02.11.2012 Aufrufe

BUNSENMAGAZIN - Deutsche Bunsengesellschaft für ...

BUNSENMAGAZIN - Deutsche Bunsengesellschaft für ...

BUNSENMAGAZIN - Deutsche Bunsengesellschaft für ...


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Figure 19: Self-aggregation of functionalized polyphenylene dendrimers with a) short (n < 16) and b) rather long (n > 20) peptide side chains. Right) representative<br />

RE-REDOR sideband pattern analysis: the continuous drop of the local order parameter S indicates the mobility gradient.<br />

In this case, local segmental dynamics of both the dendritic<br />

sidechains and the aromatic core were determined in detail<br />

by means of 1 H- 13 C and 1 H- 1 H NMR. Within the solid phase, the<br />

aromatic core forms well-ordered, rather rigid columnar stacks<br />

(p-stacks) that possess a particularly high photoconductivity. 76<br />

After preassembly, self-organisation occurs in the liquid crystalline<br />

phase, in which the core is mobilized. Depending on the<br />

actual dendron, this is refl ected by a more or less reduced (local)<br />

dynamic order parameter and can be attributed to either<br />

small angle librations or out-of-plane motions. In any case,<br />

the hexagonal columnar stacks are maintained. The structure<br />

formation is governed by dendritic sidechains und their local<br />

packing rendering stabilization of the columnar stacks due to<br />

p-interactions rather negligible. Dendritic building blocks of<br />

this kind therefore constitute an example where self-organisation<br />

of molecules into functional aggregates can be driven<br />

by fl uorophobic effects. The most prominent feature of such<br />

stacks, however, is their (rather rare) ability to self-repair intracolumnar<br />

structural defects as demonstrated by 1 H- 1 H doublequantum<br />

2D-NMR. 75<br />

Self-organisation of building blocks can also be dominated<br />

by shape-persistent moieties such as polyphenylene dendrimers.<br />

78 While their size is tunable on a nanometer-scale by appropriate<br />

choice of dendrimer generations, self-organisation of<br />

the columnar stacks can be highly infl uenced by attachment<br />

of poly-L-lysine side chains. In case of short peptide chains<br />

(n < 16), the hexagonal ordering of the polyphenylene cores<br />

is essentially retained. Longer chains, however, perturb the<br />

order of the cores, where 13 C-CPMAS data indicates a rather<br />

well-defi ned secondary structure of the sidechains. It could be<br />

shown that peptide chains which are confi ned by the packing<br />

of the polyphenylene cores can adopt unprecedented secondary<br />

structure motifs not known for their linear analoga. On<br />

one hand, the effective dipolar order parameters derived from<br />

1 H- 13 C RE-REDOR measurements, indicate “frozen” polyphenylene<br />

cores. On the other hand, a mobility gradient was found<br />

ranging from the rather rigid peptide backbone to the fl exible<br />

sidechains (fi gure 19). 77<br />

3.4. SURFACES<br />

The high sensitivity of 1 H NMR facilitates the study of defect<br />

sites 79 and molecules adsorbed at surfaces (e.g. of nanoparticles).<br />

80 As in supramolecular systems, the structures of defects<br />

are rather diffi cult to characterize in industrially important microporous<br />

solids such as zeolites, 81 because defects that possibly<br />

present in the compounds are typically not ordered in the<br />

crystallographic sense and, therefore, are not easily amenable<br />

to analysis by diffraction methods. Both rotor-encoded doublequantum<br />

(RE-DQ) and triple-quantum (TQ) 1 H MAS NMR on siliceous<br />

as-made ZSM-12 independently revealed that at least<br />

three silanol groups are engaged in hydrogen bonding within<br />

the defect site, which in fact has important implications concerning<br />

the nucleation mechanism of high-quality zeolites. 79<br />

Figure 20: 2D- 1 H DQ spectra of HO 2 C(CH 2 ) 2 PO 3 H 2 (a) in the bulk state and (b)<br />

adsorbed in the nano-ZrO 2 . Note that the strong AC-DQ cross-peak reveals<br />

the formation of a hetero-dimer. 80<br />

Self-assembled monolayers are widely used to introduce different<br />

chemical functionalities on metals or metal oxides.<br />

High-resolution 1 H MAS NMR was used to characterize surface<br />

hydrogen-bonding interactions in adsorbed carboxyalkylphosphonates<br />

of varying chain lengths on zirconia and<br />


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