27.06.2014 Aufrufe

Programm - schule.sg.ch - Kanton St.Gallen

Programm - schule.sg.ch - Kanton St.Gallen

Programm - schule.sg.ch - Kanton St.Gallen


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3807_English in Bristol<br />

Ziele To go beyond traditional language learning & ignite self belief in using the English language.<br />

Tea<strong>ch</strong>ing effectively in a modern, digital world.<br />

Inhalt English lessons (15 hrs), learner styles, spoken performance workshop, methodology and<br />

class management – tailored according to the wishes and needs of the participants.<br />

Afternoons are spent on local visits with the tea<strong>ch</strong>er:<br />

Park <strong>St</strong>reet, City Museum & Art Gallery – MShed and harbour walk – <strong>St</strong> Ni<strong>ch</strong>olas market<br />

and Cabot Circus – Bristol cathedral and classical concert – Clifton Village and Suspension<br />

Bridge.<br />

Accommodation: homestay, single room, halfboard or guesthouse/B&B.<br />

Anbieter Akzent Spra<strong>ch</strong>bildung GmbH, Goethestrasse 12, 8001 Züri<strong>ch</strong><br />

Ort Bristol<br />

Dauer 5 days of tuition, 6 days accommodation, add-on programs on request<br />

Daten Sun, 28th September to Sa, 4th October<br />

Hinweise Accommodation (approx. CHF 365.–). Flight and bus ticket (approx. CHF 350.–)<br />

not included. Akzent will offer several options to you.<br />

Additional week: (27 hrs and accommodation) from CHF 1125.–.<br />

Additional week: (15 hrs and accommodation) from CHF 760.–.<br />

Zum Kurs sind nur OS-Lehrpersonen zugelassen, wel<strong>ch</strong>e keinen Auslandkurs der glei<strong>ch</strong>en<br />

Fremdspra<strong>ch</strong>e in den letzten fünf Jahren besu<strong>ch</strong>t haben und dieses Spra<strong>ch</strong>fa<strong>ch</strong> au<strong>ch</strong><br />

unterri<strong>ch</strong>ten.<br />

Bei allfälligen Abmeldungen ab 1. April ist mit Umtrieb<strong>sg</strong>ebühren von Fr. 60.– bis Fr. 250.–<br />

je na<strong>ch</strong> Anbieter und Abmeldedatum zu re<strong>ch</strong>nen. Abmeldungen innerhalb von 30 Tagen<br />

vor Kursbeginn ziehen höhere Gebühren na<strong>ch</strong> si<strong>ch</strong> (gemäss Ges<strong>ch</strong>äftsbedingungen des<br />

Anbieters).<br />

3<br />

Spra<strong>ch</strong>en – Englis<strong>ch</strong><br />


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