06.05.2014 Aufrufe

Skylines 03|14

Skylines 03|14

Skylines 03|14


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Ein beliebter<br />

Treffpunkt für<br />

Romantiker: der<br />

Schlossplatz vor der<br />

Eremitage. A popular<br />

meeting point for<br />

romantics: the<br />

Hermitage’s Palace<br />

Square.<br />


vertraut ist, verdankt die Stadt Dasha<br />

Zhukowa, der Freundin des Oligarchen<br />

Roman Abramowitsch, der Fußballfreunden<br />

vor allem als Eigentümer des FC Chelsea<br />

bekannt ist. Auf New Holland Island hat sie<br />

ein sommerliches Kulturzentrum mit<br />

Galerien, Buchhandlungen, Cafés und<br />

Freiluftkino eingerichtet.<br />

Ein anderer Oligarch, Viktor Vekselberg,<br />

setzt hingegen auf weniger kontroversielle<br />

Kunst und erinnert lieber an das St. Petersburg<br />

der Zaren und des Adels. Im Palais<br />

Shuvalov hat er dieser Tage das Fabergé<br />

Museum eröffnet. Gut 1.000 Arbeiten aus der<br />

Werkstatt der Fabergés sind hier ausgestellt,<br />

darunter das erste Ei, das der Goldschmied<br />

Peter Carl Fabergé im Jahr 1885 angefertigt<br />

hat, im Auftrag von Zar Alexander II., der es<br />

seiner Frau als Ostergeschenk überreichte.<br />

///<br />

uch has been whispered, told and written<br />

M about the insatiable appetites of the Tsarina<br />

Catherine the Great; her numerous lovers and affairs<br />

have been the stuff of many a novel and film.<br />

Catherine also had strong opinions when it came to<br />

political and military affairs, however: by waging<br />

two wars, she finally wrested control of the Black Sea<br />

coast away from the Turks, and conquered the<br />

Crimean Peninsula.<br />

On this occasion, however, we are primarily<br />

interested in Catherine’s interest in the arts and<br />

culture. The Tsarina, who was born Sophie Auguste<br />

Friederike von Anhalt-Zerbst, admired Voltaire, and<br />

communicated with the French philosopher in a<br />

stimulating exchange of letters. She visited him at<br />

his country estate at Ferney, and purchased his<br />

library after his death.<br />

Just like the founder of Russia’s second city, Peter<br />

the Great, Catherine looked to the west with great<br />

interest. She was a passionate collector of art,<br />

acquiring pieces by Rubens, Titian, Rembrandt and<br />

many others. In 1764 she purchased the collection of<br />

Prussian entrepreneur and art dealer Johann Ernst<br />

Gotskowski. It consisted of almost 225 paintings, the<br />

majority by Flemish and Dutch masters, which<br />

Catherine had hung in an outbuilding of the Winter<br />

Palace, which she duly named her ‘Hermitage’, or<br />

‘sacred retreat’. In the years that followed, Catherine<br />

commissioned her ambassadors throughout Europe<br />

with participating in auctions and acquiring works<br />

of art – not just paintings, but also archaeological<br />

and ethnological treasures, handicrafts, sculptures<br />

and books – for the Hermitage.<br />

22 | skylines 03/2014<br />

03/2014 skylines | 23

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