14.11.2012 Aufrufe

Annual Report 2009/2010 Geschäftsbericht 2009/2010 ... - biolitec AG

Annual Report 2009/2010 Geschäftsbericht 2009/2010 ... - biolitec AG

Annual Report 2009/2010 Geschäftsbericht 2009/2010 ... - biolitec AG


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60 Management <strong>Report</strong> Konzernlagebericht<br />

Explanatory <strong>Report</strong> by the Executive Board pursuant to §§ 289<br />

IV, 315 IV of the German Commercial Code (HGB)<br />

The subscribed capital of the company amounts to EUR 10,515,750 and is divided into 10,515,750 nopar<br />

value bearer shares. Different stock categories do not exist. There are no restrictions to voting rights<br />

or the transfer of shares known to the executive board. There are no shares with special rights. BioMed<br />

Technology Holding holds 74.3% of <strong>biolitec</strong> <strong>AG</strong>’s shares, the voting rights are fully attributable to<br />

BioMed Technology Holding.<br />

The executive board does not know of any employee shareholdings that do not use their control on<br />

voting rights directly. In addition to the provisions of the articles of incorporation the legal regulations<br />

are valid for the appointment and dismissal of the members of the executive board.<br />

<strong>biolitec</strong> <strong>AG</strong>’s executive board consists of only one member. The members of the executive board have<br />

been appointed by the supervisory board in accordance with §84 of the German Stock Corporation Act<br />

(AktG) for a period of up to five years. A repeated appointment or renewal of the mandate, in each case<br />

for a maximum of five years, is permitted. The appointment of deputy CEOs is legitimate. Due to important<br />

reason it is permitted to dismiss a member of the executive board in accordance with §84 III of the<br />

German Stock Corporation Act (AktG).<br />

Any changes of <strong>biolitec</strong> <strong>AG</strong>’s statutes needs approval of the general meeting in accordance to §179 I of<br />

the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG). According to §16 of <strong>biolitec</strong>’s statutes the supervisory board<br />

is authorized to make changes in its linguistic form.<br />

Agreements in the event of a change of control – as a result of a takeover offer – do not exist. Compensation<br />

agreements in the event of a takeover offer do not exist – neither for the members of the Executive<br />

Board nor for employees.<br />

Resolutions of the General Shareholders’ Meeting require a simple majority of votes cast or a simple<br />

majority of the capital stock represented at the time of the resolution unless there is a mandatory requirement<br />

stipulating a different majority.<br />

The subscribed capital of the company was raised in November, 2007 by EUR 500,750 to EUR 10,515,750<br />

and is divided into 10,515,750 no-par value bearer shares.<br />

With resolution of the general meeting from November 2nd, 2005 the executive board of <strong>biolitec</strong> <strong>AG</strong><br />

was authorized to raise the share capital in the period up until October 31st, <strong>2010</strong> by a maximum of EUR<br />

5,000,000 with approval of the supervisory board (authorized capital). The subscription right of the<br />

stockholders could be excluded to a certain degree. With resolution of the general meeting from November<br />

18th, 2008 the above mentioned authorization dating November 2nd, 2005 was terminated<br />

and replaced by a newly created authorized capital. The executive board is authorized to raise the share<br />

capital by up to EUR 5,257,875 until October 31st, 2013 with approval of the supervisory board on a<br />

one-off or repeat basis by issuing no-par value bearer shares. The subscription right of the stockholders<br />

can be excluded to a certain degree.<br />

The Supervisory Board is authorised to carry out the modifications in the statutes according to the<br />

amount of the capital increase of the authorised capital.<br />

The subscribed capital of the company is being raised conditionally up to EUR 4,000,000 with resolution<br />

of the general meeting of November 2nd, 2005 (conditional capital II). The conditional capital serves<br />

exclusively the issuing of new shares to the owners or creditors of warrant and convertible bonds, which<br />

have been issued with resolution of the general meeting of November 2nd, 2005 by the company or by<br />

direct or indirect majority holding companies of the company. The issuing of the shares is effected in

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