14.11.2012 Aufrufe

Annual Report 2009/2010 Geschäftsbericht 2009/2010 ... - biolitec AG

Annual Report 2009/2010 Geschäftsbericht 2009/2010 ... - biolitec AG

Annual Report 2009/2010 Geschäftsbericht 2009/2010 ... - biolitec AG


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150 <strong>Annual</strong> Financial Statement Konzern-Jahresabschluss<br />

5. Notes to the consolidated income statement<br />

5.1. Sales revenues<br />

Sales revenue <strong>2009</strong> / <strong>2010</strong><br />

Euro<br />

Total sales revenue 43,643,832<br />

Sales revenue to affiliates (13,260,105)<br />

Group sales revenue to third parties 30,383,727<br />

2008 / <strong>2009</strong><br />

Euro<br />

45,105,015<br />

(14,585,753)<br />

30,519,262<br />

Sales are mainly generated through the sale of lasers and the corresponding laser probes / optical fibres<br />

as well as the sale of pharma products.<br />

5.2. Other operating income and expenses<br />

Other operating income refers primarily to income from the liquidation of provisions, liquidation of<br />

valuation reserves on claims and the disposal of fixed assets. Furthermore subsidies from public institutions<br />

amounting to KEUR 1,161 (previous year: KEUR 381) are included.<br />

Other operating expenses include primarily expenses for allocation of reserves, deprecation costs and<br />

losses due to disposal of assets.<br />

The income/expense from currency conversion is recorded in the income statement.<br />

5.3. Selling and marketing expenses<br />

<strong>2009</strong> / <strong>2010</strong><br />

Euro<br />

<strong>biolitec</strong> <strong>AG</strong> 3,456,327<br />

<strong>biolitec</strong> USA 2,667,107<br />

CO 1,816,894<br />

<strong>biolitec</strong> Pharma Ireland 714,195<br />

CO USA 643,054<br />

<strong>biolitec</strong> Italy 624,895<br />

Others 989,265<br />

10,911,737<br />

2008 / <strong>2009</strong><br />

Euro<br />

4,815,065<br />

4,322,723<br />

1,906,099<br />

1,076,544<br />

824,784<br />

682,517<br />

1,380,404<br />


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