28.10.2014 Aufrufe

ITEK Fokus-Sitzung - ITEK - ETH Zürich

ITEK Fokus-Sitzung - ITEK - ETH Zürich

ITEK Fokus-Sitzung - ITEK - ETH Zürich


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PAP -- the system<br />

PAP, Pack-a-Package<br />

<br />

<br />

Easy (XML) syntax to perform system actions and customized<br />

installations using out-of-the-box installers<br />

“Inline” documentation<br />

Papillon.pm<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

A self developed (PAP) package interpreter based on Perl<br />

Easy extendable and pluggable to different front-ends<br />

Runs on any supported Windows platform including XP, Vista, and 64bit<br />

systems.<br />

15/8/2007 IT Support Group, Department of Computer Science

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