01.03.2014 Aufrufe

O-Töne Februar 2014.indd - HfMDK Frankfurt

O-Töne Februar 2014.indd - HfMDK Frankfurt

O-Töne Februar 2014.indd - HfMDK Frankfurt


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O-<strong>Töne</strong> 12. Jahrgang | Nr. 1 | <strong>Februar</strong> 2014<br />

Studierende nahmen sich in „Tanz der Künste“ interdisziplinär eines schwierigen Themas an<br />

„Let´s try the impossible“ - § 301<br />

§301 entstand zwischen September und<br />

Oktober 2013 als eine interdisziplinäre Arbeit<br />

der Bereiche Schauspiel, Tanz, Komposition,<br />

Theater-und Orchestermanagement<br />

sowie des Studienganges Theater-,<br />

Film- und Medienwissenschaften der<br />

Goethe-Universität. Ausgangspunkt der<br />

gemeinschaftlichen Beschäftigung mit den<br />

Kernthemen politische Verfolgung, Masse,<br />

Macht und Identität war die Tötung von bis<br />

zu 70.000 alevitisch-stämmigen Kurden in<br />

der ostanatolischen Stadt Dersim 1937/38.<br />

Die Arbeit wurde vom Projektfonds Tanz der<br />

Künste gefördert, der jedes Jahr mehrere<br />

interdisziplinäre Produktionen an der <strong>HfMDK</strong><br />

mit bis zu 4000 Euro fördert. Gespräche<br />

zwischen den Gruppenmitgliedern fanden<br />

weitgehend in englischer Sprache statt,<br />

weshalb wir uns entschieden haben, auch<br />

diesen Artikel in Englisch zu verfassen.<br />

<br />

<br />

in a lot of talking about interdisciplinarity.<br />

<br />

<br />

were encouraged to think about this in a<br />

<br />

Wikipedia describes it as a combination<br />

of at least two academic disciplines into<br />

<br />

new by crossing boundaries and thinking<br />

<br />

<br />

reality? After a certain amount of time it<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

could endanger an interdisciplinary work<br />

<br />

Quote of an actor: „I still don`t really<br />

know if I like the piece (laugh). ...It felt<br />

really good to know that`s all because of<br />

us. “<br />

<br />

of §301 <br />

to be able to answer without throwing<br />

<br />

bring a little light into the interdisciplinary<br />

<br />

project. A couple of weeks ago we had a<br />

<br />

<br />

project-coordination. During the creation<br />

of §301 there was neither a director nor<br />

a dramatic piece that referred to. It was<br />

primarily our interest to learn more about<br />

that unknown topic. This and the hunger<br />

for something self-made was what made<br />

<br />

interdisciplinarity in our case was also a way<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

freedom is not always an easy thing<br />

to handle. Interdisciplinarity forced us<br />

<br />

we want to work?” Generally we saw<br />

<br />

<br />

found out the perfect way until the<br />

<br />

<br />

idea and on the other hand enables<br />

<br />

<br />

answers.<br />

Quote of a dancer: „We had high<br />

expectations. We came to you after<br />

a whole day of training. We were<br />

tired. You were tired. And you told<br />

me what you had done all day<br />

about this big complicated topic. I<br />

didn`t know how this would work. “<br />

Do we want to understand<br />

interdisciplinarity as a way where<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

discipline? Or could this also mean<br />

that a dancing actor and an acting<br />

dancer are able to create a totally<br />

distinct artistic potential? Some kind<br />

of potential that in certain situations<br />

<br />

<br />

people our opinions about this were<br />

not always alike. Some of us thought<br />

<br />

whereas others felt less comfortable<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

interdisciplinarity<br />

Quote of a sound designer/<br />

composer: “I wanted to do what`s<br />

best for the project.“<br />

is a lot about being interested in<br />

searching for compromises. And<br />

working on a project with people<br />

from different disciplines has the<br />

potential to create these kind of<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

thought that made the progress.<br />

Toni Müßgens, Theater- und<br />


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