02.11.2012 Aufrufe

BUNSENMAGAZIN - Deutsche Bunsengesellschaft für ...

BUNSENMAGAZIN - Deutsche Bunsengesellschaft für ...

BUNSENMAGAZIN - Deutsche Bunsengesellschaft für ...


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there is currently much interest in polycyclic<br />

aromatic materials, which form<br />

columnar mesophases, 70 on account<br />

of, for example, their potential applications<br />

as charge transport layers in<br />

devices such as fi eld-effect transistors,<br />

photovoltaic cells, and light-emitting diodes.<br />

71 One such class of materials is<br />

comprised of hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronenes<br />

(HBCs), which have high one dimensional<br />

charge carrier mobility along<br />

the columns. 72 In order to control and<br />

improve supramolecular organization,<br />

one dimensional (1D) p-stacking can<br />

be combined with the high selectivity<br />

and directionality of hydrogen bonds.<br />

Such synergetic combination has been<br />

demonstrated using HBC derivatives<br />

with carboxylic acid functions attached<br />

to the core. Here, combined results<br />

from solid-state-NMR, X-ray scattering<br />

and scanning tunneling microscopy<br />

provide a clear and consistent picture<br />

of the effect of these two interactions<br />

on supramolecular organization. 73<br />

In the solid-state 1 H MAS NMR spectra, the chemical shift of<br />

the acid proton (COOH) refl ects stable hydrogen bonds or the<br />

exchange between the free acid and its corresponding hydrogen-bonded<br />

dimer. It was found that the stability of the underlying<br />

hydrogen-bond crucially depends on the length of the<br />

corresponding tether. In case of the HBC-C 3 H 6 -COOH derivatives,<br />

a diagonal peak at 25 ppm (= 12.5 ppm + 12.5 ppm) is<br />

observed in the corresponding 2D 1 H- 1 H DQMAS spectra thus<br />

confi rming dynamically stable dimers on the timescale of the<br />

experiment (100 μs). In contrast, HBC-C 10 H 20 -COOH does not<br />

form such stable dimeric structures even though the 1 H chemical<br />

shift implied the presence of hydrogen bonds at most of the<br />

70<br />

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Figure 17: 1 H- 1 H double-quantum filtered spectra (top) and the respective 2D DQ MAS spectra of selected<br />

HBC derivatives. 73<br />

time. An improvement of supramolecular order due to strong<br />

synergetic effects of columnar p-stacking with the hydrogenbonding<br />

motifs was only achieved for relatively short tethers. It<br />

should be noted that the different stacking motifs of the HBCcores<br />

(either tilted herringbone or planar arrangement) lead<br />

to characteristic 1 H- 1 H double quantum NMR spectra that can<br />

be easily distinguished. 74 The highest order was obtained for a<br />

system with two carboxyl groups attached via short tethers in<br />

‘para’ -position to each core.<br />

Another interesting example of supramolecular organisation<br />

comprises the self-aggregation of fl uorinated dendrons and<br />

aromatic p-systems into hexagonal-columnar liquid crystalline<br />

phases (Fig. 18)<br />

Figure 18: Representative spinning sideband pattern for extraction of the respective effective dipolar order parameter: top) 1 H, 13 C-REPT-HDOR pattern of<br />

aromatic CH units at 30 kHz MAS; bottom) 1 H, 1 H DQ sideband pattern of the polycyclic aromatic core at 30 kHz MAS; (right) simplified molecular model of<br />

self-aggregation. 75

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