27.12.2014 Aufrufe

Bedarfsanalyse fachlicher Metadaten - Universität St.Gallen

Bedarfsanalyse fachlicher Metadaten - Universität St.Gallen

Bedarfsanalyse fachlicher Metadaten - Universität St.Gallen


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112 Beitrag E<br />

12.3.2 Literature Systemization<br />

User segmentation: Most of the techniques presented here have their roots in psychology<br />

and deal with an individual’s cognitive style. Although we are aware that other<br />

techniques exist, we limited our scope to those that have been applied in ISR.<br />

One of the most popular and widespread methods in research and practice is the<br />

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) [Myers 1976]. This personality assessment is<br />

based on the work of Jung [1959] and classifies an individual’s personality along four<br />

dichotomies: attitude, perceiving function, judging function, and lifestyle. With respect<br />

to decision support and decision making, the perceiving and judging functions are of<br />

particular interest. For the first, a person tends to either trust the data and facts at hand<br />

(sensing type) or seek for a broader context in which to understand the data (intuition<br />

type). In terms of judging function, in turn, a person tends to either judge a situation<br />

from a detached point using logical reasoning (thinking type) or by associating him- or<br />

herself with the situation, including balancing the needs of those involved (feeling<br />

type). An individual’s preference within each dimension is identified using a questionnaire<br />

that asks the subject to choose intuitively from two answers for each question.<br />

Related to the judging functions within MBTI is Witkin’s concept of field-dependence<br />

and field- independence [Witkin et al. 1977]. Field-dependent individuals perceive<br />

data in their context as a whole and are less attentive to detail (low analytical). Fieldindependent<br />

people perceive data items independent of their context, paying much<br />

more attention to details (high analytical). Thomas [1987] provides empirical evidence<br />

that field-dependency is strongly related to MBTI’s feeling type and fieldindependency<br />

to MBTI’s thinking type. The individual’s preference for one or the other<br />

is tested via pairs of simple and complex figures. The subject is asked to find the<br />

simple figure within the complex figure within a given time.<br />

Another one-dimensional measure of a person’s decision style is Huysmans’s distinction<br />

between the analytical and heuristic approach [Huysmans 1970a; Huysmans<br />

1970b]. Individuals with a preference for the analytical style seek causal relationships<br />

to identify an optimal solution to a problem, usually ignoring factors that cannot be<br />

quantified. In contrast, individuals with a preference for a heuristic style include qualitative<br />

factors in their model development (e.g., past experience, intuition, and unqualified<br />

feelings). Huysmans uses independent judges to assess his subjects’ personalities<br />

based on observations of them solving analytical puzzles and business cases [Huysmans<br />


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