Herbsttagung Programm & Abstracts - Deutsche Gesellschaft für ...

Herbsttagung Programm & Abstracts - Deutsche Gesellschaft für ... Herbsttagung Programm & Abstracts - Deutsche Gesellschaft für ...

27.05.2014 Aufrufe

Effekt von cAMP und cGMP beeinflussender Wirkstoffe auf die Monozytenreifung Höhne K, Müller-Quernheim J, Zissel G Universitätsklinik Freiburg, Medizinische Klinik, Abt. Pneumologie, Freiburg, Einleitung: Makrophagen können abhängig von ihrer Umgebung und vorhandenen Signalen einen sehr heterogenen Phänotyp aufweisen. Während TH-1 assoziiertes IFNγ einen klassischen Makrophagentyp (M1) induziert, folgt der Stimulation mit TH2-assoziiertem IL4, IL10 oder IL13 ein alternativer Phänotyp (M2). M2-Makrophagen sind an Angiogenese, Gewebe-Remodelling und - Reparatur beteiligt. Phänotyp und Funktion Tumor-assoziierter Makrophagen (TAM) weisen ebenfalls auf einen polarisierten M2-Makrophagen hin. Methoden: Die Monozyten wurden drei Tage mit A549 Zellen kokultiviert und mit unterschiedlichen cAMP- und cGMP-beeinflussenden Wirkstoffen stimuliert. Anschließend wurde die Expression von Arginase und CCL18, beides Marker des alternativen Phänotyps, bei A549 bzw. Monozyten alleine und in Kokultur analysiert. Dazu wurde die Arginase 1 mRNA Expression mittels qPCR und die CCL18 Proteinkonzentration mittes ELISA bestimmt. Ergebnisse: A549 alleine exprimieren kein CCL18. Monozyten zeigen ohne weitere Stimulation eine deutliche CCL18 Freisetzung, die jedoch durch Kokultur mit A549 noch erhöht wird. Der PDE4- Inhibitor Roflumilast N-oxid (RNO) senkt in der Kokultur die CCL18 Freisetzung; diese Senkung erreicht aber kein signifikantes Niveau. Der Phosphodiesterase 3 (PDE3)-Inhibitor Motapizon (Mota) bzw. die Kombination aus Mota und RNO senkt dagegen die CCL18 Freisetzung signifikant. Auch der cGMP spezifische PDE5-Inhibitor Zaprinast und der unspezifische PDE-Inhibitor Pentoxifyllin reduzieren die CCL18-Proteinexpression. Besonders effektive Hemmer der CCL18 Produktion sind IBMX, ein nicht-selektiver Inhibtior und YC-1, ein Aktivator der Guanylatzyklase. Die Expression von Arginase 1 mRNA wird im Gegensatz zu CCL18 nicht ausschließlich durch cAMP bzw. cGMP beeinflussenden Wirkstoffe reguliert. Jedoch kann die nicht-selektive Hemmung von PDEs durch Pentoxifyllin die Expression der Arginase 1 mRNA in Kokultur senken. Die Modulation von cAMP und cGMP durch Phosphodiesterasen ermöglicht somit eine teilweise starke Verringerung der Expression von Markern, die typisch für einen M2-Phänotyp sind. Diskussion: Die Daten zeigen, dass die Modulation von cAMP und cGMP die Makrophagenphänotypen regulieren können. Sowohl Arginase als auch CCL18 spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Matrixproduktion, welche sowohl bei der Lungenfibrose als auch beim Wachstum solider Tumore von Bedeutung ist. 44

P2Y6 receptor signalling in COPD patients and cigarette smoke-exposed mice C. Korcan Ayata* 1 , Ken R. Bracke* 2 , Sanja Cicko 1 , Monica Lucattelli 3 , Davide Ferrari 4 , J. Christian Virchow 5 , Giuseppe Lungarella 3 , Rembert Koczulla 6 , Guy G. Brusselle 2 and Marco Idzko 1 . 1 Department of Pneumology, University Medical Center, Freiburg, Germany. 2 Department of Respiratory Medicine, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium. 3 Department of Physiopathology and Experimental Medicine, University of Siena, Italy. 4 Department of Experimental and Diagnostic Medicine, Center for the Study of Inflammation, University of Ferrara, Italy. 5 Department of Pneumology, University Hospital, Rostock, Germany. 6 Department of Pneumology, University Hospital, Marburg, Germany. Rationale: Extracellular ATP, via activation of the purinergic receptor subtypes P2Y2 and P2X7, has been identified as a new player in the pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cigarette smoke (CS)-induced lung inflammation. Recent evidence suggests a role of the UDP/P2Y6R axis in inflammatory lung diseases; however its denotation in COPD needs to be elucidated. Objectives: To explore the relevance of P2Y6R signalling in the pathogenesis of COPD. Methods: Expression of the P2Y6R was assessed on lung tissue from never smokers, smokers without airflow obstruction and patients with COPD, as well as in mice with CS-induced lung inflammation. Additionally, pulmonary UDP/UTP levels were quantified in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of CS-exposed mice. Next, in a series of in vivo experiments using P2Y6R agonists/antagonists and genetically engineered mice, the functional relevance of P2Y6R in CSinduced lung inflammation was explored. Finally, the release and expression of inflammatory mediators upon UDP stimulation was assessed in vitro in primary human airway epithelial cells (AEC). Measurements and Main Results: P2Y6R expression was strongly increased in airway epithelium of patients with COPD and correlated significantly with disease severity. Accordingly, P2Y6R expression was also upregulated in airway epithelium of mice with CS-induced lung inflammation, and was accompanied by increased levels of UTP/UDP in the BALF. Interestingly, selective inhibition or deficiency of P2Y6R both resulted in attenuated lung inflammation and protection against the development of emphysema upon CS-exposure. Mechanistically, UDP stimulation of the P2Y6R resulted in increased expression and release of various chemokines/cytokines, either in vivo in CSexposed mice, or in vitro in human primary AEC, thereby favouring the recruitment of blood neutrophils to the lung. Conclusion: As the UDP/P2Y6R axis is involved in the pathogenesis of COPD, selective P2Y6R antagonists might be a new therapeutic option for this devastating disease. 45

P2Y6 receptor signalling in COPD patients and cigarette smoke-exposed mice<br />

C. Korcan Ayata* 1 , Ken R. Bracke* 2 , Sanja Cicko 1 , Monica Lucattelli 3 , Davide Ferrari 4 , J. Christian<br />

Virchow 5 , Giuseppe Lungarella 3 , Rembert Koczulla 6 , Guy G. Brusselle 2 and Marco Idzko 1 .<br />

1 Department of Pneumology, University Medical Center, Freiburg, Germany.<br />

2 Department of<br />

Respiratory Medicine, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium. 3 Department of Physiopathology and<br />

Experimental Medicine, University of Siena, Italy. 4 Department of Experimental and Diagnostic<br />

Medicine, Center for the Study of Inflammation, University of Ferrara, Italy. 5 Department of<br />

Pneumology, University Hospital, Rostock, Germany. 6 Department of Pneumology, University<br />

Hospital, Marburg, Germany.<br />

Rationale: Extracellular ATP, via activation of the purinergic receptor subtypes P2Y2 and P2X7, has<br />

been identified as a new player in the pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)<br />

and cigarette smoke (CS)-induced lung inflammation. Recent evidence suggests a role of the<br />

UDP/P2Y6R axis in inflammatory lung diseases; however its denotation in COPD needs to be<br />

elucidated.<br />

Objectives: To explore the relevance of P2Y6R signalling in the pathogenesis of COPD.<br />

Methods: Expression of the P2Y6R was assessed on lung tissue from never smokers, smokers<br />

without airflow obstruction and patients with COPD, as well as in mice with CS-induced lung<br />

inflammation. Additionally, pulmonary UDP/UTP levels were quantified in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid<br />

(BALF) of CS-exposed mice. Next, in a series of in vivo experiments using P2Y6R<br />

agonists/antagonists and genetically engineered mice, the functional relevance of P2Y6R in CSinduced<br />

lung inflammation was explored. Finally, the release and expression of inflammatory<br />

mediators upon UDP stimulation was assessed in vitro in primary human airway epithelial cells (AEC).<br />

Measurements and Main Results: P2Y6R expression was strongly increased in airway epithelium of<br />

patients with COPD and correlated significantly with disease severity. Accordingly, P2Y6R expression<br />

was also upregulated in airway epithelium of mice with CS-induced lung inflammation, and was<br />

accompanied by increased levels of UTP/UDP in the BALF. Interestingly, selective inhibition or<br />

deficiency of P2Y6R both resulted in attenuated lung inflammation and protection against the<br />

development of emphysema upon CS-exposure. Mechanistically, UDP stimulation of the P2Y6R<br />

resulted in increased expression and release of various chemokines/cytokines, either in vivo in CSexposed<br />

mice, or in vitro in human primary AEC, thereby favouring the recruitment of blood<br />

neutrophils to the lung.<br />

Conclusion: As the UDP/P2Y6R axis is involved in the pathogenesis of COPD, selective P2Y6R<br />

antagonists might be a new therapeutic option for this devastating disease.<br />


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