10.07.2015 Aufrufe

Media-Kit - fleischwirtschaft.com - Allgemeine Fleischer Zeitung

Media-Kit - fleischwirtschaft.com - Allgemeine Fleischer Zeitung

Media-Kit - fleischwirtschaft.com - Allgemeine Fleischer Zeitung

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45<strong>Media</strong>-<strong>Kit</strong> 20121 Advertisement rates and sizes: page 46 to 472 Additional chargesPositionsSpecial positions20 % surchargeColourColour according to European scale 16539Spot colours, per colour € 1,223.–Sizes –3 Discountswithin one year best of advertiserFrequency discountVolume discount3 advertisements 5 % 1 page (1,000 mm) 10 %6 advertisements 10 % 3 pages (3,000 mm) 15 %9 advertisements 15 % 6 pages (6,000 mm) 20 %12 advertisements 20 % 12 pages (12,000 mm) 25 %No discounts on extra technical costs.CombinationsAdvertisements in Fleischwirtschaft and Fleischwirtschaft International willbe counted together for discounts4 Classified advertisements (no discount)per mm (1 column, 45 mm width)Situations vacant single coloured € 4.10*multicoloured € 4.70*Situations wanted single coloured € 2.50*Wanted/For Sale single coloured € 3.40multicoloured € 3.90Charge for key number advertisement Abroad € 20.505 Special forms of advertisingBanderole / Bookmark / Post-it / Gate foldsee information sheet specialadvert forms page 49Production run/ Offprintplease ask for informationAdvertorialplease ask for information* Including four-week presentation on <strong>fleischwirtschaft</strong>.de – the internet platform of FleischwirtschaftTrade MagazineAdvertisement Rate Card No. 26, effective Jan. 1, 2012Bound Inserts Insert 2-page Insert 4-page Insert 6-pageRates € 4,300.– € 8,600.– € 12,900.–Quantity required 10,300 copies (incl. allowance)See information sheet bound inserts page 35 (Fleischwirtschaft)Inserts (no discount)loose, maximum format 205 mm x 290 mm, long page closed,sample necessary in advance!up to 20 g per thsd. € 255.–up to 25 g per thsd. € 265.–Higher Weight: please ask for Information.Additional postage for sending objects 3 mm height and more.Part insert: please ask for information (plus one-off costs for selection € 300.–)Sticked-on postcards please ask for informationShipping address for positions 13 to 15Societätsdruckerei, Westdeutsche Verlags- und Druckerei GmbHWarenannahme Akzidenz, Kurhessenstraße 4 – 6,64546 Mörfelden-Walldorf, GermanyRemarks on delivery paper „For Fleischwirtschaft International, issue .. /2012“6 Contact: see page 6044 | 45P7 Payment conditions 3 % discount on payments on advance calculationsor order confirmation or direct debits received by the date ofthe advertisements‘s publication2% discount on payments or direct debits received within14 days of invoice dateNet payment within 30 days of invoice dateBankdetailsFrankfurter SparkasseFrankfurt am MainAccount no. 34 926Sort-code 500 502 01SWIFT BIC HELADEF1822IBAN DE56 5005 0201 0000 0349 26CommerzbankFrankfurt am MainAccount no. 586 555 500Sort-code 500 400 00SWIFT BIC COBA DE FFIBAN DE68 5004 0000 0586 5555 00Profiles | Events | Contacts afz | afz-journal Fleischwirtschaft Fleischwirtschaft International <strong>fleischwirtschaft</strong>.de + <strong>com</strong> Terms & Conditions

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