10.07.2015 Aufrufe

Media-Kit - fleischwirtschaft.com - Allgemeine Fleischer Zeitung

Media-Kit - fleischwirtschaft.com - Allgemeine Fleischer Zeitung

Media-Kit - fleischwirtschaft.com - Allgemeine Fleischer Zeitung

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<strong>Media</strong>-<strong>Kit</strong> 2012Trade MagazineFormats and technical dataF1Magazine format:Type area:Columns:210 mm wide, 297 mm high189 mm wide, 265 mm high4 columns, breadth of columns 45 mm1 column 45 mm2 columns 93 mm3 columns 141 mm4 columns 189 mm2 Printing andbinding method: Sheet offset, gummed bindingPaper grade: almost wood-free, white, glossy art printingTone value increases: Colour:black:40 % field: 13 % 40 % field: 13 %(tolerance ± 3 %) (tolerance ± 3 %)80 % field: 11 % 80 % field: 11 %(tolerance ± 2 %) (tolerance ± 2 %)Minor tone value increases are attributable to thetolerance range of the sheet offset printing3 Data transmission: CD-ROM, or after consultation via FTP or email4 Data formats: Digital data produced in accordance withISO Coated V2.We re<strong>com</strong>mend delivering PDF/X-3 data. Opendata should be avoided. All the fonts used are to beembedded. Half-tone images require a resolution of300 dpi, line art a minimum of 600 dpi.5 Colours: According to the EuroscaleColour sequence: Black, cyan, magenta, yellow6 Proof: Colour-consistent digital/reference proof (paper simulation:Fleischwirtschaft production paper) with correspondingcolorimetrics.7 Data archiving: Data are archived. That is why unaltered repetitions aregenerally possible. However no data guarantee is provided.8 Guarantee: We do not assume any liability for printing results if in<strong>com</strong>pleteor deviating data (texts, colours, images) are delivered.Exposure errors due to in<strong>com</strong>plete or defective files, wrongsettings or in<strong>com</strong>plete data will be billed. The same appliesfor any extra typesetting and lithographic work and for theproduction of new proofs.9 Contact: see page 6034Profiles | Events | Contacts afz | afz-journal Fleischwirtschaft Fleischwirtschaft International <strong>fleischwirtschaft</strong>.de + <strong>com</strong> Terms & Conditions

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