21.10.2014 Aufrufe

14. Ausschreibung zum Carlo-Schmid-Programm - Uni-marburg.de

14. Ausschreibung zum Carlo-Schmid-Programm - Uni-marburg.de

14. Ausschreibung zum Carlo-Schmid-Programm - Uni-marburg.de


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DAAD, Referat 514<br />

<strong>Carlo</strong>-<strong>Schmid</strong>-<strong>Programm</strong><br />

<strong>Ausschreibung</strong> 2014/2015 - Praktikumsangebote <strong>Programm</strong>linie B<br />

___ Intemationale Organisation '. _.:___..-: .. _ _ Sitz _ ~"- Referenz-Nr. Schlagwort : . Laufzeit<br />

35 jlnternational Tra<strong>de</strong> Centre Genf ITC1 Legal Office 01.09.2014 - 31.03.2015<br />

- 36 iInternatiOrialTra<strong>de</strong>Centre Genf ITC2 Market Analysis and Research 01 .09.2014 - 31 .03.2015<br />

~7 l1 nternational Telecommunication <strong>Uni</strong>on Genf ITU1 Environment and Climate Change 01.09.2014 - 28.02.2015<br />

_ ~ 8.friternational Telecommunication <strong>Uni</strong>on Genf ITU2 Media and Communication 01.09.2014 - 31 .03.2015<br />

39 International Telecommunication <strong>Uni</strong>on Genf ITU3 Conformity Assessment Project 01.09.2014 - 28.02.2015<br />

40 International Telecommunication <strong>Uni</strong>on Genf ITU4 Tecti"nology Watch Report 01.09.2014 - 28 .02.2015<br />

- 41 International <strong>Uni</strong>on for the Conservation of Nature Gland IUCN1 World Heritage Convention 01.09.2014 - 30.04.2015<br />

42 Minority Rights Group International London MRG1 Directorate Team -- 01.09.2014 - 28.02.2015<br />

1--­<br />

~ Minority I3J9hts Group International ~ondon MRG2 Fundraising Dej)artment 01.09.2014 - 28.02.2015<br />

44 North Atlantic Treaty Organization BrGssel NAT01 Policy Planning <strong>Uni</strong>t 01.03.2015 - 31 .08.2015<br />

45 North Atlantic Treaty Organization BrGssel NAT02 Russia and Ukraine Section 01 .09.2014 - 28.02.2015<br />

46 North Atlantic Treaty Organization BrOssel NAT03 Energy Security Section 01 .02.2015 - 31 .07.2015<br />

47 North Atlantic Treaty Organization BrGssel NAT04 Public Diplomacy Division 01 .09.2014 - 28.02.2015<br />

48 The Se~ retariat of the Northern Dimension Partnership Stockholm NDPHS1 NDPHS Secretariat 01.09.2014 - 31.12.2014<br />

49 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Paris OECD1 Regulatory Policy Division 01.09.2014 - 28 .02.2015<br />

~ Organisa_t.!0n for Economic Co-operation and Development Paris OECD2 Public Governance and Territorial Development 01.09.2014 - 28.02.2015<br />

_~ Organisation for Economic Co-~peration and Development Paris OECD3 ,Information, Communication & Consumer Policy 01.09.2014 - 28.02 .2015<br />

52 10rganisa!ion for Economic Co-operation and Development Paris OECD4 Governance for Development and Peace Team 01.09.2014 - 31.03.2015<br />

~Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Paris OECD5 Policy Coherence for Development <strong>Uni</strong>t 01.09.2014 - 28 .02 .2015<br />

54 iOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Paris OECD6 Council and Executive Committee Secretariat 01.09.2014 - 31 .03.2015<br />

_ 5~Org'~ ll isation for Economic Co-operation and Development Paris OECD7 International Migration Division 01 .10.2014 - 31 .03.2015<br />

56 10rganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Paris OECD8 Regional Development Policy Division 01 .09.2014 - 28.02.2015<br />

57 6rganisati~n for Economic Co-operation and Development Paris OECD9 Eurasia Competitiveness <strong>Programm</strong>e 01.09.2014 - 28.02.2015<br />

58 ~~~.an~~~tion for Economic Co-operation and Development Paris OECD10 Education Policy Outlook 08.09.2014 - 08.03.2015<br />

59 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Paris OECD11 Development Cooperation Directorate 01.09.2014 - 31.03.2015<br />

6 0 to"rganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Paris OECD12 Development Centre 01.09.2014 - 28 .02 .2015<br />

61 UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Genf OHCHR1 Staff Development <strong>Uni</strong>t 01.10.2014 - 31.03.2015<br />

62 Ombudsman Office to the UN Funds and <strong>Programm</strong>es New York Ombud-UN1 Conflict Management 01.09.2014 - 28 .02.2015<br />

63 Transparency "-Interntional Buenos Aires TI1 Political &Government Institution Monitoring & 01.09.2014 - 30.04.2015<br />

Citizen Action, National Chapter Argentina<br />

- 64i h ansparency Interntional • Jakarta TI2 Risk Integrity Management Systems, National 01.09.2014 - 30.04.2015<br />

Chapter Indonesia<br />

65 Transparency Interntional Coyoacan TI3 Public Procurement, National Chapter Mexiko 01 .09.2014 - 30.04.2015<br />

66 Transparency Interntional San Salvador Tl4 National Chapter EI Salvador, Foundation for 01 .09.2014 - 30.04.2015<br />

! ' Development<br />

67 1Transparency Interntional Beirut TI5 Communication & Social Media, National 01.09.2014 - 30.04.2015<br />

Chapter Lebanon<br />

68 Transparency Interntional Colombo TI6 National Chapter Sri Lanka 01.09.2014 - 30.04.2015<br />

69 T ransparency Interntional Port Louis TI7 National Chapter Mauritius 01.09.2014 - 28 .02 .2015<br />

r<br />

70 Transparencylnterntional Lusaka TI8 Community Outreach, National Chapter Zambia 01.09.2014 - 30.04.2015<br />

71 Joint <strong>Uni</strong>ted Nations <strong>Programm</strong>e on HIV/AIDS --- Genf UNAIDS1 --'Resource Mobilization Division 01.09.2014 - 30.04.2015<br />

72 · <strong>Uni</strong>ted Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs 'New York UNDESA 1 Global Economic Monitoring <strong>Uni</strong>t 01 .09.2014 - 28.02.2015<br />

Tabea Kaiser, Maren Lin<strong>de</strong>n 2 Stand: 12.12.2013

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