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[185] G. Ingram, D. Gregory-Smith, M. Rose, N. Harvey, and G. Brennan. The effect of end-wall<br />

profiling on secondary flow and loss development in a turbine cascade. Proceedings of<br />

ASME Turbo Expo, (Paper number GT-2002-30339), 2002.<br />

[186] G. Ingram, D. Gregory-Smith, and N. Harvey. Experimental quantification of the benefits<br />

of end-wall profiling in a turbine cascade. Proceedings of International Symposium on Air<br />

Breathing Engines, (Paper number 2003-1101), 2003.<br />

[187] G. Snedden, T. Roos, D. Dunn, and D. Gregory-Smith. Characterisation of a refurbished<br />

11/2 stage turbine test rig for flowfield mapping behind blading with non-axisymmetric<br />

contoured endwalls. Proceedings of International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines,<br />

(Paper number 2007-1363), 2007.<br />

[188] G. Snedden, D. Dunn, G. Ingram, and D. Gregory-Smith. The application of nonaxisymmetric<br />

endwall contouring in a single stage, rotating turbine. Proceedings of ASME<br />

Turbo Expo, (Paper number GT-2009-59169), 2009.<br />

[189] M. Nagel, L. Fottner, and R. Baier. Optimization of three dimensionally designed turbine<br />

blades and side walls. Proceedings of International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines,<br />

(Paper number 2001-1058), 2001.<br />

[190] M. Nagel and R. Baier. Experimentally verified numerical optimization of a three dimensional<br />

parametrized turbine vane with nonaxisymmetric end walls. Proceedings of ASME<br />

Turbo Expo, (Paper number GT-2003-38624), 2003.<br />

[191] T. Germain, M. Nagel, and R. Baier. Visualisation and quantification of secondary flows:<br />

Application to turbine bladings with 3d-endwalls. Proceedings of the 8th International<br />

Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermondynamics of Internal Flows,<br />

(Paper number ISAIF8-0098), 2007.<br />

[192] P. Schüpbach, R. Abhari, M. Rose, T. Germain, I. Raab, and J. Gier. Improving efficiency of<br />

a high work turbine using non-axisymmetric endwalls part 2: Time-resolved flow physics.<br />

ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, 132(Paper number 021008), April 2010. Issue 2.<br />

[193] P. Schüpbach, M. Rose, J. Gier, I. Raab, T. Germain, and R. Abhari. Non-axisymmetric<br />

end wall profiles including fillet radii, in a 1.5 stage axial flow turbine. Proceedings of<br />

European Turbomachinery Conference, (Paper number 159), 2009.<br />

[194] P. Schüpbach, R. Abhari, M. Rose, and J. Gier. Influence of rim seal purge flow on the performance<br />

of an endwall-profiled axial turbine. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, 133(Paper<br />

number 021011), April 2011. Issue 2.<br />

[195] P. Jenny, R. Abhari, M. Rose, M. Brettschneider, and J. Gier. A low pressure turbine with<br />

profiled end walls and purge flow operating with a pressure side bubble. Proceedings of<br />

ASME Turbo Expo, (Paper number GT-2011-46309), 2011.<br />

[196] P. Jenny, R. Abhari, M. Rose, M. Brettschneider, J. Gier, and K. Engel. Low-pressure turbine<br />

end wall design optimisation and experimental verification in the presence of purge flow.<br />

Proceedings of International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines, (Paper number 2011-<br />

1717), 2011.<br />

112 Literaturverzeichnis

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