22.10.2014 Aufrufe

GF Germany - Winter/Spring 2012

Our cover feature is devoted to the “adamas” – the most noble and unyielding of all precious stones. This leads us to the legendary Duke and Duchess of Windsor and their almost 40 years of mutual passion for Cartier and the fine art of jewellery. We also turn our attention to an accessory imbued with symbols: the glove. In recent times the glove has assumed the role of an indispensable accompaniment for the fashion conscious, yet in the Middle Ages gloves played a major role in acts of signing: treaties were regarded as signed and sealed after a glove had been handed over. In line with the spirit of the season, we have not overlooked the world of fur, where fashion designers are offering a sheer inexhaustible wealth of inspiration. In this spirit too, we wish you a year 2012 brimming with inspiration and enjoyment.

Our cover feature is devoted to the “adamas” –
the most noble and unyielding of all precious
stones. This leads us to the legendary Duke
and Duchess of Windsor and their almost 40
years of mutual passion for Cartier and the
fine art of jewellery. We also turn our attention
to an accessory imbued with symbols: the
glove. In recent times the glove has assumed
the role of an indispensable accompaniment
for the fashion conscious, yet in the Middle
Ages gloves played a major role in acts of
signing: treaties were regarded as signed
and sealed after a glove had been handed
over. In line with the spirit of the season, we
have not overlooked the world of fur, where
fashion designers are offering a sheer inexhaustible
wealth of inspiration. In this spirit
too, we wish you a year 2012 brimming with
inspiration and enjoyment.


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