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16.07.2014 Aufrufe

American Pragmatism, Sociology and the Development of Disability Studies A group of neo-pragmatists, including RORTY, QUINE, PUTNAM and HAACK, recognize that “objective certitude” advocated by early pragmatists is not a feasible goal for science or epistemology. Yet, they are keenly interested in the question of truth, seeking to find a middle ground between dogmatism and skepticism (HAACK 1996: 656). This work lays a philosophical foundation for many of the issues debated in contemporary cultural studies, including: What constitutes evidence? How is a text to be read? Who can speak about or understand the experience of another? What are human rights? What is just in a given situation? The Confluence of Pragmatism, American Sociology and Disability Studies Pragmatism was influential in the development of Sociology and subsequently of Disability Studies in the United States because it provided a conceptual framework for thinking about the critical issues confronting social scientists and suggested the types of data and analysis that should be used to construct arguments. Social scientists were concerned with developing theories, methods and a body of knowledge addressing social behavior that would be credible and useful. Over the years, pragmatism shaped the pursuit of these desiderata in the discipline of sociology in three important ways. First, early pragmatism emphasized that if sociology is to be a science, it should follow the “scientific method” of the natural sciences by embracing the epistemological principle of falsification. This principle, elaborated and disseminated by POPPER (1972), suggests that scientists put forward a theory, initially as an uncorroborated conjecture, and then test its predictions with observations to see if the theory stands up to the test. If carefully designed tests of hypotheses prove negative, the theory is experimentally falsified and the investigators will modify the theory - 27 - Heilpädagogik online 03/ 03

American Pragmatism, Sociology and the Development of Disability Studies or build a new one. If, on the other hand, the tests and data support the theory, scientists will continue to use the theory on the basis of its undefeated hypotheses to further test and extend the theory. According to PIERCE, the extension of this approach leads to the development of “laws” and points to what is true. Thus, pragmatism inculcated an early interest among sociologists in gathering “objective” data through observations, surveys and censuses that would describe social phenomena, help develop theory and serve as evidence testing an argument. Second, the pragmatists exemplified particularly by William JAMES, encouraged the anchoring of analysis in practical realities and social policies. JAMES stated that a pragmatist “turns away from abstraction and insufficiency, from verbal solutions, from bad a priori reasons, from fixed principles, closed systems, and pretended absolutes and origins. He turns towards concreteness and adequacy, towards facts, towards action, and towards power” (JAMES 1907: 31). Through such arguments, JAMES laid the foundations for grounded theory, the study of social problems, observing behavior and gathering data in the “real” world, formulating social policies and testing their effects on behavior and an examination of the distribution and exercise of power in society. For JAMES, pragmatism involved seeing if theories and policies really made a difference. In this sense, JAMES encouraged social action theory among pragmatists and sociologists alike. Third, the evolution of pragmatist thinking moved away from the strict “objectivism” and application of the scientific method advocated by PIERCE towards the recognition of the importance of subjective experience, relativistic and culturally different conceptions of behavior, paradigm shifts in the gathering and interpreting - 28 - Heilpädagogik online 03/ 03

American Pragmatism, Sociology and the Development of Disability Studies<br />

A group of neo-pragmatists, including RORTY, QUINE, PUTNAM and<br />

HAACK, recognize that “objective certitu<strong>de</strong>” advocated by early<br />

pragmatists is not a feasible goal for science or epistemology. Yet,<br />

they are keenly interested in the question of truth, seeking to find<br />

a middle ground between dogmatism and skepticism (HAACK<br />

1996: 656). This work lays a philosophical foundation for many of<br />

the issues <strong>de</strong>bated in contemporary cultural studies, including:<br />

What constitutes evi<strong>de</strong>nce? How is a text to be read? Who can<br />

speak about or un<strong>de</strong>rstand the experience of another? What are<br />

human rights? What is just in a given situation?<br />

The Confluence of Pragmatism, American Sociology and<br />

Disability Studies<br />

Pragmatism was influential in the <strong>de</strong>velopment of Sociology and<br />

subsequently of Disability Studies in the United States because it<br />

provi<strong>de</strong>d a conceptual framework for thinking about the critical<br />

issues confronting social scientists and suggested the types of data<br />

and analysis that should be used to construct arguments. Social<br />

scientists were concerned with <strong>de</strong>veloping theories, methods and a<br />

body of knowledge addressing social behavior that would be<br />

credible and useful. Over the years, pragmatism shaped the pursuit<br />

of these <strong>de</strong>si<strong>de</strong>rata in the discipline of sociology in three important<br />

ways. First, early pragmatism emphasized that if sociology is to be<br />

a science, it should follow the “scientific method” of the natural<br />

sciences by embracing the epistemological principle of falsification.<br />

This principle, elaborated and disseminated by POPPER (1972),<br />

suggests that scientists put forward a theory, initially as an<br />

uncorroborated conjecture, and then test its predictions with<br />

observations to see if the theory stands up to the test. If carefully<br />

<strong>de</strong>signed tests of hypotheses prove negative, the theory is<br />

experimentally falsified and the investigators will modify the theory<br />

- 27 -<br />

Heilpädagogik <strong>online</strong> 03/ 03

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