02.11.2012 Aufrufe

BUNSENMAGAZIN - Deutsche Bunsengesellschaft für ...

BUNSENMAGAZIN - Deutsche Bunsengesellschaft für ...

BUNSENMAGAZIN - Deutsche Bunsengesellschaft für ...


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P241 Assembly of DNA-functionalized gold nanoparticles studied by UV/Vis-spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering and<br />

small angle X-Ray scattering<br />

K.G. Witten, J.C. Bretschneider, A. Buchkremer, T. Eckert, W. Richtering, U. Simon, RWTH Aachen/D<br />

P242 Quantenchemische Untersuchungen zur Adsorption von Aceton auf kubischem (I c ) und hexagonalem (I h ) Eis<br />

H. Somnitz, Universität Duisburg-Essen/D<br />

P243 Photophysics of UV-excited tetraphenyl-porphyrin: from excited state absorption on a femtosecond timescale<br />

towards the formation of the radical cation<br />

D. Löwenich, G. Engler, K. Kleinermanns, M. Kleinschmidt, C.M. Marian, Universität Düsseldorf/D; S. Kovalenko,<br />

Humboldt-Universität Berlin/D<br />

P244 Photo cross-linking of poly(ethene-/stat/-methacrylicacid) functionalised with maleimide side groups<br />

K. Hunger, N. Schmeling, C. Staudt, K. Kleinermanns, Universität Düsseldorf/D<br />

P245 In situ investigation of the zinc-mediated biomimetic hydration reaction of allene with Raman-spectroscopic methods<br />

B.O. Jahn, W.A. Eger, M. Presselt, J. Popp, E. Anders, Universität Jena/D<br />

P246 Non-adiabatic hybrid QM/MM MD in the condensed phase: theory and application to the azobenzene photoswitch<br />

M. Böckmann, Universität Bochum/D; N.L. Doltsinis, King’s College London/UK; D. Marx, Universität Bochum/D<br />

P247 Substituted dipolar phenothiazines for effi cient dye-sensitized solar cells<br />

M. Stolte, H.-G. Kuball, TU Kaiserslautern/D; T.J.J. Müller, M. Hauck, Universität Düsseldorf/D<br />

P248 Push-pull chromophores containing two fused pentatomic heterocycles and their nonlinear optical properties<br />

M. Stolte, H.-G. Kuball, G. Archetti, TU Kaiserslautern/D; R. Centore, S. Fusco, University of Naples Frederico II/I;<br />

A. Peluso, University of Salerno/I<br />

P249 pH dependence of rupture forces in single-molecule force spectroscopy of covalent bonds<br />

C. Glockner, Universität Kiel/D; T. Christ, S.W. Schmidt, H. Clausen-Schaumann, FH München/D; M.K. Beyer,<br />

Universität Kiel/D<br />

P250 Temperature dependence of rupture forces in single-molecule force spectroscopy of covalent bonds<br />

S.W. Schmidt, FH München/D; M.K. Beyer, Universität Kiel/D; H. Clausen-Schaumann, FH München/D<br />

P251 Raman- and FTIR-spectroscopy of the CH-stretching vibration of formic acid dimer<br />

C.L. Spencer, C. Mohr, M. Hippler, University of Sheffi eld/UK<br />

P252 13 CH 4 in the 2200-4700 cm -1 region: the pentad and the octad<br />

H.M. Niederer, A. Sieghard, ETH Zürich/CH; S. Bauerecker, TU Braunschweig/D; V. Boudon, J.P. Champion, Institut<br />

Carnot de Bourgogne, Dijon/F; M. Quack, ETH Zürich/CH<br />

P253 Das Salz Molekül LiKF 2<br />

J. Grabow, Universität Hannover/D; R.J. Mawhorter, Pomona College, Claremont, CA/USA<br />

P254 A highly sensitive photorefractive polymer device as recording medium for holographic optical coherence imaging<br />

M. Salvador, J. Prauzner, S. Köber, K. Meerholz, Universität Köln/D<br />

P255 Ultrafast dynamics of carrier mobility in a conjugated polymer probed at molecular and microscopic length<br />

D. Hertel, Universität Köln/D; A. Devizis, Institute of Physics, Vilnius/LT; A. Thiessen, K. Meerholz,<br />

Universität Köln/D; V. Gulbinas, Institute of Physics, Vilnius/LT<br />

P256 Electrooxidation of Ethanol on Pt(332) and Ru modifi ed Pt (332)<br />

A. Abd El Salehin, H. Baltruschat, Universität Bonn/D<br />

P257 Determination of rate determining step and activation volume for CO oxidation<br />

H. Wang, H. Baltruschat, Universität Bonn/D<br />


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