”of the European UnionF od lawJournal for meat production and meat processing3/2007Hygiene strategyNo di ference <strong>com</strong>paredwith fresh productPackagingCoding solutions forthe meat industrySlaughteringRitual slaughterof dromedariesResearch & DevelopmentE fect of starter cultureduring Nham fermentationHygiene: Safe meat products a pling clean r om technologyNew “Hygiene Package”of the European Union3/2007Hygiene strategyNo di ference <strong>com</strong>paredwith fresh productCoding solutions forthe meat industryRitual slaughterof dromedariesPackagingSlaughteringResearch & DevelopmentE fect of starter cultureduring Nham fermentation3/20071 23/2007Hygiene strategyNo di ference <strong>com</strong>paredwith fresh productPackagingCoding solutions forthe meat industrySlaughteringRitual slaughterof dromedariesResearch & DevelopmentE fect of starter cultureduring Nham fermentationBediener: afrb Produkt: FLWI Ausgabe: 03 / 3 Re sort: Aktue l Name/Pagina: X 01 /1 Status: IsTypeset Deadline: 05-07-2 07 12: 0FLWI NAME: X 01 LETZTE. AEND.: 30Aug2 07 13:07:56 BED.:afrb ZEIT: 09:46:30 DATUM:07Sep2 07 BINTZVolume 22 D 42804 FHygiene: Safe meat products a pling clean r om technologyF od lawNew “Hygiene Package”of the European UnionNew “Hygiene Package”of the European UnionHealth safety of foodsrequires integrated approacht the end of June 2007 the 18-monthA transitional period, which was intendedto give the Member States of the Eu-inked and corresponding to this issue’sL focus topic on hygiene a detailed descriptionof the new EU “Hygiene pack-3/2007Hygiene strategyNo di ference <strong>com</strong>paredwith fresh productCoding solutions forthe meat industryRitual slaughterof dromedariesPackagingSlaughteringResearch & DevelopmentE fect of starter cultureduring Nham fermentationn a way many articles and news inIFLEISCHWIRTSCHAFT International reflectthe necessity of thinking in hygienic cate-ther papers highlight technological asOwell as nutritional properties of differentkinds of meat in dependence on proc-3/20074 Fold-in-flapGate fold with fold-in flap –also available perforatede.g. for reply cards€ 13,452.–5 BanderolePrintable on both sides€ 6,150.–6 Post-ItPlacement from page 5€ 2,825.–7 Bookmark + 1/1 AdvertisementBookmark printable on one side placementon a 1/1 advertisement pagemulticoloured€ 2,000.– (technical cost)+ rate for 1/1 page,multicoloured € 6,179.80Bediener: afrb Produkt: FLWI Ausgabe: 03 / 3 Re sort: Aktue l Name/Pagina: X 01 /1 Status: IsTypeset Deadline: 05-07-2 07 12: 0FLWI NAME: X 01 LETZTE. AEND.: 30Aug2 07 13:07:56 BED.:afrb ZEIT: 09:46:30 DATUM:07Sep2 07 BINTZVolume 22 D 42804 FBediener: afrb Produkt: FLWI Ausgabe: 003 / 3 Ressort: Aktue l Name/Pagina: X001 /1 Status: IsTypeset Deadline: 05-07-2007 12:00FLWI NAME: X001 LETZTE. AEND.: 30Aug2007 13:07:56 BED.:afrb ZEIT: 09:46:30 DATUM:07Sep2007 BINTZVolume 22 D 42804 FJournal for meat production and meat processingJournal for meat production and meat processingHygiene: Safe meat products a pling clean r om technologyF od law3/2007Hygiene strategyNo di ference <strong>com</strong>paredwith fresh productCoding solutions forthe meat industryRitual slaughterof dromedariesPackagingSlaughteringNew “Hygiene Package”of the European UnionNew “Hygiene Package”of the European UnionHygiene: Safe meat products appling clean room technologyFood lawNew “Hygiene Package”of the European UnionResearch & DevelopmentE fect of starter cultureduring Nham fermentationNew “Hygiene Package”of the European Union3/2007Hygiene strategyNo di ference <strong>com</strong>paredwith fresh productPackagingCoding solutions forthe meat industrySlaughteringRitual slaughterof dromedariesResearch & DevelopmentE fect of starter cultureduring Nham fermentation563/2007No difference <strong>com</strong>paredwith fresh productCoding solutions forthe meat industryRitual slaughterof dromedariesEffect of starter cultureduring Nham fermentation3/20073 74948 | 49Profiles | Events | Contacts afz | afz-journal Fleischwirtschaft Fleischwirtschaft International <strong>fleischwirtschaft</strong>.de + <strong>com</strong> Terms & Conditions

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