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94 95<br />

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J. burré, t. beckhaus, H. Schägger, C. Corvey, S. Hofmann, M. Karas,<br />

H. Zimmermann, w. volknandt (2006)<br />

analysis of the synaptic vesicle proteome using three gel-based<br />

protein separation techniques.<br />

Proteomics 6, 6250-6262<br />

Werner kühlbrandt<br />

S. Schulze, S. Köster, u. geldmacher, a.C. terwisscha van Scheltinga,<br />

W. Kühlbrandt (2010)<br />

structural basis of na+-independent and cooperative substrate/<br />

product antiport in Cait.<br />

Nature 467, 233-236.<br />

P. gipson, D.J. Mills, r. wouts, M. grininger, J. vonck, W. Kühlbrandt (2010)<br />

Direct structural insight into the substrate-shuttling mechanism of<br />

yeast fatty acid synthase by electron cryomicroscopy.<br />

P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 107, 9164-9<br />

M. Strauss, g. Hofhaus, r.r. Schröder, W. Kühlbrandt (2008)<br />

Dimer ribbons of atp synthase shape the inner mitochondrial<br />

membrane.<br />

EMBO J. 27, 1154-1160.<br />

Ö. yildiz, K.r. vinothkumar, P. goswami, W. Kühlbrandt (2006)<br />

structure of the monomeric outer-membrane porin ompG in the<br />

open and closed con<strong>for</strong>mation.<br />

EMBO J. 25, 3702-3713.<br />

J. Standfuss, a.terwisscha van Scheltinga, M. lamborghini, W. Kühlbrandt<br />

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mechanisms of photoprotection and non-photochemical quenching<br />

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two variants of the assembly factor surf1 target specific terminal<br />

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Kinetic resolution of a tryptophan-radical intermediate in the<br />

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a novel approach to analyze membrane proteins by laser mass<br />

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C. Meyer, b. Schneider, S. Jakob, S. Strehl, S. Schnittger, C. Schoch,<br />

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H.J.M. brady, J. trka, l. lo nigro, a. biondi, e. Delabesse, e. Macintyre,<br />

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C. Meyer, b. Schneider, M. reichel, S. angermüller, S. Strehl, S. Schnittger,<br />

C. Schoch, M.J.C. Jansen, J.J. van Dongen, r. Pieters, o.a. Haas,<br />

t. Dingermann, t. Klingebiel, R. Marschalek (2005)<br />

a new diagnostic tool <strong>for</strong> the identification of mll rearrangements<br />

including unknown partner genes.<br />

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thoMas Meier<br />

l. Preiss, Ö. yildiz, D.b. Hicks, t.a. Krulwich, T. Meier (2010)<br />

a new type of proton coordination in an f1fo-atp synthase rotor<br />

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D. Pogoryelov, Ö.yildiz, J.D. faraldo-gómez, T. Meier (2009)<br />

High-resolution structure of the rotor ring of a proton-dependent<br />

atp synthase.<br />

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the c13 ring from a thermoalkaliphilic atp synthase reveals an<br />

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T. Meier, n. Morgner, D. Matthies, D. Pogoryelov, S. Keis, g.M. Cook,<br />

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Nature Cell Biol. 9, 99-105.<br />

klaas Martinus pos<br />

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Angew. Chem. Int. Edit. 48, 3292-3295.<br />

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herMann schägger<br />

i. wittig, r. a. Stuart, J. velours, H. Schägger (2008)<br />

Characterization of domain-interfaces in monomeric and dimeric<br />

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i. wittig, M. Karas, H. Schägger (2007)<br />

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H. Schägger, K. Pfeiffer (2000)<br />

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i. arnold, K. Pfeiffer, w. neupert, r.a. Stuart, H. Schägger (1998)<br />

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enrico schleiff<br />

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harald schWalbe<br />

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