10.11.2012 Aufrufe

Silber spiegel - SwissEduc

Silber spiegel - SwissEduc

Silber spiegel - SwissEduc


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© c+b 3/04<br />

Mechanisms<br />

4. Results and Discussions<br />

In connection with earlier experiments, students should have<br />

analyzed experimental evidence to decide which is the plausible<br />

mechanistic alternative (see Figures 2, 3 and 4). Although RHF<br />

computations do not give exactly the same structures as those<br />

given by traditional physical evidence, the criterion for selecting<br />

the more superior mechanism takes into account the number<br />

of elementary steps and the activation barrier heights for each<br />

proposed mechanism.<br />

In order to ensure, that the computational structures are intermediates,<br />

reactants, products or transition states, the student<br />

should carry out a frequency calculation on each structure. If<br />

all frequencies are positive then the structure is a reactant, product<br />

or intermediate, depending on the input data. But if one<br />

and only one frequency is negative and the remaining ones are<br />

positive, the structure corresponds to a transition state.<br />

When looking for a transition state by the algorithm mentioned<br />

in section 3 (or another algorithm), a frequency calculation<br />

is mandatory.<br />

Finally, once all structures have been found<br />

and their energy values have been converted<br />

to kcal mol -1 , the use of an energy v/s reaction<br />

coordinate qualitative profi le will allow<br />

one to visualize the energetic aspects of each<br />

mechanism. That profile can be obtained<br />

by putting the energy points in an arbitrary,<br />

but sensible way into the qualitative profi les<br />

depicted later.<br />

43<br />


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