07.04.2014 Aufrufe


Publikation zum 2. Jubiläum von PLATFORM3 München, als Ergänzung zum Künstlerkatalog PLATFORM3 works. Die Natur dieser Publikation ist ausdrücklich dokumentarisch. Fotografien: Jörg Koopmann. Herausgeber: Birgit Pelzmann, Nikolai Vogel, Marlene Rigler für PLATFORM3-Räume für zeitgenössische Kunst. München, 2011

Publikation zum 2. Jubiläum von PLATFORM3 München, als Ergänzung zum Künstlerkatalog PLATFORM3 works. Die Natur dieser Publikation ist ausdrücklich dokumentarisch. Fotografien: Jörg Koopmann.
Herausgeber: Birgit Pelzmann, Nikolai Vogel, Marlene Rigler für PLATFORM3-Räume für zeitgenössische Kunst. München, 2011


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PLATFORM3 Futures<br />

J.-Peter Pinck, Managing Director and<br />

Marlene Rigler, Program Manager<br />

PLATFORM3 under the tutorial of the nonprofit corporation<br />

Wohnforum München gemeinnützige GmbH<br />

Das (ideale) Atelier<br />

The (Ideal) Studio<br />

“He would have discovered the enormous ever-changing timespace<br />

which is created and limited by the forces of past and future.”<br />

Hannah Arendt on Kafka’s short story He from 1920<br />

With ‘Future(s),’ profit is made – and not only in the financial world,<br />

where ‘Futures’ represent time-bound investments on the stock<br />

market. This exhibition’s multivalent title calls attention to the fact<br />

that this praxis applies also to political, urban, cultural and social<br />

realms of society. The term ‘future’ functions as a metaphor for<br />

possible progress, renewal, and change. In this context, the ‘past’<br />

becomes an antagonistic element, a burden that must be discarded<br />

in order to create space for the new.<br />

According to Hannah Arendt, the relationship between the<br />

past and the future is based on a paradox, and it is the resulting<br />

gap that makes up our present. With a nod to William Faulkner, it<br />

is equally important to recognize that all things that are forwardlooking<br />

can generate the power of their focus largely by virtue of that<br />

which has already taken place. The historical avant-gardes demonstrated<br />

the extent to which utopian movements are, by definition,<br />

designed for future thought and practice, beyond their respective<br />

historical contexts. Utopias are effectual projections into the future<br />

that, by their very nature, transcend their own coordinates of time<br />

and space. At the same time, however, utopias strive to initiate this<br />

process of transformation in the here and now, rather than at a<br />

future time. It also lies in their nature to appear potentially too early<br />

or to be recognized too late.<br />

For the sake of experimentation, let us consider PLATFORM3<br />

as a type of utopia. In this case, the conclusion drawn above has<br />

to be revisited. The ‘utopian’ model, founded in Munich in March 2009,<br />

might well have unexpectedly appeared on the scene to some; and,<br />

after two years, it still causes occasional bewilderment because<br />

of its unconventional format. Notwithstanding, it has been identified<br />

and widely accepted as a trendsetter by now.<br />

Because of its utopian, experimental character, this ‘platform’<br />

has served as a vital sounding board for those artistic and cultural<br />

discourses which remain difficult to situate within conventional frame -<br />

works. Each project generates new questions concerning content<br />

and form – questions that can only be resolved within the observer,<br />

within each individual history and horizon.<br />

The future path of PLATFORM3 has already taken shape,<br />

it is firmly inscribed in its daily practice: in the effort to provide space<br />

for those particular artistic and cultural processes which seem<br />

aesthetically and socially relevant.<br />


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