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[197] T. Praisner, E. Allen-Bradley, E. Grover, D. Knezevici, and S. Sjolander. Application of<br />

non-axisymmetric endwall contouring to conventional and high-lift turbine airfoils. Proceedings<br />

of ASME Turbo Expo, (Paper number GT-2007-27579), 2007.<br />

[198] D. Knezevici, S. Sjolander, T. Praisner, E. Allen-Bradley, and E. Grover. Measurements<br />

of secondary losses in a turbine cascade with the implementation of non-axisymmetric<br />

endwall contouring. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo, (Paper number GT-2008-51311),<br />

2008.<br />

[199] D. Knezevici, S. Sjolander, T. Praisner, E. Allen-Bradley, and E. Grover. Measurements of<br />

secondary losses in a high-lift front-loaded turbine cascade with the implementation of<br />

non-axisymmetric endwall contouring. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo, (Paper number<br />

GT-2009-59677), 2009.<br />

[200] R. Vazquez and V. Fidalgo. The effect of reynolds and mach number on end-wall profiling<br />

performance. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo, (Paper number GT-2010-22765), 2010.<br />

[201] F. Wallin and L. Eriksson. Non-axisymmetric endwall shape optimization of an intermediate<br />

turbine duct. Proceedings of International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines,<br />

(Paper number 2007-1300), 2007.<br />

[202] X. Gao and X. Yuan. Aerodynamic optimization design of a 3-dimensional turbine cascade<br />

with non-axisymmetric hub end-wall. Proceedings of International Symposium on Air<br />

Breathing Engines, (Paper number 2007-1346), 2007.<br />

[203] P. Lott, N. Hills, J. Chew, T. Scanlon, and S. Shahpar. High pressure turbine stage endwall<br />

profile optimisation for performance and rim seal effectiveness. Proceedings of ASME<br />

Turbo Expo, (Paper number GT-2009-59923), 2009.<br />

[204] C. Feiler, H. P. Berg, F. Haselbach, and R. Benton. Some aspects of flow and heat transfer<br />

measurements of a non-axisymmetrically contoured turbine endwall. Proceedings of<br />

International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines, (Paper number 2005-1117), 2005.<br />

[205] G. Mahmood and S. Acharya. Measured endwall flow and passage heat transfer in a<br />

linear blade passage with endwall and leading edge modifications. Proceedings of ASME<br />

Turbo Expo, (Paper number GT-2007-28179), 2007.<br />

[206] S. Lynch, N. Sundaram, K. Thole, A. Kohli, and C. Lehane. Heat transfer for a turbine<br />

blade with nonaxisymmetric endwall contouring. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery,<br />

133(Paper number 011019), January 2011. Issue 1.<br />

[207] F. Gisbert, R. Corral, J. M. Chia, and C. Lopez. Cavity effects on the design of turbine<br />

profiles end walls. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo, (Paper number GT-2008-51136),<br />

2008.<br />

[208] S. Becz, M. Majewski, and L. Langston. An experimental investigation of contoured leading<br />

edges for secondary flow loss reduction. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo, (Paper<br />

number GT-2004-53964), 2004.<br />

[209] R. Corral and F. Gisbert. Profiled end-wall design using an adjoint navier-stokes solver.<br />

Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo, (Paper number GT-2006-90650), 2006.<br />

Literaturverzeichnis 113

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