16.11.2012 Aufrufe

M2M Summit 2011 Special Edition - M2M Alliance

M2M Summit 2011 Special Edition - M2M Alliance

M2M Summit 2011 Special Edition - M2M Alliance


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<strong>M2M</strong> <strong>Summit</strong> – <strong>Special</strong> <strong>Edition</strong><br />

Programm | Program<br />

9:00 Begrüßung | Welcome<br />

Georg Steimel, 1. Vorsitzender der <strong>M2M</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> e.V.<br />

Georg Steimel, 1st Chairman of the <strong>M2M</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> e.V.<br />

9:10 Grußwort IHK | Greetings IHK<br />

Grußwort Kanadische Handelskammer<br />

Greetings Canadian Chamber of Commerce<br />

9:25 Key Note: Rick Kreifeldt, Harman International Industries<br />

9:55 Podiumsdiskussion: <strong>M2M</strong> – nur Datenkommunikation? –<br />

Operator Round Table | Podium discussion:<br />

<strong>M2M</strong> – Only Data Communication? – Operator Round Table<br />

Deutsche Telekom AG, <strong>M2M</strong>-PLUS – Part of E-Plus Group,<br />

Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG, Telekom Austria AG,<br />

Vodafone Group Services GmbH<br />

10:30 Kaffeepause und Ausstellung | Coffee break and exhibition<br />

11:00 Parallele Workshops | Parallel workshops<br />

Intelligente Mobilität | Intelligent Mobility<br />

Gewinnen mit Remote Services | Win with Remote Services<br />

11:00 Entwicklerforum Next Generation <strong>M2M</strong><br />

Developer forum Next Generation <strong>M2M</strong><br />

12:30 Mittagsbuffet und Ausstellung | Buffet lunch and exhibition<br />

14:00 Verleihung <strong>M2M</strong> Best Practice Award <strong>2011</strong> sponsored by<br />

Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG<br />

Awarding <strong>M2M</strong> Best Practice Award<br />

14:15 Podiumsdiskussion: Growth perspectives for wireless <strong>M2M</strong><br />

– Analysten Round Table | Podium discussion<br />

<strong>M2M</strong>-Projekte im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau<br />

<strong>M2M</strong>-Projects in Machine and Plant Construction<br />

Emanuel Koch, RAAD Research<br />

Global <strong>M2M</strong> Market Trends and challenges<br />

Robin Duke-Woolley, Beecham Research Ltd.<br />

14:45 Parallele Workshops | Parallel workshops<br />

Smart Grid, Smart Energy and Smart Metering<br />

<strong>M2M</strong> Across the world<br />

14:45 Entwicklerforum – Mission Qualitätssicherung<br />

Developer forum – Mission Quality Assurance<br />

16:15 Kaffeepause und Ausstellung | Coffee break and exhibition<br />

Sponsor Session<br />

16:45 Deutsche Telekom AG<br />

17:00 <strong>M2M</strong>-PLUS – Part of E-Plus Group<br />

17:15 Telekom Austria AG<br />

17:30 Vodafone Group Services GmbH<br />

17:45 Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG<br />

18:00 Telit Communications S.p.A.<br />

18:15 Sierra Wireless S.A.<br />

18:30 Microtronics Engineering GmbH<br />

18:45 Abschluss des Tages | Closing address<br />

19:00 Chill-Out<br />

26 <strong>M2M</strong> Journal 09 | <strong>M2M</strong> <strong>Summit</strong> – <strong>Special</strong> <strong>Edition</strong> | 09/11<br />

Workshop Intelligente Mobilität<br />

Workshop Intelligent Mobility<br />

Moderation: Frank Pensel, Lion Gate AG<br />

Fahrzeugnahe Telematikdienste NRW<br />

Vehicle-oriented Telematics Services NRW<br />

Ulrich T. Keuling, Konsortium management &<br />

business consulting Ulrich T. Keuling<br />

Prozessoptimierung mit <strong>M2M</strong> – Praxisbeispiel Feindistribution<br />

bei der Lekkerland AG<br />

Process Optimization with <strong>M2M</strong> – A Practical Example of Fine<br />

Distribution from Lekkerland AG<br />

Felix Dossmann, dff solutions GmbH<br />

Apostolos Couvaras, Lekkerland AG & Co. KG<br />

Das vernetzte Fahrzeug der Zukunft<br />

The Networked Car of the Future<br />

Christian Ress, Ford Forschungszentrum Aachen GmbH<br />

Effizienzsteigerung durch Daten: „On-Line“<br />

Increased Efficiency Through Data: “Online”<br />

Thomas Görlich, DB Kommunikationstechnik GmbH<br />

Workshop Smart Grid, Smart Energy und Smart Metering<br />

Workshop Smart Grid, Smart Energy and Smart Metering<br />

Moderation: Mathias Reinis, Concept Factory ®<br />

Bring Smart Energy Services to Market Fast<br />

Bouke Hoving, Royal KPN N.V.<br />

Der Beitrag der Smart Appliances zur Energieeffizienz und<br />

Energieintelligenz<br />

The Contribution of Smart Appliances to Energy Efficiency and<br />

Energy Intelligence<br />

Dr. Claudia Häpp, BSH Bosch Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH<br />

Smart Home Services<br />

Carsten Welge, RWE Effizienz GmbH<br />

Sichere Smart Meter Gateways<br />

Secure Smart Meter Gateways<br />

Markus Bartsch, TÜViT GmbH<br />

Workshop Remote Services<br />

Moderation: Joachim Dressler, Sierra Wireless S.A.<br />

Remote Service im industriellen Umfeld<br />

Remote Service in an Industrial Environment<br />

Jens Grebner, Siemens AG<br />

Fernüberwachung – Maschinen- und Anlagensteuerung über Mobilfunk<br />

mit VPN am Beispiel eines Heizungsanlagenherstellers<br />

Remote Monitoring – Machine and Plant Control Over Mobile with<br />

VPN Demonstrated in the Example of a Heating Unit Manufacturer<br />

Marc Delker, MarcanT GmbH<br />

Kritische Erfolgsfaktoren bei der Umsetzung von<br />

<strong>M2M</strong>-Geschäftsmodellen<br />

Critical Success Factors in the Implementation of <strong>M2M</strong> Business Models<br />

Matthias Kaiser, LionGate AG<br />

Multimedia- gestützter Remote Service<br />

Multimedia-based Remote Service<br />

Stefan Hübner, Device Insight GmbH<br />

Workshop <strong>M2M</strong> across the world<br />

Moderation: Robin Duke-Woolley, Beecham Research Ltd<br />

Smart Grid initiatives in the US<br />

Keith Kreisher, <strong>M2M</strong> Zone<br />

<strong>M2M</strong> – Opportunitiy for advanced satcom services<br />

Maria Guta, European Space Agency<br />

<strong>M2M</strong> Innovation in Canada<br />

James Maynard, Wavefront Wireless Commercialization Centre<br />

Internet of Everything – <strong>M2M</strong> Trends and Technologies<br />

Thomas Nindl, Qualcomm GmbH<br />

<strong>M2M</strong> <strong>Summit</strong> – <strong>Special</strong> <strong>Edition</strong><br />

Entwicklerforum – Next Generation <strong>M2M</strong><br />

Developer forum – Next Generation <strong>M2M</strong><br />

Moderation: Keith Kreisher, <strong>M2M</strong> Zone<br />

Next Generation <strong>M2M</strong><br />

Shawn Holiday, Intel Embedded & Communications Group<br />

Future <strong>M2M</strong> – New Opportunities with Innovative<br />

SIM Technology<br />

Dirk Schrage, Morpho Cards GmbH<br />

IPv6 – Consequences for the <strong>M2M</strong> Communication<br />

Peter Sevenich, Fraunhofer-Institut für Kommunikation,<br />

Informationsverarbeitung und Ergonomie (FKIE)<br />

Foster the <strong>M2M</strong> Market with Flexible SIM Subscription<br />

Management<br />

Dr. Klaus Vedder, Giesecke & Devrient GmbH<br />

Energy Harvesting for <strong>M2M</strong> Wireless Networks<br />

John Corbett, EnOcean UK<br />

Entwicklerforum – Mission Qualitätssicherung<br />

Developer forum – Mission Quality Assurance<br />

Moderation: Eric Schneider, MediaanABS GmbH<br />

Anforderungen an <strong>M2M</strong> Applikationen und<br />

Herausforderungen aus Netzbetreibersicht<br />

Requirements for <strong>M2M</strong> Applications and Challenges<br />

from a Network Operator Perspective<br />

Andreas Dorstel, Martina Erdbrügge,<br />

Vodafone D2 GmbH – Test & Innovation Center<br />

Erfolgreiche Vertragsgestaltung bei <strong>M2M</strong><br />

Succesful Contract Arrangement at <strong>M2M</strong><br />

Jan Schneider, SKW Schwarz – Rechtsanwälte<br />

<strong>M2M</strong> Produkte testen, qualifizieren und zulassen<br />

<strong>M2M</strong> Products Testing, Qualification and Approval<br />

Sven Peters, CETECOM GmbH<br />

Reproduzierbare Labortestumgebung für<br />

entwicklungsbegleitende Tests von <strong>M2M</strong> Komponenten<br />

Reproducible Laboratory Test Environment for<br />

Development Accompanying Tests of <strong>M2M</strong> Components<br />

Mark Schäfermann, Institut Industrial IT<br />

* Änderungen im Programmablauf vorbehalten | * Programme details subject to change<br />

<strong>M2M</strong> Journal 09 | <strong>M2M</strong> <strong>Summit</strong> – <strong>Special</strong> <strong>Edition</strong> | 09/11 27

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