24.06.2015 Aufrufe

Mette Medienservice - Zippo

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Promotional Products<br />

Regular<br />

BLU2<br />

Mini-MPL<br />

®<br />

Pen<br />

Flame<br />

Slim<br />

Hand Warmer<br />

Flex Neck<br />


Table of<br />

Content<br />

4 <strong>Zippo</strong> History<br />

8 <strong>Zippo</strong> Regular<br />

10 <strong>Zippo</strong> Colors<br />

12 <strong>Zippo</strong> Slim<br />

14 <strong>Zippo</strong> Silver & Gold<br />

15 <strong>Zippo</strong> Replica<br />

16 <strong>Zippo</strong> Armor Case<br />

3<br />

17 <strong>Zippo</strong> Lighter Identification Codes<br />

18 <strong>Zippo</strong> Hand Warmer<br />

20 <strong>Zippo</strong> Flex Neck<br />

22 <strong>Zippo</strong> Mini MPL<br />

24 <strong>Zippo</strong> Writing Instruments<br />

26 <strong>Zippo</strong> BLU2<br />

28 <strong>Zippo</strong> Accessories<br />

®<br />

30 <strong>Zippo</strong> Signature Styleguide<br />

Flame<br />

The lighter shape ,“ZIPPO“, , ,Venetian, , , „Slim“, „BOTTOMZ UP“, „MPL“,“OUL“, „Black Ice“ and the <strong>Zippo</strong> Flame logo are registered<br />

CTM´s and are also registered in the United States and many other countries. The Multi Purpose Lighter shape, the BLU Lighter shape and the BLU Z Windscreen<br />

are patented designs in the U.S.A. and are registered designs in many other countries. All <strong>Zippo</strong> Lighter decorations are protected by copyright <strong>Zippo</strong> Manufacturing<br />

Company. All Rights Reserved.<br />

Because we are constantly improving our products, some items may not look exactly as depicted. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice.

<strong>Zippo</strong><br />

History<br />

Wer kennt es nicht, das Feuerzeug mit dem charakte-<br />

Don’t we all know it – the <strong>Zippo</strong> cigarette lighter with the<br />

1934 reichte Blaisdell sein erstes Patent im United States<br />

In 1934, he applied for his first patent with the United Sta-<br />

ristischen Click, das immer funktioniert? Unentbehrliche<br />

characteristic click that always works? Truly an indispen-<br />

Patent Office ein, das am 3. März 1936 bewilligt wurde.<br />

tes Patent Office, which was granted on March 3, 1936.<br />

Ausstattung für Outdoor-Fans und begehrtes Objekt für<br />

sable tool for outdoor fans and a prized collector’s object<br />

Die Patent-Nr. lautet: 2032695 und wurde ab Ende 1936<br />

The patent no. 2032695 was added to the bottom stamp<br />

Sammler.<br />

as well.<br />

in den bottom stamp aufgenommen. Die Produktion lief in<br />

imprint starting late 1936. Production initially developed<br />

der ersten Zeit nur schleppend an: im ersten Monat fand<br />

rather slowly: in the first month, he found 82 buyers, and<br />

Die Geschichte des <strong>Zippo</strong> Feuerzeugs ist eine typisch<br />

The history of the <strong>Zippo</strong> lighter is a typical American suc-<br />

er 82 Kunden, und im zweiten Monat stellte er immerhin<br />

in the following month he produced 357 <strong>Zippo</strong> lighters.<br />

amerikanische Erfolgsgeschichte, die ganz und gar un-<br />

cess story, which began in a most unspectacular way.<br />

schon 357 <strong>Zippo</strong> Lighter her. Kein Wunder, die Weltwirt-<br />

As so many others, too, his business at that time suffered<br />

spektakulär begann. Im Jahr 1932 traf der amerikanische<br />

Back in 1932, company founder George G. Blaisdell once<br />

schaftskrise „Great Depression“ war noch lange nicht<br />

from the aftermath of the Great Depression. In 1935, the<br />

Firmengründer George G. Blaisdell im Bradford Country<br />

met a friend at the Bradford Country Club, who lit a ciga-<br />

überwunden. Im Jahr 1935 bestellte die „Kendall Refining<br />

Kendall Refining Company ordered 500 <strong>Zippo</strong> lighters as<br />

Club einen Freund, der sich seine Zigarette mit einem klo-<br />

rette with an unwieldy two-piece cigarette lighter. Asked<br />

Company“ 500 <strong>Zippo</strong> Feuerzeuge als Werbeträger. Für<br />

promotional media: Blaisdell had finally managed to find<br />

bigen zweiteiligen Feuerzeug anzündete. Auf die Frage,<br />

why he wasn’t using anything more refined and elegant,<br />

Blaisdell hatte sich das Tor in den wichtigen Werbearti-<br />

access to the important market for advertising means.<br />

warum er kein eleganteres Feuerzeug verwende, entgeg-<br />

the friend responded: “Because it works, that’s why.” This<br />

kelmarkt geöffnet. Als die Verkäufe anstiegen, erweiterte<br />

Blaisdell enlarged his company facilities as sales picked<br />

nete der Freund: „Weil es funktioniert“. Dies beeindruckte<br />

impressed George Blaisdell so much that he at first tried<br />

Blaisdell seinen Betrieb. 1955 wurde das neue, moder-<br />

up. In 1955, the company transferred to the new and mo-<br />

Mr. Blaisdell dermaßen, dass er zunächst versuchte das<br />

to improve the lighter, and then he started developing his<br />

ne Verwaltungsgebäude auf der Barbour Street bezogen.<br />

dern office building on Barbour Street. A gigantic neon<br />

Feuerzeug zu verbessern, um dann selbst ein optisch an-<br />

own attractive and easy-to-use cigarette lighter. He wan-<br />

Eine riesige Leuchtreklame auf dem Dach mit den Worten<br />

sign on the roof displaying the message “Home of <strong>Zippo</strong><br />

4<br />

sprechendes und einfach zu bedienendes Feuerzeug zu<br />

entwickeln. Es sollte sowohl zuverlässig sein, als auch elegant<br />

und mit nur einer Hand zu bedienen.<br />

ted it to be reliable, elegant, and operable with one hand<br />

only.<br />

„Home of <strong>Zippo</strong> Windproof Lighter – they work.“ wurde<br />

zum weithin sichtbaren Wahrzeichen von Bradford.<br />

windproof lighter – they work.” soon became a signature<br />

landmark for Bradford.<br />

5<br />

And for finding a name, he let himself be inspired by ano-<br />

Mit Ausnahme von Verbesserungen an der Mechanik<br />

Apart from improvements to mechanical features for the<br />

Bei der Namensgebung ließ er sich von einer anderen<br />

ther invention of his times – the zipper. He liked the sound<br />

für den Feuerstein und der Gestaltung des Gehäuses ist<br />

flintstone and casing appearance, Blaisdell’s original de-<br />

Erfindung seiner Zeit inspirieren – dem Reißverschluss.<br />

of that word – and simply called his invention zippo. Blais-<br />

Blaisdells ursprüngliches Design bis heute praktisch un-<br />

sign has practically not been changed to this very day.<br />

Er mochte den Klang des Namens „Zipper“ und nann-<br />

dell installed his first production shop on the second floor<br />

verändert geblieben. Nicht zuletzt die Lifetime Guarantee<br />

Certainly the Lifetime Guarantee was one of the reasons<br />

te sein Feuerzeug einfach „<strong>Zippo</strong>“. Als Produktions-<br />

of the old Rickerson & Pryde Garage in his hometown<br />

läutete den Siegeszug in den USA und schließlich in der<br />

the lighter was so successful first in the US and later<br />

stätte diente eine Werkstatt im zweiten Stock der alten<br />

Bradford, Pennsylvania.<br />

ganzen Welt ein. Der <strong>Zippo</strong> Lighter wurde zum Symbol<br />

throughout the entire world. The <strong>Zippo</strong> lighter became a<br />

Rickerson & Pryde Garage in Blaisdells Heimatstadt<br />

des American Way of Life und das bekannteste Feuerzeug<br />

symbol for the American Way of Life, and the world’s most<br />

Bradford, Pennsylvania.<br />

der Welt.<br />

popular cigarette lighter as well.

In Deutschland ist diese Garantie vom Gesetzgeber auf 30<br />

In Germany, lawmakers have restricted this guarantee to<br />

Faszination Click & Werbeträger seit mehr als 80<br />

Fascination Click & Advertising Medium for more<br />

Jahre eingeschränkt. Um festzustellen, welche Produkt-<br />

a period of 30 years. In order to find out which produc-<br />

Jahren. In seiner Eigenschaft als Werbeträger gehört<br />

than 80 years. In its capacity as an advertising medium,<br />

serien sich besonders bewährten, begann Blaisdell 1950<br />

tion series were most successful, Blaisdell in 1950 started<br />

der <strong>Zippo</strong> Lighter zu den absoluten Klassikern und zu<br />

the <strong>Zippo</strong> lighter belongs to the absolute classics as well<br />

damit, die Feuerzeuge mit Seriennummern zu versehen<br />

stamping the casings with serial numbers. In doing so, he<br />

den erfolgreichsten Promotional Products weltweit.<br />

as being one of the most successful promotional products<br />

und legte damit auch den Grundstein für die später einset-<br />

laid the foundation stone for the ensuing collection craze:<br />

worldwide.<br />

zende Sammelhysterie: <strong>Zippo</strong> Lighter gelten als beliebte<br />

<strong>Zippo</strong> lighters are considered popular and above all valu-<br />

Mittlerweile wird der klassische <strong>Zippo</strong> Lighter von einer<br />

und vor allem wertvolle Sammlerobjekte.<br />

able collectables.<br />

Reihe attraktiver Produktlinien ergänzt: <strong>Zippo</strong> Mini MPL<br />

In the meantime the classic <strong>Zippo</strong> lighter has been com-<br />

Gas Lighter, Writing Instruments, Watches – um nur eini-<br />

plemented by a variety of attractive product lines: <strong>Zippo</strong><br />

Das liegt insbesondere daran, dass <strong>Zippo</strong> Feuerzeuge<br />

This is above all owing to the fact that <strong>Zippo</strong> lighters are<br />

ge zu nennen.<br />

Mini MPL gas lighter, writing instruments, watches – just<br />

bebilderte Zeitgeschichte transportieren. Ob NASA Flüge,<br />

actually illustrated historic chronicles: be it NASA space<br />

to name a few.<br />

Unabhängigkeitstag oder Personen der Zeitgeschichte,<br />

flights, Independence Day, or outstanding personalities,<br />

Gerade international arbeitende Unternehmen nutzen<br />

wer einen äußerst hochwertigen Werbe- und Kommu-<br />

anybody looking for a high-quality promotional and com-<br />

den hohen Bekanntheitsgrad der <strong>Zippo</strong> Produkte, um<br />

Internationally operating companies in particular like to use<br />

nikationsträger sucht, wählt den <strong>Zippo</strong> Lighter. Der au-<br />

munication product won’t get past the <strong>Zippo</strong> catalogue.<br />

ihre Botschaft zu transportieren und neue Partner zu<br />

the high level of familiarity of the <strong>Zippo</strong> products to spread<br />

ßerordentliche Bekanntheitsgrad hat auch dazu geführt,<br />

The lighter’s extraordinary degree of popularity has given it<br />

gewinnen. Mit ihrer Attraktivität und ihrer schon sprich-<br />

their message and gain new partners. The attractiveness<br />

dass der <strong>Zippo</strong> Lighter zum unentbehrlichen Accessoire in<br />

on-screen presence – and in some cases even supporting<br />

wörtlichen Zuverlässigkeit begeistern <strong>Zippo</strong> Promotional<br />

and the legendary reliability of <strong>Zippo</strong> promotional products<br />

6<br />

mehr als 1000 Spielfilmen weltweit wurde.<br />

Mehr als 500 Millionen <strong>Zippo</strong> Feuerzeuge wurden im Laufe<br />

roles – in more than 1,000 films all over the world.<br />

More than 500 million <strong>Zippo</strong> lighters have already been<br />

Products als Werbegeschenk Kunden wie Neukunden.<br />

as promotional gifts enthuse existing customers as well<br />

as new ones.<br />

7<br />

der Unternehmensgeschichte in Bradford gefertigt. Und<br />

manufactured at the Bradford plant, and the story of suc-<br />

die Erfolgsgeschichte geht weiter. Über die erfolgreiche<br />

cess hasn’t come to its end yet. From <strong>Zippo</strong> Mini MPL<br />

Serie von <strong>Zippo</strong> Mini MPL Gasfeuerzeugen und den <strong>Zippo</strong><br />

gas-operated lighters over watches all the way to writing<br />

BLU Gasfeuerzeugen, bis hin zu Schreibgeräten, Outdoor<br />

instruments and leather ware: product series are always<br />

Produkten und dem neuen <strong>Zippo</strong> Herrenduft - immer ist<br />

based on the highest degree of quality available. Just the<br />

der absolute Qualitätsanspruch Basis einer neuen Pro-<br />

way George G. Blaisdell wanted it when he developed the<br />

duktserie. So, wie es George G. Blaisdell vor mehr als 80<br />

<strong>Zippo</strong> lighter more than 80 years ago.<br />

Jahren wollte, als er den <strong>Zippo</strong> Lighter entwickelte.

<strong>Zippo</strong><br />

Regular<br />

Chrome High Polished<br />

1.021.250 #250<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Chrome Brushed<br />

1.020.200 #200<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Street Chrome<br />

1.023.207 #207<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Satin Finish<br />

1.022.205 #205<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Vintage Chrome High Polished<br />

1.026.003 #260<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Vintage Chrome Brushed<br />

1.026.001 #230<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Vintage Brass High Polished<br />

1.026.004 #270<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Vintage Brass Brushed<br />

1.026.002 #240<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

8<br />

9<br />

Brass High Polished<br />

1.025.254 #254B<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Brass Brushed<br />

1.025.204 #204B<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Gold Dust<br />

1.023.004 #207G<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Vintage Street Chrome<br />

2.004.262 #267<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Black Ice<br />

1.024.001 #150<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Linen Weave<br />

2.002.483 #28181<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Chrome Arch<br />

2.000.434 #24647<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Chrome Herringbone Sweep<br />

2.000.435 #24648<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

26,5 x 14 mm<br />

26,5 x 25 mm<br />

Die Skizze zeigt die möglichen<br />

zu gestaltenden Flächen<br />

auf den <strong>Zippo</strong> Regular Lightern.<br />

The sketch shows the surfaces<br />

that can be designed on <strong>Zippo</strong><br />

Regular Lighters.<br />

Für jedes Corporate Design<br />

bieten wir die perfekte Umsetzung<br />

an. Eine Übersicht der<br />

angebotenen Drucktechniken<br />

finden Sie auf den Seiten 30<br />

bis 31<br />

We offer perfect implementation<br />

for every Corporate Design.<br />

For an overview of the offered<br />

print techniques, see pages 30<br />

to 31.<br />

Black Crackle<br />

1.029.236 #236<br />

CI, LA<br />

Spectrum<br />

1.024.002 #151<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Gray Dust<br />

2.003.262 #28378<br />

CI, LA<br />

Antique Silver<br />

1.029.121 #121<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Diagonal Weave<br />

2.002.484 #28182<br />


<strong>Zippo</strong><br />

Colors<br />

White Matte<br />

1.029.214 #214<br />

CI, LA<br />

Pink Matte<br />

1.029.014 #238<br />

CI, LA<br />

Red Matte<br />

1.029.019 #233<br />

CI, LA<br />

Candy Apple Red<br />

1.029.013 #21063<br />

CI, LA<br />

Cerulean<br />

2.000.619 #24534<br />

CI, LA<br />

Royal Blue Matte<br />

1.029.022 #229<br />

CI, LA<br />

10<br />

Das gelaserte Scharnier und<br />

der Bodenstempel auf pulverbeschichteten<br />

Oberflächen weisen<br />

seit 2010 ein Feuerzeug als<br />

echtes <strong>Zippo</strong> windproof Feuerzeug<br />

aus.<br />

11<br />

Lasered hinge barrel and bottom<br />

stamp on powder coat finishes<br />

manufactured since 2010<br />

identify the lighter as a genuine<br />

<strong>Zippo</strong> windproof lighter.<br />

Orange Matte<br />

1.029.023 #231<br />

CI, LA<br />

Toffee<br />

1.029.032 #21184<br />

CI, LA<br />

Lemon Matte<br />

2.001.137 #24839<br />

CI, LA<br />

Lurid<br />

2.000.618 #24513<br />

CI, LA<br />

Sapphire<br />

1.024.006 #20446<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Navy Blue Matte<br />

1.029.021 #239<br />

CI, LA<br />

Meadow Matte<br />

2.001.138 #24840<br />

CI, LA<br />

Chameleon<br />

2.002.533 #28129<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Green Matte<br />

1.850.021 #221<br />

CI, LA<br />

Cream Matte<br />

2.004.281 #216<br />

CI, LA<br />

Iron Stone<br />

2.003.173 #211<br />

CI, LA<br />

Abyss<br />

2.000.641 #24747<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Black Matte<br />

1.029.218 #218<br />

CI, LA<br />

Ebony<br />

2.001.562 #24756<br />


<strong>Zippo</strong> Slim<br />

Die Skizze zeigt die möglichen<br />

zu gestaltenden Flächen auf<br />

den <strong>Zippo</strong> Slim Lightern.<br />

The sketch shows the surfaces<br />

that can be designed on <strong>Zippo</strong><br />

Slim Lighters.<br />

Black Ice Slim<br />

1.027.015 #20492<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Satin Slim<br />

1.027.010 #1605<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Chrome Brushed Slim<br />

1.027.009 #1600<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Street Chrome Slim<br />

1.023.001 #1607<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

12<br />

13<br />

Arc Engine Slim<br />

1.470.001 #1610<br />

Chrome Polished W. Panel<br />

1.027.003 #1615<br />

Abyss Slim<br />

2.002.486 #28124<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Sapphire Slim<br />

1.027.014 #20494<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Black Matte Slim<br />

1.027.004 #1618<br />

CI, LA<br />

Chrome High Polished Slim<br />

1.027.002 #1610<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Venetian Chrome Slim<br />

1.027.005 #1652<br />

Brass High Polished Slim<br />

1.027.006 #1654B<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Venetian Brass Slim<br />

1.027.008 #1652B<br />

Ebony Slim<br />

2.002.487 #28123<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Spectrum Slim<br />

1.027.012 #20493<br />


<strong>Zippo</strong><br />

Silver & Gold<br />

<strong>Zippo</strong><br />

Replica<br />

Sterling Silver<br />

1.029.015 #15<br />

AE<br />

Sterling Silver Slim<br />

1.027.001 #1500<br />

AE<br />

1941 Replica Back Ice<br />

1.026.012 #24096<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

14<br />

15<br />

Understated elegance<br />

The sophistication of an 18k solid<br />

gold case or a sterling silver case<br />

combined with the panache of<br />

classic <strong>Zippo</strong> styling. You can feel<br />

the balance of all the elements.<br />

This <strong>Zippo</strong> lighter travels in the<br />

finest company and makes no<br />

apology for its pedigree.<br />

Gold 18 Carat<br />

1.029.195 #195<br />

1941 Replica Brass Brushed<br />

1.026.009 #1941B<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

1941 Replica Chrome Brushed<br />

1.026.006 #1941<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

1935 Replica W/ Slashes<br />

1.026.035 #1935<br />


<strong>Zippo</strong><br />

Armor Case<br />

Lighter<br />

Identification<br />

Codes<br />

<strong>Zippo</strong> Lighter mit der Bezeichnung „Armor Case“ verfügen gegenüber<br />

den Basismodellen über ein extrem verstärktes Gehäuse und werden<br />

damit auch extremen Anforderungen gerecht. Sie sind an einem speziellen<br />

Bodenstempel zu erkennen.<br />

Diese außergewöhnliche Materialstärke ermöglicht außerdem völlig<br />

neue Möglichkeiten im Design mit einem markanten 3D-Effekt.<br />

<strong>Zippo</strong> has achieved a striking multi-faceted dimensional look. The<br />

Armor case <strong>Zippo</strong> lighter. A distinctive bottom stamp authenticated<br />

these lighters as heavy walled Armor, about 1.5 times as thick as<br />

a standard case.<br />

Without the additional weight and bulk of an attached emblem you can<br />

decorate the Armor <strong>Zippo</strong> lighter case deep carved to achieve a 3D<br />

look.<br />

Cardboard Box<br />

Standard packaging for <strong>Zippo</strong> lighters<br />

Sonderverpackung auf Anfrage<br />

Special packaging on request<br />

Visit zippo.com<br />

Made in U.S.A.<br />

16<br />

Armor Case Brass Brushed<br />

1.025.004 #168<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Armor Case Chrome Brushed<br />

1.020.002 #162<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Armor Case Brass High Polished<br />

1.025.005 #169<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Armor Case Chrome High Polished<br />

1.021.002 #167<br />

CI, LA, AE<br />

Bottom Stamp Date Codes<br />

As with most collectibles, the date of manufacture of a <strong>Zippo</strong> lighter often<br />

affects its value. Valuable information on the bottom of every <strong>Zippo</strong> lighter<br />

can help you determine its date of manufacture. Most lighters fabricated<br />

between 1933 and 1957 can be identified by style and model and the<br />

patent or patent-pending marks.<br />

Starting in the mid 50s, date codes were stamped on the bottom. The<br />

original purpose was for quality control. The date codes<br />

have since become an invaluable tool for <strong>Zippo</strong><br />

collectors.<br />

(1933 - 1954) The appearance of the word “<strong>Zippo</strong>” in the<br />

bottom stamp provides another clue to<br />

dating. There have been three major changes,<br />

as shown in inset. From 1933 to the mid 50s the<br />

(1955 - 1979) word <strong>Zippo</strong> was stamped in block letters. The<br />

<strong>Zippo</strong> script logo was developed in the late 40s<br />

®<br />

and was phased-in on the lighter<br />

bottom stamp around 1955. In the late 70s the<br />

(1980 - Present)<br />

logo was redesigned. It was incorporated into the<br />

bottom stamp in 1980.<br />

Regular Lighter Identification Codes<br />

1933 Patent Pending<br />

1937 - c.1950 Patent 2032695<br />

1942 - 1946 Black Crackle, Patent 203695. 1<br />

c.1950 - c.1957 2 Patent 2517191<br />

c.1950 - c.1957 3 Patent 2517191with patent pending<br />

1958 Patent Pending<br />

• • • • • • • •<br />

1959 • • • • • • •<br />

1960 • • • • • •<br />

1961 • • • • •<br />

1962 • • • •<br />

1963 • • •<br />

1964 • •<br />

1965 •<br />

1966 I I I I I I I I<br />

1967 I I I I I I I<br />

1968 I I I I I I<br />

1969 I I I I I<br />

1970 I I I I<br />

10<br />

1971 I I I<br />

1972 I I<br />

1973 I<br />

1974 / / / / / / / /<br />

1975 / / / / / / /<br />

1976 / / / / / /<br />

1977 / / / / /<br />

1978 / / / /<br />

1979 4 / / /<br />

/ / /<br />

1980 / /<br />

1981 /<br />

1982 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \<br />

1983 \ \ \ \ \ \ \<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

1984 \ \ \ \ \ \<br />

1985 \ \ \ \ \<br />

1986 5 \ \ \ \<br />

1986 G to L I I<br />

1987 A to L I I I<br />

1988 A to L IV<br />

1989 A to L V<br />

1990 A to L VI<br />

1991 A to L VII<br />

1992 A to L VIII<br />

1993 A to L IX<br />

1994 A to L X<br />

1995 A to L XI<br />

1996 A to L XII<br />

1997 A to L XIII<br />

1998 A to L XIV<br />

1 9 9 9 A to L XV<br />

2000 A to L XVI<br />

2001 6 A to L 01<br />

2002 A to L 02<br />

2003 A to L 03<br />

2004 A to L 04<br />

2005 7 A to L 05<br />

to<br />

to<br />

2010 A to L 10<br />

to<br />

to<br />

2020 A to L 20*<br />

On some lighters, this number was stamped in error, should have been<br />

Patent 2032695.<br />

<strong>Zippo</strong> records indicate an overlap of bottom stamp configurations from<br />

1949-1957.<br />

Some lighters produced between 1955-57 were date coded; however,<br />

specifics remain unclear.<br />

In 1979 an error was made in the date code. One of the slash marks was<br />

removed from the left of the <strong>Zippo</strong> trademark instead of being removed from<br />

the right; thus the code read: / //. This date code error was corrected within<br />

the same year to read: // /<br />

Effective July 1, 1986 the dot and slash system was replaced by year / month<br />

code. Year is coded by Roman numeral; letter designates month (A=January,<br />

B=February, etc.)<br />

Beginning in 2001, the Roman numerals indicating the year were replaced<br />

with numbers corresponding to the last digits of the year of manufacture.<br />

The first <strong>Zippo</strong> BLU® butane cases were made in 2005. The date code is the<br />

same format as regular windproof lighters.<br />

*Code is subject to change without notice.<br />

Slim Lighter Identification Codes<br />

Slim lighters were first introduced in 1956, with a flat bottom and no date code.<br />

The first markings were added in 1957<br />

and overlapped into 1958. From 1957-1965 the code<br />

configuration on the slim lighters differed from the regular lighters. From 1966 on,<br />

the configuration has been the same.<br />

1957 • • • • • • • •<br />

1958 • • • • • • • •<br />

• • • • • • •<br />

1959 • • • • • •<br />

1960 • • • • •<br />

1961 • • • •<br />

1962 • • •<br />

1963 • •<br />

1964 •<br />

1965<br />

11<br />

17<br />

Connect with millions of people all over the world who collect

Hand<br />

Warmer<br />

Sie wollen die freie Natur auch bei Kälte genießen können? Dafür haben<br />

wir unseren widerstandsfähigen Handwärmer aus Metall gebaut. Dank<br />

seiner Hochglanzoberfläche und des schlanken, flachen Designs passt<br />

er leicht in jede Tasche und ist annähernd geruchlos (toll für Jäger). Er<br />

wärmt bis zu 12 Stunden und kann mit <strong>Zippo</strong> Benzin wiederverwendet<br />

werden. Zum Lieferumfang gehören ein praktischer Füllbehälter sowie<br />

eine wärmende Schutzhülle.<br />

Ob Sie also auf die Jagd oder auf die Piste gehen wollen – unser Handwärmer<br />

sorgt dafür, dass Sie nicht frieren müssen. Ideal zum Jagen,<br />

Eisfischen, Skifahren, Motorschlittenfahren und für alle Outdoor-Sportereignisse.<br />

You want to be able to enjoy the Great Outdoors even when it´s cold<br />

outside. And that´s why we built our rugged, metal hand warmer. It has<br />

a high-polish finish and a sleek, thin design so it easily fits into pockets,<br />

and it´s virtually odorless (great for hunters) and stays warm for up to 12<br />

hours. Plus, it`s reusable with <strong>Zippo</strong> lighter fluid and includes a convenient<br />

filler cup and warming bag.<br />

So wheater you are going hunting or hitting the slopes, our hand warmer<br />

will keep you warm while you´re at it. Ideal for hunting, ice fishing, skiing,<br />

snowmobiling and outdoor sporting events.<br />

18<br />

<strong>Zippo</strong> Lighter Fluid<br />

1.701.001<br />

Replacement Burner<br />

Hand Warmer<br />

2.001.755<br />

19<br />

Hand Warmer Chrome<br />

2.001.359<br />

CI, LA<br />

Hand Warmer Black<br />

2.002.583<br />

CI, LA<br />

2.002.620<br />

Hand Warmer Giftbox (Set without Hand Warmer)

<strong>Zippo</strong><br />

Flex Neck<br />

Flex Neck Black<br />

2.000.819<br />

CI<br />

Flex Neck Chrome<br />

2.000.818<br />

LA, CI<br />

This Flame burns harder than the wind blows. Flex Neck utility lighters<br />

Es gibt einfach keine bessere Methode, um bei ordentlichem Wind Feuer<br />

zu machen. Die Dual-Flame Technologie ermöglicht jederzeit eine kräftige<br />

Flamme. Ein flexibler Hals positioniert die Flamme in jede Richtung. Die<br />

schmale Spitze erreicht auch enge Stellen in Laternen und Campingöfen.<br />

There’s no better way to get fires started in a stiff wind. Dual-flame technology<br />

keeps the flame burning strong. A flexible neck precisely positions<br />

the flame in any direction. The narrow gauge head is small enough to<br />

reach into tight spots in lanterns and camping stoves.<br />

20<br />

Adjustable flame<br />

Flexible Neck<br />

Flex Neck Stabfeuerzeuge sind mit ihrer stabilen Vollmetallkonstruktion<br />

hervorragend zum Anzünden von Kerzen, Grills und anderem geeignet.<br />

They’re great for lighting candles, BBQ grills and more. Sturdy, all metal<br />

construction.<br />

21<br />

Made by <strong>Zippo</strong><br />

A reliable product<br />

19 x 35<br />

mm<br />

Ergonomic yet<br />

stylish design<br />

Durable metal casing<br />

(brass plated)<br />

Patented child-resistant<br />

safety button (on back)<br />

Advanced softtouch<br />

ignition system<br />

Flex Neck available<br />

in two colors<br />

Retractable hanger<br />

Filler opening for<br />

<strong>Zippo</strong> Premium<br />

Butane Gas<br />

Adjustable flame dial

<strong>Zippo</strong><br />

Mini MPL<br />

Ein Feuerzeug in<br />

handlichem Design<br />

Von Kerzenleuchtern bis zu Geburtstagskerzen<br />

zündet der Mini<br />

MPL einfach alles: kompakt und<br />

farbenfroh.<br />

A Lighter Style<br />

From candelabras to birthday candles,<br />

the Mini MPL is everything<br />

consumers love about the original<br />

<strong>Zippo</strong>, petite and colorful.<br />

Die farbenfrohen praktischen Mini<br />

MPL-Lighter sind mit einer exklusiven<br />

Präsent-Box ausgestattet.<br />

Noch ein schöner Grund mehr<br />

zum Schenken und sich selber<br />

schenken.<br />

The colourful practical Mini MPLlighters<br />

are equipped with an exclusive<br />

gift box. It‘s another beautiful<br />

reason to make gifts to others<br />

and yourself.<br />

Adjustable flame<br />

22<br />

23<br />

Made by <strong>Zippo</strong><br />

A reliable product<br />

8 x 14<br />

mm<br />

Patented child-resistant<br />

safety button (on back)<br />

Ergonomic yet<br />

stylish design<br />

Gun 1.501.009<br />

Brushed Chrome 2.003.429<br />

Black Matte 2.001.061<br />

Harvest Bronze 2.003.428<br />

Candy Red 2.003.427<br />

Metallic Blue 2.003.426<br />

Mini MPL available in<br />

many colors<br />

CI, LA<br />

Butane fuel valve (on bottom)

Writing<br />

Instruments<br />

31 x 8 mm<br />

Ballpoint Pen Glossy Black 2.003.610 CI, LA<br />

31 x 8 mm<br />

Rollerball Pen Glossy Black 2.003.611 CI, LA<br />

31 x 8 mm<br />

Ballprint Silver Brushed Chrome 2.003.612 CI, LA<br />

31 x 8 mm<br />

Rollerball Silver Brushed Chrome 2.003.613 CI, LA<br />

Box (empty)<br />

19 x 8 mm<br />

Rollerpoint Burg Leather Wrap 2.003.614 CI, LA<br />

19 x 8 mm<br />

24<br />

Rollerball Burg Leather Wrap 2.003.615 CI, LA<br />

25<br />

31 x 8 mm<br />

Ballpen Oyster 1.703.091 CI, LA<br />

31 x 8 mm<br />

Ballpen Allegheny Gloss Black 1.703.032 CI, LA<br />

Rollerball Oyster 1.703.092 CI, LA<br />

31 x 8 mm<br />

Ballpen Shenango Black 1.703.093 CI, LA<br />

Ballpen Allegheny Gloss Blue 1.703.033 CI, LA<br />

31 x 8 mm<br />

Rollerball Shenango Black 1.703.095 CI, LA<br />

Ballpen Allegheny Gloss Red<br />

1.703.035 CI, LA<br />

31,7 x 8 mm<br />

Ballpen Moshannon 1.703.099 CI, LA<br />

31,7 x 8 mm<br />

Ballpen Allegheny Gloss Polish Chrome<br />

1.703.036 CI, LA<br />

Rollerball Moshannon 1.703.100 CI, LA

<strong>Zippo</strong> BLU2<br />

Die Flamme ist neu. Der Rest <strong>Zippo</strong> pur.<br />

Seit 1932 produziert <strong>Zippo</strong> das klassische windproof Feuerzeug.<br />

Mit seinem zeitlosen Design, dem typischen Klick und seiner unerreichten<br />

Zuverlässigkeit wird ein <strong>Zippo</strong> Feuerzeug schnell zu einem wertvollen<br />

Besitz.<br />

Nun können Sie die <strong>Zippo</strong> Erfahrung mit dem <strong>Zippo</strong> Gasfeuerzeug ganz<br />

neu genießen – mit dem nächsten Schritt in der Evolution zur perfekten<br />

Flamme. „Made in USA“ ist das windproof <strong>Zippo</strong> Gasfeuerzeug unvergleichbar<br />

mit seiner beständigen, sauber brennenden blauen Flamme,<br />

ohne Geruch oder Nachgeschmack.<br />

We changed the flame. The rest is pure <strong>Zippo</strong>.<br />

Since 1932, <strong>Zippo</strong> has been producing the world´s quintessential<br />

windproof lighter. With its timeless design, its distinctive click and its unmatched<br />

dependability, a <strong>Zippo</strong> lighter quickly becomes a prized possession.<br />

Now the <strong>Zippo</strong> experience can be enjoyed in a new way with the <strong>Zippo</strong><br />

Gas lighter – the next step in the evolution of the perfect flame. Made in<br />

the USA, the wind-resistant <strong>Zippo</strong> gas lighter is like no other in delivering<br />

a consistent, clean burning blue flame, with no odor or aftertaste.<br />

2.003.441<br />

Blu2 Dusted Chrome<br />

CI, LA<br />

26<br />

2.003.442<br />

Blu2 Vertical Chrome<br />

CI, LA<br />

27<br />

2.003.443<br />

Blu2 Black Matte<br />

CI, LA<br />

2.002.662<br />

Blu2 High Polish Chrome<br />

CI, LA<br />

Distinctive Features<br />

Smooth, comfortable shape<br />

One-hand operation<br />

Two-stage burner<br />

Distinctive „Z“ patterned chimney<br />

Famous <strong>Zippo</strong> click<br />

Date code and unique bottom<br />

Stamp enhance collectibility<br />

Ideal flame height<br />

Large fuel tank<br />

Patented technology<br />

Our famous guarantee<br />

2.003.444<br />

Blu2 Street Chrome<br />

CI, LA<br />

2.003.445<br />

Blu2 High Polish Brass<br />


<strong>Zippo</strong><br />

Accessories<br />

28<br />

Pouch Brown with Loop<br />

1.701.003<br />

Pouch Brown with Clip<br />

1.701.005<br />

Pouch Black with Clip<br />

1.701.006<br />

Pouch Black with Loop<br />

1.701.004<br />

<strong>Zippo</strong> Pouch Gift Set<br />

1.701.012 – Set brown/loop<br />

1.701.013 – Set black/clip<br />

1.701.014 – Set brown/clip<br />

1.701.015 – Set black/loop<br />

(All Sets without lighters)<br />

<strong>Zippo</strong> Flask 3 oz.<br />

60.000.197 CI, LA<br />

29<br />

Belt Clip without Lighter<br />

1.703.006<br />

Pouch Black with Loop, without Lighter<br />

1.701.009<br />

<strong>Zippo</strong> Premium<br />

Butane Gas<br />

1.702.001<br />

<strong>Zippo</strong> Lighter Fluid<br />

1.701.001<br />

<strong>Zippo</strong> Gift Set<br />

1.701.010<br />

(Set without lighter)

Signature<br />

Styleguide<br />

All models below require special handling due to the unique processes and methods<br />

on each piece. Several model styles below require minimum quantities, tooling charges,<br />

special lead times, as well as specific art files.<br />

Contact your <strong>Zippo</strong> sales representative for more information.<br />

Splash & Texturing<br />

Ghost Clear<br />

Color Image (CI)<br />

Splash adds a wet effect and feel to<br />

the design. <strong>Zippo</strong> designers make art.<br />

<strong>Zippo</strong> can apply a clear epoxy image<br />

along with additional inks to achieve<br />

a “ghosted” effect.<br />

State-of-the-art printing method allows <strong>Zippo</strong> to imprint multiple spot colors<br />

or full-color photographic representations. Spot colors can be matched to<br />

PMS colors and used for one, two, or three-color simple logos.<br />

30<br />

Laser Two-Tone<br />

<strong>Zippo</strong>’s lasers can be programmed<br />

utilizing two different depths, creating<br />

a unique contrast within the image.<br />

• Restricted to some models<br />

• Cannot pass thru lid line<br />

• Large areas of clear not<br />

recommended<br />

Auto Two-Tone<br />

Contrast is achieved when <strong>Zippo</strong><br />

engraves in two different depths.<br />

Vibrant chrome and brass engraving<br />

allows for a “gold and silver”<br />

effect.<br />

• Some model restrictions apply<br />

• Art constraints apply<br />

• Not available on all basic models<br />

• Cannot pass thru lid line<br />

• <strong>Zippo</strong> will accept vector artwork files (Adobe Illustrator) in these<br />

formats: .ai, .eps, .pdf (provided entire contents of file are vector).<br />

• <strong>Zippo</strong> can also imprint artwork in full color or a photographic<br />

representation.<br />

• <strong>Zippo</strong> will accept raster artwork files (Adobe Photoshop) no less<br />

than 1.5” wide by 2.25” high with a resolution of 600 DPI (dots per<br />

inch). Acceptable formats include .psd, .tif, .eps, .jpg (provided the<br />

resolution is high enough). Any file requiring background isolation<br />

must have paths or a layered file when transparent background<br />

included.<br />

• standard imprint charges<br />

• not available on precious metal finishes<br />

• minimum quantity required<br />

• special art requirements / hi resolution photo required to be reviewed<br />

by Creative Services<br />

31<br />

Emblem<br />

Laser Engrave (LA)<br />

Auto Engrave (AE)<br />

The crisp, clean jewelry look of auto engraving has become one of the most<br />

popular methods of customization. Skilled operators use either rotary engrave<br />

or diamond cut method to inscribe an image into the product using<br />

creative fill patterns. A dimensional effect can be achieved by using directional<br />

fill patterns.<br />

Image is die struck onto pewter.<br />

• Art constraints<br />

• Additional lead times required<br />

• Tooling charges and minimum<br />

quantities may be required<br />

• Contact sales rep for details<br />

This state-of-the-art process allows<br />

<strong>Zippo</strong> tremendous flexibility when<br />

reproducing your artwork on our products.<br />

Our laser engravers are computer<br />

programmed to generate an<br />

accurate replication of your imprint.<br />

• standard imprint charges<br />

• minimum quantity required<br />

• multiple surface available<br />

• shows great contrast<br />

• standard imprint charges<br />

• not available on powder coat and translucent finishes<br />

• can be done on sterling silver and solid gold<br />

• minimum quantity required<br />

• lid line adjustment may be made<br />

• may require additional lead times<br />

Custom Art • Limited Editions • Exclusive Designs • Signature and Licensed Designs<br />

Special event and / or anniversary designs can be supplied by customer or created by <strong>Zippo</strong> artists.<br />

Personalization and consecutive numbering are available for an additional charge.<br />

Designs supplied by <strong>Zippo</strong> customers can be restricted to others. Must be discussed and approved through Design Center.<br />

Signature and licensed designs must be processed and approved by our licensing department. Call your sales representative for details.

Königsberger Weg 4<br />

D-58553 Halver<br />

nm@mette-medienservice.de<br />


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