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Media-Kit - fleischwirtschaft.com - Allgemeine Fleischer Zeitung

Media-Kit - fleischwirtschaft.com - Allgemeine Fleischer Zeitung

Media-Kit - fleischwirtschaft.com - Allgemeine Fleischer Zeitung

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<strong>Media</strong>-<strong>Kit</strong> 2012Trade MagazineTitle Portrait 11 Fleischwirtschaft2 Brief CharacteristicsInternational monthly magazine for the entire meat business, addressing“Meat“ from production to marketing. Regular topics include production,preservation, packing, transport and storage, as well as quality managementand the entire field of slaughtering technology. Thanks to cooperation withinternational experts “Fleischwirtschaft” achieves top-level global recognition.The regular special section “Meat Research and Development” serves as aplatform for the exchange of views and information between research andpractice.3 Target group Meat product industry, meat industry, abattoirs, meatindustry and meat wholesalers and supply industry(see also structural analysis of receivers, page 39)4 Frequencyof publication monthly5 Trim Size DIN A4, 210 mm width, 297 mm height6 Volume/year Volume 92 /20127 Subscription Annual subscription (Germany) € 372.40prices (incl. postage and VAT) (EU) € 396.48(World) € 377.54Single issues (Germany) € 31.62(incl. postage)8 Organ Organ of Bundesverband der Deutschen Fleischwarenindustriee.V.9 Membership <strong>Media</strong>-Datenbank of Deutsche Fachpresse, IVW10 Publishing <strong>com</strong>pany Deutscher Fachverlag GmbHHome address Mainzer Landstraße 251,60326 Frankfurt am Main, GermanyPostal address 60264 Frankfurt am Main, GermanyTelephone +49 (0) 69 7595- 01Fax +49 (0) 69 7595- 18 40Internetwww.dfv.dee-mailinfo@dfv.de11 Publisher –12 Advertisement Advertising Manager: Christine Contzen13 Editorial Board Overall editorial responsibility:Dipl. oec. troph. Renate Kühlcke,Editor-in-chief: Gerd Abeln, M. A.,Editorial staff: Yvonne Buch,Dipl.-Ing. Michael WeisenfelsE-Mailred-flw@dfv.de14 Analysis of extent 2010 = 12 issuesTotal extent 1,504 pages = 100.0 %Editorial part 986 pages = 65.0 %Advertisement part 518 pages = 35.0 %of whichClassified ads 6 pages = 1.1 %Bound inserts 96 pages = 18.5 %Advertisements frompublishers and printers 50 pages = 9.6 %Inserts31 pieces15 Analysis of editorial extent not surveyed3736 | 37Profiles | Events | Contacts afz | afz-journal Fleischwirtschaft Fleischwirtschaft International <strong>fleischwirtschaft</strong>.de + <strong>com</strong> Terms & Conditions

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