01.03.2014 Aufrufe

Wertschöpfung durch Migration - GIZ

Wertschöpfung durch Migration - GIZ

Wertschöpfung durch Migration - GIZ


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Literatur<br />

United Nations Economic Commission for Africa – Office for North Africa (2007): International <strong>Migration</strong> and<br />

Development in North Africa. Document ECA-NA/PUB/01 2007.<br />

UNECA: Addis Abbeba.<br />

http://www.uneca.org/sros/na/Events/2007<strong>Migration</strong>.pdf<br />

UNDP (2005): Una mirada al nuevo nosotros. El impacto de las migraciones. UNDP Informe sobre el desarrollo<br />

humano. UNDP: El Salvador.<br />

Unger, Kurt (2005): Regional Economic Development and Mexican Out-<strong>Migration</strong>. NBER Working Paper No. 11432.<br />

National Bureau for Economic Research: Cambridge, MA, USA.<br />

http://www.nber.org/papers/w11432<br />

63<br />

Vertovec, Steven (2002): Transnational Networks and Skilled Labour <strong>Migration</strong>. Conference Paper. Ladenburger<br />

Diskurs »<strong>Migration</strong>«. Gottlieb Daimler- und Karl Benz-Stiftung: Ladenburg.<br />

www.transcomm.ox.ac.uk/working%20papers/WPTC-02-02%20Vertovec.pdf<br />

Wei, Yingqi (2004): Foreign Direct Investment in China. In: Wei, Yingqi and Balasubramanyam, V. N. (2004):<br />

Foreign Direct Investment: Six Country Case Studies, p. 9–37. Edward-Elgar: Cheltenham, U. K.<br />

Winterhagen, Jenni (2008): Entscheidend ist die Strategie. Tourismusentwicklung und <strong>Migration</strong> in Plav,<br />

Montenegro. GTZ: Eschborn.<br />

World Bank (2008): Global Economic Prospects 2008: Technology Diffusion in the Developing World. The World<br />

Bank: Washington, D. C.<br />

3. Links<br />

CEFE International: http://www.cefe.net

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