31.10.2012 Aufrufe

Literatur: BASF Plant Science Company GmbH (2010) AMFLORA Amylopectin Potato EH92-527-1 User Guide. Billmann B (2008) Auswirkungen eines Verbots der Protoplastenfusion auf das Sortenspektrum im ökologischen Acker- und Gemüsebau. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), Frick. Bradshaw JE, Chapman IM, Dale MFB, Mackay GR, Solomon-Blackburn RM, Phillips MS, Stewart HE, Swan GEL, Todd D, Wilson RN (1999) Applied potato genetics and breeding: potato improvement by multitrait genotypic recurrent selection. Ann Rep 1998/1999, pp 92-96. Scottish Crop Research Institute, Dundee. Bradshaw JE (2009) Improving the yield, processing quality and disease and pest resistance of potatoes by genotypic recurrent selection. 59. Tagung der Vereinigung der Pflanzenzüchter und Saatgutkaufleute Österreichs 2008, pp 43-46. LFZ Raumberg- Gumpenstein, Irdning. Caligari PDS (1992) Breeding new varieties. In: Harris P (ed), The potato crop, pp 334-372. Chapman & Hall, London. Clulow SA, McNicoll J, Bradshaw JE (1995) Producing commercially attractive, uniform true potato seed progenies : the influence of breeding scheme and parental genotype. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 90, 519-525. Ducreux LJM, Morris WL, Hedley PE, Shepherd T, Davies HV, Millam S, Taylor MA (2005) Metabolic engineering of high carotenoid potato tubers containing enhanced levels of �-carotene and lutein. Journal of Experimental Botany 56, 81-89. Hofvander P (2004) Production of amylopectin and high-amylose starch in separate potato genotypes. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae, Agraria 495. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala. Mackey GR (2003) Potato breeding at SCRI during the last quarter of the 20th century. Ann Rep 2001/2002, pp 83-92. Scottish Crop Research Institute, Dundee. Römer S, Lübeck J, Kauder F, Steiger S, Adomat C, Sandmann G (2002) Genetic engineering of a zeaxanthin-rich potato by antisense inactivation and co-suppression of carotenoid epoxidation. Metabolic Engineering 4, 263-272. Rommens CM (2007) Introgenic crop improvement: combining the benefits of traditional breeding and genetic engineering. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55, 4281-4288. Rommens CM (2008) The need for professional guidelines in plant breeding. Trends in Plant Science 13, 261-263. Schouten HJ, Krens FA, Jacobsen E (2006) Cisgenic plants are similar to traditionally bred plants. EMBO Reports 7, 750-753. Schwarzfischer A, Song Y, Scholz H, Schwarzfischer J, Hepting L (2002) Haploidiezüchtung, Protoplastenfusion und Entwicklung von genetischen Markern zur gezielteren Sortenentwicklung bei Kartoffeln. Vorträge für Pflanzenzüchtung 54, 123-130. Sommersemester 2012 Kartoffelzüchtung / 957.307 / Heinrich Grausgruber 38

Literatur:<br />

BASF Plant Science Company GmbH (2010) AMFLORA Amylopectin Potato EH92-527-1 User Guide.<br />

Billmann B (2008) Auswirkungen eines Verbots der Protoplastenfusion auf das Sortenspektrum im ökologischen Acker- und<br />

Gemüsebau. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), Frick.<br />

Bradshaw JE, Chapman IM, Dale MFB, Mackay GR, Solomon-Blackburn RM, Phillips MS, Stewart HE, Swan GEL, Todd D, Wilson RN<br />

(1999) Applied potato genetics and breeding: potato improvement by multitrait genotypic recurrent selection. Ann Rep 1998/1999, pp<br />

92-96. Scottish Crop Research Institute, Dundee.<br />

Bradshaw JE (2009) Improving the yield, processing quality and disease and pest resistance of potatoes by genotypic recurrent<br />

selection. 59. Tagung der Vereinigung der Pflanzenzüchter und Saatgutkaufleute Österreichs 2008, pp 43-46. LFZ Raumberg-<br />

Gumpenstein, Irdning.<br />

Caligari PDS (1992) Breeding new varieties. In: Harris P (ed), The potato crop, pp 334-372. Chapman & Hall, London.<br />

Clulow SA, McNicoll J, Bradshaw JE (1995) Producing commercially attractive, uniform true potato seed progenies : the influence of<br />

breeding scheme and parental genotype. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 90, 519-525.<br />

Ducreux LJM, Morris WL, Hedley PE, Shepherd T, Davies HV, Millam S, Taylor MA (2005) Metabolic engineering of high carotenoid<br />

potato tubers containing enhanced levels of �-carotene and lutein. Journal of Experimental Botany 56, 81-89.<br />

Hofvander P (2004) Production of amylopectin and high-amylose starch in separate potato genotypes. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae<br />

Sueciae, Agraria 495. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala.<br />

Mackey GR (2003) Potato breeding at SCRI during the last quarter of the 20th century. Ann Rep 2001/2002, pp 83-92. Scottish Crop<br />

Research Institute, Dundee.<br />

Römer S, Lübeck J, Kauder F, Steiger S, Adomat C, Sandmann G (2002) Genetic engineering of a zeaxanthin-rich potato by antisense<br />

inactivation and co-suppression of carotenoid epoxidation. Metabolic Engineering 4, 263-272.<br />

Rommens CM (2007) Introgenic crop improvement: combining the benefits of traditional breeding and genetic engineering. Journal of<br />

Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55, 4281-4288.<br />

Rommens CM (2008) The need for professional guidelines in plant breeding. Trends in Plant Science 13, 261-263.<br />

Schouten HJ, Krens FA, Jacobsen E (2006) Cisgenic plants are similar to traditionally bred plants. EMBO Reports 7, 750-753.<br />

Schwarzfischer A, Song Y, Scholz H, Schwarzfischer J, Hepting L (2002) Haploidiezüchtung, Protoplastenfusion und Entwicklung von<br />

genetischen Markern zur gezielteren Sortenentwicklung bei Kartoffeln. Vorträge für Pflanzenzüchtung 54, 123-130.<br />

Sommersemester 2012 Kartoffelzüchtung / 957.307 / Heinrich Grausgruber<br />


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