02.11.2012 Aufrufe

BUNSENMAGAZIN - Deutsche Bunsengesellschaft für ...

BUNSENMAGAZIN - Deutsche Bunsengesellschaft für ...

BUNSENMAGAZIN - Deutsche Bunsengesellschaft für ...


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can be met even for the strongest dipole-dipole couplings<br />

(w D » 2p·35.5 kHz). This line-narrowing effect upon increasing<br />

rotation frequency w R on the 1 H NMR spectrum can be understood<br />

as being due to an increase in the spin-pair character of<br />

the 1 H- 1 H dipolar coupling. 20 Since in most cases the remaining<br />

spins are further away, corresponding remote couplings can<br />

effectively be ‘spun out’ and only the strongest dipolar couplings<br />

that originate from protons at close spatial proximities<br />

are retained. This rather simple picture indeed emanates from<br />

an extensive theoretical treatment of multi-spin systems under<br />

fast MAS, combining Floquet theory and perturbation theory.<br />

20,25 The higher-spin contributions are found to scale with<br />

increasing powers of the inverse rotor frequency and therefore<br />

become less important at highest w R .<br />

Magic angle spinning, however, modulates the spin interactions<br />

periodically which means that it generates so-called rotational<br />

echoes and the NMR data acquisition can be performed<br />

in two ways: 15-18 If only the echo-height is monitored (e.g. in<br />

a rotor-synchronized acquisition) a single line results in the<br />

NMR spectrum for each spectroscopically resolved site and<br />

(most) information about anisotropic couplings is lost. On the<br />

other hand, if the whole echo-train is monitored, a (spinning)<br />

sideband pattern results that contains information about the<br />

anisotropic couplings, yet with spectral resolution of the different<br />

sites (Fig. 2). This is important for a precise structural<br />

elucidation based on dipole-dipole couplings as well as using<br />

this interaction to study molecular dynamics. Moreover, on account<br />

of its angular dependence, molecular motion leads to an<br />

averaging of observable dipolar couplings. Monitoring this reduction<br />

of the dipolar coupling thus allows an identifi cation of<br />

dynamic processes present in the sample. Indeed, this is well<br />

known, e.g., from NMR investigations of liquid crystals, where<br />

the reduced NMR couplings yield site-specifi c values for the<br />

Maier-Saupe order parameter S = . 27 The<br />

extreme case is given by a solution, where fast isotropic tumbling<br />

of the molecules (Brownian motion) leads to an almost<br />

complete averaging of line-broadening due to dipolar couplings<br />

and other anisotropic interactions.<br />


The Hamiltonian that describes a particular spin interaction can<br />

be separated into a space and a spin part. While MAS solely<br />

affects the space part, it is possible to manipulate the spin<br />

part by radiofrequency pulse techniques. 20,28,29 Depending on<br />

the applied pulse sequence, a given spin interaction can be<br />

selectively switched on and off in order to discriminate different<br />

contributions to the desired spectral information. In order<br />

to obtain structural information, homonuclear dipolar couplings<br />

that relate protons of different chemical entities are highly informative.<br />

They can be conveniently probed applying so-called<br />

double-quantum MAS NMR spectroscopy, 30 which relies on<br />

the selective excitation of quantum-mechanically “forbidden”<br />

double-quantum coherences (DQC). In fact, this simply means<br />

that such double-quantum coherences cannot be detected by<br />

conventional means but have to be converted into detectable<br />

single-quantum (SQ) signal. Considering a pair of two protons<br />

(each spin-1/2), DQCs can easily be generated by two successive<br />

90° pulses (cf. fi gure 3): the fi rst 90° pulse labels the spins<br />

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with their 1 H chemical shifts while the evolution under the dipolar<br />

coupling produces so-called two-spin correlations, which<br />

are turned into DQCs by the second 90° pulse. In other words,<br />

a DQC means that both coupled protons change their spin state<br />

simultaneously in a correlated fashion so that the sum of changes<br />

in magnetic quantum number amounts to two.<br />

Figure 3: Generation of double-quantum coherences (DQCs) by two successive<br />

90° pulses acting on a quadruple spin system (spins A-D). Note that a<br />

dipolar coupling D ij > 0 is required. 30<br />

After excitation, the DQC evolves during an incremented time<br />

period t 1 and is then converted into observable signal that can<br />

be detected in an acquisition period. If this pulse sequence<br />

is applied as so-called 1D-experiment (e.g. t 1 is constant), the<br />

resulting 1 H NMR spectrum refl ects pair-wise dipolar-coupled<br />

proton sites that experience suffi ciently strong dipolar couplings.<br />

As stated above, molecular motions (like e.g. axial C 3 -<br />

rotation of methyl group protons) can reduce the dipolar coupling<br />

among two spins and thus lead to signal losses in such<br />

DQ-fi ltered spectra.<br />

Figure 4: Schematic representation of the back-to-back pulse sequence for<br />

double-quantum excitation. The t 1 period can be kept constant (1D version,<br />

DQ-filtering) or incremented in either a rotor-synchronized fashion (e.g. an increment<br />

corresponds to a rotor period (t R = 1/rotation frequency) or in arbitrary<br />

increments. The sinusoidal wave reflects the rotor modulation due to MAS. 30<br />

Effective averaging of the underlying dipolar couplings and<br />

hence missing of peaks in comparison to the regular 1D- 1 H<br />

MAS NMR spectrum, typically indicate motions that are fast<br />

on the NMR time scale (e.g. motional correlation times below<br />

μs). This can be used to detect mobile proton sites. For the<br />

investigation of local structures, however, the 2D version is<br />

preferred. In such a two-dimensional experiment, DQCs due<br />

to pairs of dipolar coupled protons are correlated with SQCs<br />

resulting in characteristic correlation peaks. DQCs between<br />

like spins appear as a single correlation peak on the diagonal<br />

while a pair of cross-peaks that are symmetrically arranged<br />

on either side of the diagonal refl ect couplings among unlike<br />

spins (cf. fi gure 5). 13a

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