S2 – Leitlinie - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pneumologie

S2 – Leitlinie - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pneumologie S2 – Leitlinie - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pneumologie

27.05.2014 Aufrufe

Literatur survival with mechanical ventilation in posttuberculosis patients with the combination of respiratory failure and chest wall deformity, Chest 133(1): S. 156- 60. Janssens, J. P., Cicotti, E., Fitting, J. W. und Rochat, T. (1998). Non-invasive home ventilation in patients over 75 years of age: tolerance, compliance, and impact on quality of life, Respir Med 92(12): S. 1311-20. Janssens, J., Derivaz, S., Breitenstein, E., De Muralt, B., Fitting, J., Chevrolet, J. und Rochat, T. (2003). Changing patterns in long-term noninvasive ventilation: a 7- year prospective study in the Geneva Lake area, Chest 123(1): S. 67-79. Janssens, J., Metzger, M. und Sforza, E. (2009). Impact of volume targeting on efficacy of bi-level non-invasive ventilation and sleep in obesity-hypoventilation, Respir Med 103(2): S. 165-72. Janssens, J., Pépin, J. und Guo, Y. F. (2008). NIV and chronic respiratory failure secondary to obesity. In: J.-F. Muir, N. Ambrosino und A. K. Simonds (Hg). Noninvasive ventilation, K. Larsson (Ed. in Chief). European Respiratory Monograph. 2. Auflage, ERS Journals, Sheffield. S. 251-264. Jones, S. E., Packham, S., Hebden, M. und Smith, A. P. (1998). Domiciliary nocturnal intermittent positive pressure ventilation in patients with respiratory failure due to severe COPD: long-term follow up and effect on survival, Thorax 53(6): S. 495-8. Kabitz, H. J., Walterspacher, S., Walker, D. und Windisch, W. (2007b). Inspiratory muscle strength in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease depending on disease severity, Clin Sci (Lond) 113(5): S. 243-9. Kabitz, H. und Windisch, W. (2007a). Respiratory muscle testing: state of the art, Pneumologie 61(9): S. 582-7. Kang, S. W. und Bach, J. R. (2000). Maximum insufflation capacity, Chest 118(1): S. 61-5. Karakurt, S., Fanfulla, F. und Nava, S. (2001). Is it safe for patients with chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure undergoing home noninvasive ventilation to discontinue ventilation briefly? Chest 119(5): S. 1379-86. Katz, S., Selvadurai, H., Keilty, K., Mitchell, M. und MacLusky, I. (2004). Outcome of non-invasive positive pressure ventilation in paediatric neuromuscular disease, Arch Dis Child 89(2): S. 121-4. Kessler, R., Chaouat, A., Schinkewitch, P., Faller, M., Casel, S., Krieger, J. und Weitzenblum, E. (2001). The obesity-hypoventilation syndrome revisited: a 113

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Literatur<br />

survival with mechanical ventilation in posttuberculosis patients with the<br />

combination of respiratory failure and chest wall deformity, Chest 133(1): S. 156-<br />

60.<br />

Janssens, J. P., Cicotti, E., Fitting, J. W. und Rochat, T. (1998). Non-invasive home<br />

ventilation in patients over 75 years of age: tolerance, compliance, and impact on<br />

quality of life, Respir Med 92(12): S. 1311-20.<br />

Janssens, J., Derivaz, S., Breitenstein, E., De Muralt, B., Fitting, J., Chevrolet, J. und<br />

Rochat, T. (2003). Changing patterns in long-term noninvasive ventilation: a 7-<br />

year prospective study in the Geneva Lake area, Chest 123(1): S. 67-79.<br />

Janssens, J., Metzger, M. und Sforza, E. (2009). Impact of volume targeting on<br />

efficacy of bi-level non-invasive ventilation and sleep in obesity-hypoventilation,<br />

Respir Med 103(2): S. 165-72.<br />

Janssens, J., Pépin, J. und Guo, Y. F. (2008). NIV and chronic respiratory failure<br />

secondary to obesity. In: J.-F. Muir, N. Ambrosino und A. K. Simonds (Hg).<br />

Noninvasive ventilation, K. Larsson (Ed. in Chief). European Respiratory<br />

Monograph. 2. Auflage, ERS Journals, Sheffield. S. 251-264.<br />

Jones, S. E., Packham, S., Hebden, M. und Smith, A. P. (1998). Domiciliary<br />

nocturnal intermittent positive pressure ventilation in patients with respiratory<br />

failure due to severe COPD: long-term follow up and effect on survival, Thorax<br />

53(6): S. 495-8.<br />

Kabitz, H. J., Walterspacher, S., Walker, D. und Windisch, W. (2007b). Inspiratory<br />

muscle strength in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease depending on disease<br />

severity, Clin Sci (Lond) 113(5): S. 243-9.<br />

Kabitz, H. und Windisch, W. (2007a). Respiratory muscle testing: state of the art,<br />

<strong>Pneumologie</strong> 61(9): S. 582-7.<br />

Kang, S. W. und Bach, J. R. (2000). Maximum insufflation capacity, Chest 118(1): S.<br />

61-5.<br />

Karakurt, S., Fanfulla, F. und Nava, S. (2001). Is it safe for patients with chronic<br />

hypercapnic respiratory failure undergoing home noninvasive ventilation to<br />

discontinue ventilation briefly? Chest 119(5): S. 1379-86.<br />

Katz, S., Selvadurai, H., Keilty, K., Mitchell, M. und MacLusky, I. (2004). Outcome of<br />

non-invasive positive pressure ventilation in paediatric neuromuscular disease,<br />

Arch Dis Child 89(2): S. 121-4.<br />

Kessler, R., Chaouat, A., Schinkewitch, P., Faller, M., Casel, S., Krieger, J. und<br />

Weitzenblum, E. (2001). The obesity-hypoventilation syndrome revisited: a<br />


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