25.01.2015 Aufrufe

Kommentiertes Vorlesungsverzeichnis Sommersemester 2013

Kommentiertes Vorlesungsverzeichnis Sommersemester 2013

Kommentiertes Vorlesungsverzeichnis Sommersemester 2013


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This class will have two major focuses:<br />

1. A description of the phonological, morphosyntactic and lexical features of Middle English and their development.<br />

2. Reading and translation of a number of selected key texts of the period.<br />

Note: this class (and Introduction to Old English in the winter term) is supposed to bridge the gap between the introductory<br />

lecture and preparatory classes for the Staatsexamen (Repetitorium).<br />

It is not necessary to register for this class.<br />

41161 American English: History, Structure, Variation<br />

Schönweitz<br />

BA (Teilgebiet B 2.2), Lehramt A6<br />

PS, 2st., Mo 14-16,<br />

This class will provide an account of English as spoken (and written) in North America. It will, however, not exclusively<br />

focus on Standard American English: major regional and social varieties will also be included in the description.<br />

The major points to be discussed in some detail will be:<br />

• Historical aspects: settlement patterns and immigration, linguistic conservatism and innovation, influence from<br />

native, colonial and colonist languages.<br />

• Structural aspects: the major differences between British English (RP) and American English (GA) in spelling,<br />

pronunciation, morphosyntax and vocabulary.<br />

• Regional, social and ethnic varieties, as well as linguistic methods concerning the elicitation and presentation of<br />

dialect data.<br />

It is not necessary to register for this class.<br />

41162 Meaning in Language: From Semantics to Pragmatics<br />

BA (Teilgebiete B 2.1, 2.3), Lehramt A6<br />

PS, 2st., Fr 10-12,<br />

62<br />

Schönweitz<br />

Following the famous and influential linguist John Lyons the domain of semantics can be subdivided into three major<br />

fields: lexical semantics (the meaning of words and lexemes), grammatical semantics (the meaning of sentences<br />

and their constituents, as well as other meaningful aspects of grammar) and pragmatic semantics (meaning, use<br />

and effect of utterances in context).<br />

In this class the major points of all three fields will be discussed in some detail. As far as theoretical approaches to<br />

this discipline are concerned the class will focus primarily on the structural tradition, although important aspects of<br />

other theories (especially cognitive) will not be forgotten. The class is particularly relevant for the preparation for the<br />

Staatsexamen!<br />

It is not necessary to register for this class.<br />

41163 Repetitorium für Staatsexamenskandidaten<br />

Lehramt<br />

Ü, 2st., Mo 12-14,<br />

Schönweitz<br />

This class is specifically aimed at Lehramt students who intend to take their Staatsexamen in English linguistics with<br />

a synchronic focus (cf. “Anforderungsprofil Englische Linguistik synchron”). We will discuss a variety of central topics<br />

in linguistics and do exercises based on or taken from earlier Staatsexamen tests.<br />

A certain degree of linguistic knowledge is indispensable for this course (at least Introduction to English Linguistics I<br />

& II and one Pro- or Hauptseminar).<br />

NOTE: this class is intended for exam preparation only. No credit points whatsoever!<br />

It is not necessary to register for this class.<br />

BA: Submodul (Wahlpflichtveranstaltungen)<br />

Alle oben angegebenen Seminare sind in diesem Submodul wählbar.<br />

"Schreiben und Präsentieren: Journalistisches Schreiben (Blockübungen) Lehrangebot für alle Studienrichtungen<br />

der Fakultät, zu folgenden Terminen:<br />

41135 Schreiben und Präsentieren, Fak. IV<br />

Block, von 11.15 - 16.15,<br />

20. 4./27.4./4.5./25.5./15.6./29.6. und 13.7.<strong>2013</strong><br />

Anmeldung: dietmarbruckner@online.de<br />

Bruckner<br />


WICHTIG Lehrangebote: Elektronische Anmeldungen zu Beginn der Vorlesungszeit.<br />

Attention: see web site Sprachenzentrum for courses and rooms.<br />

Lehramtsstudiengänge: Fachdidaktik<br />

41112 Einführung in die Fachdidaktik des Englischen<br />

Schenk<br />

Teilmodul: DI1<br />

PS 2st., Mo 12-14,<br />

Beginn: 15.04.<strong>2013</strong><br />

Das Einführungsseminar stellt grundlegende Entwicklungen, Gebiete und Methoden der Fachdidaktik Englisch vor:<br />

u. a. Geschichte der Fachdidaktik, Modelle des Zweit-spracherwerbs, Kernprinzipien des Fremdsprachenunterrichts,<br />

Analyse zentraler Aspekte des Lern- und Lehrprozesses, Methoden der Einführung von Lexik und Grammatik; Prozesse,<br />

die bei den sprachlichen Fertigkeiten Hörverstehen, Lesen, Sprechen und Schreiben ablaufen und deren

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