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Document PDF - Asociatia Tinerilor Istorici din Moldova

Document PDF - Asociatia Tinerilor Istorici din Moldova

Document PDF - Asociatia Tinerilor Istorici din Moldova


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It also occurred that a certain burgher would leave money both to one of their relatives<br />

and to other students, such as in the case of Ursula, wife of Andreas Melczer, member of the<br />

town council, who, in her testament, states the following: 57<br />

Likewise, at hand are two hundred talers which I also bequeath and leave to my grandson<br />

Simon to pursue his studies 58 and ibidem: likewise I leave fi fty fl orins as a subsidy, partly<br />

for students, partially for orphans and wards to alleviate their needs. 59<br />

There are a number of cases, when a certain amount of money was left by the father or<br />

other close relatives to be administrated by the town council, in order to support the university<br />

studies of a son, nephew, etc, as in the case of Georgius Buntzler or Adamus Kys. We do not<br />

know under what conditions this money was administered; most probably access to it was<br />

controlled by the town until the beneficiary fulfi lled certain conditions, such as reaching his<br />

majority or fi nishing his studies. Martin Kintzinger speaks about the presence of testaments of<br />

burghers from Braunschweig made in the favour of their children but with the interim administration<br />

of the money by a third person or institution as existing already from the thirteenth<br />

century. 60 These may be cases of guardianship, when the orphan’s whole inheritance was<br />

controlled by the council or specifi c town council members were involved as executors or tutors<br />

of the will and asked to act in this positon by the testator himself/herself. This activity of<br />

the council was regulated by countrywide legislation. If that was the case, the students needed<br />

to negotiate with the council to allow them to use the money for their studies, as we learned<br />

from Buntzler’s letters. Unfortunately, because of the limited number of testaments of Košice<br />

burghers preserved for the period before the seventeenth century, these issues remain dominated<br />

by suppositions rather than demonstrated facts.<br />

Other ways of supporting university studies<br />

The town council also had other ways to support its inhabitants who went abroad to study,<br />

not necessarily through accor<strong>din</strong>g them stipends. One of these possibilities was to request offi<br />

cials or acquaintances in the town of where the schools were located to intervene on behalf<br />

of the student and help with their accommodation, food, and other necessary things. One such<br />

case is illustrated in a letter sent in December 1562 by Thomas Fabri, priest in Bardejov: 61<br />

This way your wiseness asks me, in name of the entire honourable council of the town<br />

of Košice concerning the boy Simon Melzer, that I would offer him meals at my home and accommodation.<br />

However, since I do not have my own house here, nor the possibility for sharing<br />

my own meals, but I, myself, have to pay for my food, I talked about it with my sister in law that<br />

57<br />

AMK H III/2, PUR 2, folio 256r to 259v: testamentum honestae matronae dnae Ursulae Beatae Circumspecti<br />

olim Andreae Melczer iurati ciuis ciuitatis Cassouiensis, 1560.<br />

58<br />

item sunt in promptu thaleri ducenti quos etiam nepoti meo Simoni ad literarum studia colenda lego et relinquo.<br />

59<br />

item fl orenos quinquaginta relinquo in subsidium partim studiosorum, partim orphanorum et pupillorum ad<br />

illorum necessitatem sublevandam.<br />

60<br />

KINTZINGER 1990, 440.<br />

61<br />

AMK H I, no. 2392/150: […] So lautett mich ewer weisheit in Namen des gantzen ersamen raths der statt<br />

Cassaw des knabens Simon Melzers halben, das ich ihn zu meinem tisch auffnehmenn unnd auch wonung<br />

verleihenn wolt. Wie wol ich aber alhie mein eigen Haus nicht habe, unnd auch nicht tisch gänner haben kan,<br />

sondern selber vor die köst zalen muβ, doch hab ich mit meiner Schwieger darvom geredt die in angesehen<br />

Ewer Weisheit anlangen unnd des knabens frömbigkaitt zu tisch auffnemen will unnd ein habitation verleihenn.<br />

Weill ich aber auch bei ihr zue tisch gehe kan ich desto beser auff den Knaben achtung geben, das er<br />

alhie nicht versaimbt werde. Ich hab biβ her an im kainen unfl eiβ nicht gesperrt so er anderst fortfarrenn wirt,<br />

hoff ich das er mittler zeit auch der ganzenn gemain woll für stehen wirt künnen. Der paedagogus der mit im<br />

itzt privatim repetirt hatt grossen fl eiβ mit ihm unnd lobet den knaben das er lust zu allen frewen künsten habe.<br />

Was aber meine belohnung betrüfft die ist järlich von einem ieden frembden knaben 2 fl . wie wol ich mich des<br />

lohns nicht so seer frewe als wen ich merkh das die knaben in der lëer zunemen.<br />

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