30.11.2014 Aufrufe

Sommersemester 2006 - Abteilung Volkswirtschaftslehre der ...

Sommersemester 2006 - Abteilung Volkswirtschaftslehre der ...

Sommersemester 2006 - Abteilung Volkswirtschaftslehre der ...


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Topics in Labor Economics<br />

Vorlesung, 3st.<br />

Mi 14-tgl 08.30-10.00 03.05.-12.07.<strong>2006</strong><br />

Mi wtl 13.45-15.15 26.04.-19.07.<strong>2006</strong><br />

Weiss, Matthias<br />

Garloff, Alfred<br />

L 7 P043<br />

L 9 003<br />

Course title: Topics in Labor Economics<br />

Instructors: Dr. Alfred Garloff (ZEW), Dr. Matthias Weiss (MEA)<br />

Method (hours per week): lecture (3)<br />

Course language: English<br />

Prerequisites: Vordiplom, Mikro III, Makro III or equivalent<br />

Examination:<br />

Hauptstudium: final exam (60%), participation in class (20%), occasional<br />

problem sets (20%).<br />

PhD students: final exam (50%), participation (15%), problem sets (15%),<br />

presentation of one topic (20%)<br />

ECTS-Credits: 7<br />

Course description: This course adresses current research issues in labor<br />

economics at the graduate level (Ph.D. and advanced Hauptstudium). We<br />

will cover selected chapters of the book "Labor Economics" by Pierre Cahuc<br />

and André Zylberberg (2004). An emphasis will lie on macroeconomics<br />

issues, e.g., Unemployment and Inflation: Macroeconomics and the Natural<br />

Rate of Unemployment. Job Reallocation and Unemployment: The<br />

Matching Model. Technological Change and Globalization: Effects on<br />

Employment and the Wage Structure. Institutions and Labor Market Policy.<br />

Age, Experience, Seniority, Productivity, and Wages. The detailed program<br />

will depend on students' preferences. For further information, see<br />

http://www.mea.uni-mannheim.de/weiss/topicsinlaboreconomics/<br />

Contact person: Dr. Matthias Weiss, Tel. 181-1871, e-mail:<br />

weissmea.uni-mannheim.de, L13 17, Room 313.<br />

Europäische Wirtschafts- und Währungsintegration<br />

Corporate Finance for Economists II<br />

Vorlesung, 1st.<br />

Di 14-tgl15.30-17.00 25.04.-18.07.<strong>2006</strong><br />

Kalckreuth, Ulf von<br />

L 9 002<br />

Die Vorlesung findet auf Englisch statt.<br />

Introductory literature: Copeland, Weston and Shastri: Financial Theory and<br />

Corporate Policy, 4th ed., Boston etc., Addison-Wesley, 2005; Ross,<br />

Westerfield and Jaffe: Corporate Finance, 7th ed., Boston etc., McGraw-<br />

Hill, De Matos: Theoretical Foundations of Corporate Finance, Princeton<br />

University Press, Princeton and Oxford, 2001; Hull: Options, Futures, and<br />

Other Derivatives, 5th ed., London etc., Prentice Hall, 2002.<br />

Further reading will be assigned during the course.<br />


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