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[145] G. Legras, N. Gourdain, I. Trebinjac, and X. Ottavy. Analysis of unsteadiness on casing<br />

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[146] D. Rabe and C. Hah. Application of casing circumferential grooves for improved stall<br />

margin in a transonic axial compressor. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo, (Paper number<br />

GT-2002-30641), 2002.<br />

[147] V. Mileshin, I. Brailko, and A. Startsev. Application of casing circumferential grooves to<br />

counteract the influence of tip clearance. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo, (Paper number<br />

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[148] H. Chen, X. Huang, K. Shi, S. Fu, M. Bennington, S. Morris, M. Ross, S. McNulty, and<br />

A. Wadia. A cfd study of circumferential groove casing treatments in a transonic axial<br />

compressor. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo, (Paper number GT-2010-23606), 2010.<br />

[149] I. Wilke and H.-P. Kau. A numerical investigation of the influence of casing treatments on<br />

the tip leakage flow in a hpc front stage. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo, (Paper number<br />

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[150] S. Cros and X. Carbonneau. Computational study of the aerodynamic impact of stall<br />

margin improvements in a high tip speed fan. Proceedings of European Turbomachinery<br />

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[151] B. Beheshti, J. Teixeira, P. Ivey, K. Ghorbanian, and B. Farhanieh. Parametric study of tip<br />

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Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo, (Paper number GT-2004-53390), 2004.<br />

[152] C. Haixin, F. Song, and H. Xudong. Cfd investigation on tip leakage flow and casing treatment<br />

of a transonic compressor. Proceedings of International Symposium on Air Breathing<br />

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[153] X. Huang, H. Chen, and S. Fu. Cfd investigation on the circumferential grooves casing<br />

treatment of transonic compressor. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo, (Paper number GT-<br />

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[154] X. Huang, H. Chen, K. Shi, and S. Fu. Investigation of different casing treatments for<br />

flow control in a centrifugal compressor with splitter blade. Proceedings of International<br />

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[155] K. Choi, J. Kim, and K. Kim. Design optimization of circumferential casing grooves for<br />

a transonic axial compressor to enhance stall margin. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo,<br />

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[156] J. Kim, K. Choi, and K. Kim. Optimization of a transonic axial compressor considering<br />

interaction of blade and casing treatment to improve operating stability. Proceedings of<br />

ASME Turbo Expo, (Paper number GT-2011-45404), 2011.<br />

[157] G. Carnie, Y. Wang, N. Qin, and S. Shahpar. Design optimisation of casing grooves using<br />

the zipper layer meshing method. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo, (Paper number GT-<br />

2011-45483), 2011.<br />

Literaturverzeichnis 109

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