19.04.2014 Aufrufe

RG 520

RG 520

RG 520


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EN<br />

Raclette from four types of cheeses<br />

recipe for 4 persons<br />

200 g of semi-hard Holland cheese<br />

200 g of Gouda<br />

200 g of Edam<br />

200 g of Swiss cheese<br />

1 kg of potatoes<br />

8 slices of ham<br />

4 slices of pistachio flavoured mortadella<br />

8 very fine slices of prosciutto or other dry meat<br />

2 spoons of mustard<br />

1/2 spoon of ground caraway seed<br />

1/2 spoon of ground paprika<br />

Preparation:<br />

1. Wash potatoes with peels, wrap in aluminium foil and leave to bake in the oven.<br />

2 Dice all types of cheeses. In one bowl, mix mustard and caraway seed and in another bowl, the<br />

remaining mustard and paprika.<br />

3. Roll the slices of prosciutto and ham and put on a plate.<br />

4. Each diner will place several cubes of cheese, which was covered with one of the mustard sauces,<br />

into the raclette pan.<br />

5. The cheese melts within several minutes and served with potatoes, prosciutto and ham.<br />

Lotrine raclette<br />

recipe for 4 persons<br />

600 g of prosciutto<br />

400 g of Swiss cheese<br />

4 eggs<br />

4 spoons of whip cream<br />

1 spoon of chopped parsley<br />

a little bit of grated Parmesan<br />

a pinch of freshly grated nutmeg<br />

salt and freshly ground black pepper<br />

Preparation:<br />

1. Dice the prosciutto and shred the cheese roughly<br />

2. Mix the eggs, cream and nutmeg, add salt, pepper and put into refrigerator<br />

3. Pour the mixture into the raclette pans and sprinkle with Parmesan and chopped parsley.<br />

4. Insert the pans beneath the grill and bake the contents for several minutes until golden.<br />

5. Serve with salad.<br />

Cheese toasts with mushroom skewers<br />

recipe for 4 persons<br />

300 g of hard cheese<br />

4 slices of toast bread<br />

2 egg yolks<br />

5 spoons of beer<br />

1 spoon of spicy mustard<br />

salt and ground white pepper<br />

Ingredients for the mushroom skewer:<br />

250 g of oyster mushrooms<br />

250 g of chanterelles<br />


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